Nervous about maintaining

My origional goal was 160. I've passed that and I'm at 158. I could go down to 150 but no less as I'm 5'10" and have a large frame. I'm happy where I am-on the small side of a size 8. I searched the "search box" and didn't find the answers I was looking for. I'd love to hear maintaining stories. Right now, losing 1 pound a week, my calorie goal is 1490. To maintain it bumps me up to 1990. That's another 500 calories a day! I work out nearly every day. For me exercise is more about keeping myself out of my own head (that's a whole new topic) than it is about losing more weight. Working out is therapeutic for mind, body and soul so I will continue to do it. However, I can't fathom eating so much more than I do now. I don't want to gain that weight back and I have a hard time wrapping my head around eating what amounts to another whole meal. Of course there are days when that would be easy without adding another meal as I have 3 kids and a husband and simply going out for pizza would take care of those extra calories. Like tonight hubby and I busted out a bottle of champagne and made mimosas (left over from the holiday) tadaaaa-calories consumed. However on an average basis we eat pretty good and stick to one light, 55 calorie beer a night. I'm down 32 pounds and hubby is down 51 pounds. We are in this together and we both are super close to maintaining. So I'd love to hear how you all maintain. I'd love someone to tell me they've been maintaining, eating those extra calories and not gaining weight. I have no desire to be super skinny so at some point I need a maintenance plan.

ps-thrilled to be nearing age 40, 3 kids, happily married 16 years and nearing the best shape of my life. I owe MFP so very much <3


  • BSH2622
    BSH2622 Posts: 10 Member
    Don't feel bad, THAT IS MY BIGGEST FEAR IS MAINTAINING !!! hahaha except for the having the kids part, reading your post sounded like me UP AND DOWN ALL MY LIFE !!! I am nearing where i want to be and the only way i can think of maintaining is to keep dropping my goal. BUT the plus to that, it has made me drop an extra 40 lbs so far !! Now i have found if i slow my work outs down i do see the weight creep on me some. So, i don't have your answer but good luck to the both of you and congrats on what y'all have done !!!
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I got down to 150 ish and in a year went back up to 178 now I'm back down...keep logging!!!! I'm telling u , it is the only way u know what you are reatin!
  • twelker878
    twelker878 Posts: 146 Member
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I maintain at 1900 NET. I'm 5'8.5 and about 142-143. I still work out 5-6 days a week alternating cardio and strength training. I've been maintaining since November 16th, and I've bounced up and down a couple pounds here and there--- trying to get the hang of it.

    Friend me if you would like!
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    I've been maintaining the whole time I have been on MFP. (Since July 2011). I switched over from Weight Watchers. It's scary at first because you are so used to depriving yourself but it can and does work. I exercise a lot and always eat back my exercise calories. I alternate between setting my activity level at "sedentary" and "lightly active." Right now I have it set at a slight deficit to counteract the holidays. :) It's all about balance and trial and error. You'll figure it out! Just don't be afraid to eat. Especially if you're exercising a lot. Your body needs the fuel! Good luck to you and great job with how far you have come!