Need motivation!!!!

I want to start the new year right and I want to lose about 30 pounds but I need the motivation!!!! Can anybody help??!?!?!


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Why do you want to lose 30 lbs?
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    I've lost 32 pounds since July. Just start logging and log HONESTLY. Exercise. Anything you do will help. Walk outside, join a gym, just get MOVING. It's all about calories in, calories out. It's really very simple. I know it seems hard to fathom but I promise, you can do it.
  • Cj2580
    Cj2580 Posts: 2
    I'm overweight :/ n need to be about 130 for wrestling next season
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you have 30 pounds of motivations .....lose them one at a time
  • Yes. Go to youtube and watch videos of people with no legs that are giving their all in the gym. Google up 80 and 90 year olds that are in better shape than most people you see in the grocery stores. Go for a walk outside and breathe in the fresh air and feel how good it feels. Join a weight loss challenge. Think about how great you are going to look (and feel) in the spring when the weather warms up and you shed some layers of clothing. Feel how great it will be to hear complaints from your jealous co-workers and compliments from your friends. Put together an outfit that you want to wear and hang it in the front of your closet to try on and see how close you are to fitting into it. Make yourself a graph to display on the fridge door that shows your weight going down, down, down. Ask somebody to work out with you or go running or walking with you. Drink more water. Get more sleep. Be grateful for the body you have now and be happy for the opportunity to shape it into how you want it to be.

  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    We can inspire, only you can motivate. Ultimately you (or anyone) will make a decision to improve...or not. No amount of prodding, cajolling, nagging or pushing can MAKE you do something. Do it or not. It's on you.

    Keep in mind that motivation has NOTHING to do with feeling or desire. Motivation is willingness, nothing more or nothing less. We have all gotten in workouts when we seriously didn't feel like doing it just by making the decision to knock one out. Desire to improve is worthless without willingness to act.

    Hang out here. There is much inspiration to be had. Ask questions, work hard and you WILL progress.
  • I know how you feel! It is so hard to get motivated and stay motivated. I've lost 30 pounds in the past 6 months. My personality is such that I have little or no self control. But I do have a lot of empathy. I know a friend who works at an orphanage in China which is really poor and struggling. I asked my friends to help me get motivated to lose weight by pledging a dollar a pound to the orphanage. I have 30 friends who signed up and have raised $900 dollars so far for the orphanage. I've collected the money and sent it on to them and they can now have new clothes for Chinese New Year (their Christmas). Every time I wanted to buy something not good or eat 'the whole box' of something, I thought about the kids and how they didn't have enough which helped me stay motivated. PICK A PROJECT! Any project that is worth helping and ask your friends to pledge! My friends agreed that they wouldn't 'just go ahead and give to the orphanage' unless I reached my goal. But after I reached my goal, some gave more than $30 (much more!). It was a win-win!
  • When you've lost the weight, you'll look back and realize it wasn't that hard!
    :D never give up!
  • do it to prove yourself wrong!!! we are our greatest critics...