5 things that were positive today



  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Got to see my daughter at work in the salon at her beauty school.
    Had a delicious chickpea and manchego pancake.
    Cat didn't chew through any cords today.
    My new tablecloths arrived from Amazon.
    Diet Dr. Pepper in the fridge
  • ShirleyFed5
    ShirleyFed5 Posts: 35 Member
    1. Slept in (the beauty of having teenagers is you can!).
    2. Walked 5 miles.
    3. Read some articles I had put off for awhile.
    4. Went out for dinner with my hubby and boys.
    5. Enjoying a house full of teenagers who are awesome - they were waiting for a movie to download and had a competition putting together a 100 piece puzzle!
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    1. Got my work out done early
    2. Got my living room sanded and ready for paint.
    3. Spend time with the grand babies.
    4. Drank my water. (which is tough for me to do.)
    5. Handed out some save the dates.(For my wedding.)
  • 1- ate a healthy breakfast ( my number one challenge as I have a hard time eating first thing.) this was day 4 in a row.
    2- spent my day off out of the house with my family ( we dont go out much)
    3- didnt get one phone call from work. - always get calls on my days off.
    4- started my "resolution box"
    5- made a homemade card to one of my dear friends ( one of my resolutions is to mail a letter/card/note to someone I love every month instead of texting or emailing. do it the old fashion way and tell them how they have impacted my life.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    I love this:
    Saw my wonderful dad today.
    Ate decent breakfast and lunch
    Drank all my water
    Had coffee over soda
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    Love this idea!
    1. I was able to get out of bed without a lot of pain (back problems)
    2. I made time to read my bible and pray.
    3. Got some chores done.
    4. Made up my weekly grocery list.
    5. Got the best hug ever from my husband when he came home from work :blushing:
  • jensnewstart
    jensnewstart Posts: 97 Member
    1. Was watching my neighbors place, lost the keys and have been paranoid for 2 weeks that someone found the keys and broke in, he returned, no break in and all is good!
    2. My dad treated my daughter and I out for dinner and still scored under my calories!
    3. I noticed my skinny jeans are not so skinny anymore LOL! Who knew I'd be happy with saggy butt!
    4. Life finally feels good
    5. A beautiful snow is lazily falling
  • 1) Made healthier food choices all day
    2) Felt more positive today than I have in months
    3) Made several new friends on MFP
    4) Spent quality time loving on my dogs
    5) Instead of a ton of sugar I had a cup of cocoa when my sugar cravings kicked in
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    1. I slept in. I have to wake up at 4:30 for work, so sleeping in is amazing.
    2. I had an awesome workout at the gym. When I left, my muscles were exhausted and I was spent. Usually only my trainer can do that to me.
    3. My mom and I have been fighting for weeks. Things are finally starting to settle down.
    4. My new VS bikinis came in the mail. They look fantastic and I can't wait for beach season.
    5. The love of my life, who I broke up with last year when I moved 350 miles away, is finally making plans to visit me. And he wants to take me on a Caribbean cruise for my 30th birthday.
  • Indyimp
    Indyimp Posts: 75 Member
    :flowerforyou: Great thread!

    1. Slept well and ate well.
    2. The weather was above freezing and sunny.
    3. Took the kids sledding.
    4. Watched the sunset
    5. Cozy family night with tea, board games, and Buffy :heart:
  • lizzymom3
    lizzymom3 Posts: 17 Member
    GREAT idea for a post! Thank you!!

    1. Had a GREAT morning with hubby! :blushing:
    2. We got 99.9% of Christmas up in attic - now to find those pesky remaining items hiding in plain sight... :wink:
    3. Saw Les Mis. again - still LOVED it! :heart:
    4. Returned some yoga pants I will not use & got some bands I will use.
    5. Just had a NICE walk with hubby & dog, now to kick back for the night.

  • 5 positive things for today:

    1.still have 220 calories to go and it is 9.26 p.m
    2. got up and went to work.
    3. Quit my job at the end of the day!
    4.Felt really good that I have made this decision
    5.thinking about exercising ( a big deal, believe me)
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    1. Morning hour of Zumba.
    2. Stayed well within calories even though I ate out two of my meals.
    3. Got the compliment of the century from a friend I had not seen in several months (still on cloud 9)!
    4. Had a terrific day with the hubby running errands and just hanging out.
    5. I fixed my hair and makeup today, for a change, and felt good about myself. (even before the compliment! ha!)
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Quality time with my little girl
    Got to sleep alot
    Didnt have to work last night
    Hanging out on MFP most of the day
    I have a job to go to tonight!
  • 1. It snowed
    2. I got to sleep until I woke up (no alarm!)
    3. Enjoying a nice cup of tea right now
    4. Tomorrow is still the weekend
    5. Ate pizza, yum!
  • waipepe
    waipepe Posts: 110 Member
    1. I went snowboarding today and had fun
    2. While riding the chairlift, a girl recognized me from 20 years ago!! (we used to ski race together when we were like 16)
    3. Sorted some personal stuff out (papers) I have been putting off forever
    4. Ate well and healthy
    5. Got an awesome grade on my uni exam
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    What a great idea for a thread! I know it's easier for me to see the negative than the positive. Thank you for this!

    1. Did pretty well in a killer 90 minute yoga class to start the day.
    2. Ate according to plan.
    3. Worked with my wife to get all the Christmas decorations put away (didn't fall off the ladder).
    4. Didn't let a phone call with a problem at work put me in a bad mood for the day.
    5. Had a romantic dinner and evening with my wife.
  • JustGinger7
    JustGinger7 Posts: 9 Member
    Great idea!
    1) The weather was beautiful today. So nice that I got to take the kids outside to ride bikes and play catch!
    2) Got my hair done! Words cannot explain how good I feel about myself after a trim and color change.
    3) I found an excellent replacement for pasta (spaghetti squash) and my children loved it!
    4) I exercised, even though I didn't want to! (This is a big one for me because I can force myself to eat healthy, but working out....not so much.
    5) Curling up on the couch with my kiddos and my hubby. (This hasn't actually happened yet, but it is the immediate plan as soon as I finish up here!
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    1. Did a fun kenpo then pilates workout this morning (yes, that's a strange combo, I know).
    2. Got to go to the U of A (Arizona) basketball game, and they won, yay!
    3. Enjoyed plenty to kettle corn at the game, guilt free. And skipped the lemonade.
    4. Jogged back to the car with my son.
    5. Kids are in bed and looking forward to the an evening with my husband. :)
  • saldelmar
    saldelmar Posts: 40 Member
    It's been a good day, and an especially nice evening:

    1. Got some wonderful one-on-one time with my 14-month-old daughter
    2. My 3-year-old fell asleep almost the instant her head hit the pillow. So sweet to listen to her breathe peacefully.
    3. After 3+ weeks of working out consistently, eating well, and logging on to MFP daily, I've started C25K tonight. Proud to have lost 9 pounds already.
    4. Finished one book in a riveting series today. Now that the kids are asleep and all is quiet, I've already downloaded the next to my Nook. Brain food!
    5. Going to sneak upstairs and cuddle with my wife now, who is already sound asleep, LOL!