Please help!



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Hey don't panic my friend! I went 1500 over yesterday and I'm just going to make sure I work out every day this week and make up for it slowly. It's fixable! Or you can do what a lot on here do which is a good idea and just forget today happened and start brand new tomorrow. Good luck!

    Oh and don't type in all caps or someone will think you are yelling :)
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    I was yelling!! I needed help fast! I was in panic mode. I have been doing so good for about a month now and it really floored me that what I ate today added up so fast. I usually plan my day out but I had a party to go to that was last minute and the food was too tempting. I guess I can't be perfect all the time. Thanks for the support.
  • Huzke
    Huzke Posts: 97 Member
    Make it up over the next three days. Just cut an extra 333 calories each day.

    Also, relax.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Just right it off and move on today is a new day so a new start. just so long as it is not a new start everyday. :wink: which is what I have been doing for to long over the holiday season.
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I agree with mockhoc...start over and over and over until you get it right. I've been on here 345 days and guess what...I've had many days like you just had today. Don't forget today but don't dwell on it and beat yourself up FOREVER! Tomorrow is a new day and a new start. You must first understand this....A lifestyle of fitness is a journey and not a destination. You will have to work on old habits and incorporate new ones all the time. When you fall...shake it off start over and keep it pushing. Never ever quit and oh yeah relax. :)
  • Hi Kimbers, don't be sad. Today is a new day. Stick to your goal calories Today. Don't worry about yesterday,
    just eat healthy good food today, nourish your body so you won't crave all the extras. Work out tomorrow (today),
    even if you have to give up a favorite show to do it!

    I just started back after months of overeating. But for two days I've followed my plan. I have 40 pounds to lose.
    Feel free to friend me!


    P.S. Don't forget to relax and breathe deeply
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm with everyone above. A one-day gain in calories isn't going to kill your long-term goals. Just make sure you exercise, drink LOTS of water (extra cals a lot of times equals extra sodium which will make you gain from water retention), and watch your cals from here on out. Every day is a new one!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    Make it up over the next three days. Just cut an extra 333 calories each day.

    Also, relax.

    Thanks so much!!! It's great to have a goal like that, I feel like it gives me more control. I can do that easy!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    so you ate 1000 calories over which is maintenance if you've set your goal to lose 2 pounds a week.
    even if you ate at maintenance you wouldnt gain weight because it's maintenance
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    Thanks guys I feel better already. It's 3am here so I better get some rest for tomorrow. I can't thank each of you enough! God Bless and have a good night/day/morning.
  • Huzke
    Huzke Posts: 97 Member
    You're welcome. It's helpful for some people (like myself) to look at calorie consumption a week at a time rather than a day. That way if you make a mistake one day you have multiple days to spread out the damage control and get back on track.

    Good luck and take care!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    You're welcome. It's helpful for some people (like myself) to look at calorie consumption a week at a time rather than a day. That way if you make a mistake one day you have multiple days to spread out the damage control and get back on track.

    Good luck and take care!
    Oh this is good stuff!! Thanks again! I like the idea of looking back a week at a time instead of a day! I did great all days for the past three and 1/2 weeks.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    one day a habit does not make. Stop. Breathe. Go to sleep. Get up. Tomorrow is a new day. If this happens regularly, consider increasing your activity level... that will do a great deal to improve this problem... Remember, the statement is "IF every day is like today.." BUT, everyday is NOT like today... That is key. Sometimes my logging is like that... Other days it shows a 10 lb loss... Neither is accurate... Because, each day is unique. It is about your AVERAGE intake-output ratio. Best of wishes on your journey.. make tomorrow better.
  • one day a habit does not make. Stop. Breathe. Go to sleep. Get up. Tomorrow is a new day. If this happens regularly, consider increasing your activity level... that will do a great deal to improve this problem... Remember, the statement is "IF every day is like today.." BUT, everyday is NOT like today... That is key. Sometimes my logging is like that... Other days it shows a 10 lb loss... Neither is accurate... Because, each day is unique. It is about your AVERAGE intake-output ratio. Best of wishes on your journey.. make tomorrow better.

    These are very wise words!! Thank you.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    dude breath!!!!.. it takes 3500 calories extra to gain one small pound.. and you didnt even do 1/3 of that many.. so who cares.. go back to your normal day tomorrow and plan better.. and at least you had fun grubbin over today... in fact I think its good to shock your body a bit and go up[ and then way down at times.. i do it
  • Listen I don't know how to put posts up because I'm either dumb or I don't know how to navigate this site. I'm pretty new. Anyway I was just wondering if anybody wanted to be my fitness buddy online. You know keep each other motivated and stuff. Or just keep tabs on each other and keep each other in mind. I"m getting married in may and I really really really want to lose at least 30lbs I know it's a lot but I know I can do it I just need motivation. If anybody is interested please send me a message thanks!!!!
  • ParisKennedy
    ParisKennedy Posts: 38 Member
    I'm only making a post here to see if I can do it correctly. I am fairly new and just trying to get the hang of everything. I did read what others have typed here and there is some really encouraging advice. Looking at it as a "weekly goal" vs a daily goal is the best. Plus keep in mind if you are a female who still has cycles that a few days prior to our "female thing" we crave food (it's a hormone thing we have no control over) and our metabolism is also higher on those days. We burn off around an extra 500 calories due to the hormonal changes pushing our metabolism up. That said, you should JUST RELAX and go with it. Don't fight your hormones or you'll be beating yourself up. Use those couple of days to eat fun foods and not feel guilty (use those extra 500 calorie burn). It's a good time to up the weight lifting on those days (if you're a weight lifter). If not, just know your appetite will go down again soon and you'll be back on track. I don't know if this is what prompted your "over eating" but I used to not understand this and would be in tears and confusion over my "pig out" days prior and beat myself up. Also we crave foods two of our "ovulation days" as well. Again, we can't help it, it happens. I'm just throwing this out there.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    step one; breathe,step two , breathe again. step three: go to bed. Step four , wake up tommarow and breathe. it will all even out in the long run trust me. you are doing great, and i totally understand, i still battle with binge eating too but all you have is today. tommarow is not promised and yesterday is in the past. just PLEASE FORGIVE YOURESELF AND MOVE ON. God already has forgiven you;)
  • DarrelBirkett
    DarrelBirkett Posts: 221 Member
    Hi! Hey really, dont give yourself a hard time, the fact you are on here posting asking for help means you care. means you are looking to make positive change and that is a hard hurdle to get over in itself. We all get off track at some point. You've recognised that maybe the day could have went better, ok good. You're allowed bad days, one step back and three forward is still progress.

    So, forget about it, now lets work on today!
  • It's just about learning what is in the foods you're eating. If you find the calorie totals are large, it *usually* means you shouldn't be eating much of that item (or at least not frequently).

    The less processed a food item, generally the lower the calories. Aim for non-packaged foods where possible (fresh vegetables, salads, some fruit) and focus on your protein intake. I like to eat mostly protein, then an even share of carbs and fats. Carbs give you energy, protein helps you burn it.

    Water is SO important! Aim for at least 10 glasses per day and watch that weight fall off you (in conjunction with the above).

    That all being said, food (caloric intake) is 80% of the battle when it comes to successful and long term weight loss, but after awhile, you must add in the exercise as well.

    Check out my facebook page for my tips and additional support from me, my coeditor and our fellow followers.

    I used to yo yo diet and get depressed when I wouldn't lose weight, or if I had a binge day - now, 18 months later, I'm healthy, happy and almost to goal weight. Good luck to you!