Trying to give up Coke's!



  • amandamae
    Here are some of the things that can be done with Coke:

    1. Clean a toilet -- let it sit overnight, and it will sparkle.
    2. Remove stains from vitreous china.
    3. Use Coke and a ball of aluminum foil for rust on chrome.
    4. Clean corrosion from car battery terminals.
    5. Use a Coke-soaked cloth to loosen a rusted bolt.
    6. Use a can of Coke in a load of greasy laundry.

    Now, just imagine what it's doing to your stomach lining. That would make me quit!

    Well that's just nasty, but the truth hurts, right??? :noway:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I've had the hardest time giving up soda (I'm addicted to Mountain Dew). The best advice I can give is to slowly wean yourself off of it.... this is what I'm doing. Instead of 6-12 cans a day, I have been drinking 1-2 cans and replacing the rest with lots of water. I usually just need 1 can to help knock out the caffine withdrawel headaches.

    I've also tried cold turkey... which works but is HARD... and drinking a glass or two of tea or coffee to knock out the caffine withdrawel. I was successful with this method for about a month, and then after that I would crack.

    I wish you the best of luck! And even if you go down to 1 soda a day, I bet you'll still drop a good chunk of weight not just because of the calories, but the sugar as well. :flowerforyou:

    Im a Mt Dew addict too.
    I weened myself off it too...I had THE worst caffeine withdrawls because I used to live off that, coffee, and energy drinks (litterally, I didnt really eat much food for years and managed to gain weight)
    Now Im down to one a day/one every other day.

    Ive also started drinking diet cherry calms the craving for carbonated flavor.
  • krystlbear
    If I have coke in the house that is what I'm going to drink. We haven't bought coke to keep in the house this past month. I get a coke every couple of days. I trying to get rid of it altogether.
  • Nadjadom
    I am a major Coke a cola addict regular not diet :( I need help kicking this & its so hard. I have no energy (thus all the sugar) and hate feeling this way. I will skip meals alot as long as I have my coke!! Pathetic right? Calories I shouldnt have I cant just drink water believe it or not coke quenches my thirst more than water..ugh I am trying to lose about 20 lbs and I think cutting out soda will help alot. I see advice on here about cutting down I have tried that but am willing to try again.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    -i had to drink a bottle of water an hour after my kidney stone surgery and i couldnt have coke.
    and when i was finally alloud to drink it, it was gross.

    - i dont have them in the house.

    -three,caffine headaches suck!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I was addicted to coke (the cola :)). I would always walk around with a big gulp. I gave it up cold turkey for lent in 2008, and have never looked back. The first two weeks were so hard, but then it was easier. And now I can only drink a little before it makes me feel a little sick. I replaced with unsweetened ice tea, for the caffeine. You can do it.
  • RachMarie247
    RachMarie247 Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't had soda in years. My suggestion would be to quit cold turkey. Like everyone else said, do not allow it in your house. Try replacing with flavored water, tea, etc. Even more important - make sure to read, read, read on why it's bad for you! Everytime you are tempted think about the negative implications on your health. Good luck!
  • tsd821
    tsd821 Posts: 6 Member
    What helped me kick Diet Pepsi was getting a Sodastream machine and making my own seltzer. I found that while I was very picky about taste of my cola drinks (only Diet Pepsi would do... no Diet Coke and definitely no regular), what I wanted most was the fizz. By switching to homemade seltzer, I get the fizz without the sodium and also without the high cost of soda, which really adds up when you drink as much as I did. I drink a Diet Pepsi on occasion now, but I have to be really careful because I become re-addicted just by drinking it two days in a row.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Agreed!! :) It is so unhealthy for you... reading the negative effects will result in positive effects :)
  • TomKat428
    I used to be the same way! I loooooooOOOOooooved me some Coke! :)

    When I decided to start improving my health I quit them cold turkey. It was early this year so I honestly don't remember how long it took to stop craving them. It wasn't long though. I drink plain black coffee in the mornings so I didn't have caffeine headaches.

    Get them out of the house. Do everything you can to avoid the fridge or the vending machines at work. Have water on hand so you have something to sip - I really think part of the habit is a psychological need to hold and drink something at certain times of the day. I promise it won't take long to break the habit.

    You can do it!! It's not easy in the beginning but before you know it you'll be turning your nose up at the stuff. After being away from it for several months it just looks and smells unnatural to me. Good luck!
  • RunningMannn
    I've been drinking coke or pepsi since I was 11 years old...The last 15 years it's been coke 99% of the time..I used to drink a 2 liter a day. Which is about 5.5 cans. Since I started my latest workout about a month ago..I've been drinking 2-3 cans a day on the weekdays..Still drinking 4-5 cans on the weekend..I've cut it out in the past for a couple of months here and there..It did help in losing weight..I don't smoke, barely drink alcohol and have cut down on reesescups..But a nice glass of coke always with some ice is so damn good...
  • mrsricta
    I too was addicted to soda in general and the ONLY thing that worked for me was to just STOP DRINKING IT! There was no easier way than that. It was a definite struggle because it is SOOOOO delicious and nothing could quite compare but it's been two months now and I can honestly say that I don't ever crave it and rarely even think about it!
  • mrsricta
    p.s. Do NOT substitute it with diet soda! If you are going to drink it just drink it. Diet soda is absolutely TERRIBLE for you and will actually make you crave sugar more!
  • DuhhMuffin
    I traded in soda pop for flavored carbonated waters from Walmart.

    I mostly drink pop for the feeling of the carbonation and not the taste anyway c:
  • Rosie5230
    Rosie5230 Posts: 14 Member
    I love COKE too. but i noticed that i love the fizzy in the drink the most. So I found that Arrowhead makes a sparkling water with lime and lemon. It has no calories and no artificial sweeteners. Its strictly carbonated water and lemon or lime extract. I drink those whenever I don't want plain water. I used to drink diets when i started a diet but found that those artificial sweeteners actually block your brain from feeling full. So you consume more calories when you are eating.
  • raggyanndoll
    I remember the ordeal of switching from regular to diet soda. Oh, that was hard. Diet soda tasted so nasty compared to the real stuff. About three years ago, I quit all caffeinated drinks because they were an absolute addiction for me. Now I drink caffeine free diet Pepsi, probably too many of them. I'm sure I'd be better off without those too but I like them. You are getting lots of advice but I am going to lump myself in the quit cold turkey category. When I have an addiction, I cannot wean off a little at a time.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    If you decide to wean yourself off of Coke, try buying some cheap store-brand Dollar Store Kola to drink when you allow yourself a soda. I was a big-time Pepsi gal and after two cans of supermarket 'cola' I was done.
  • apala56
    I was without a doubt addicted to Coca Cola also and the hardest part about quitting is the caffeine withdrawal. I havent had anything to drink but water with lemon juice in it for 4 months. The way I weened myself off Coca Cola is buying a 20 ounce bottle and just taking a swig in the morning when I woke up. If I felt I needed some at work because of the lack of caffein i would buy a can take another gulp and then throw it away. Then in the evening after dinner I would maybe take a couple swigs and maybe even finish the bottle each of the first couple days. Then I started challenging myself to save some of the bottle from the day for the next morning and before you know it 1 bottle was lasting 2 days then 3 days then finally I might have just bought a can to take a swig and throw it away the last couple days. You can do it and its so much easier to diet without all those wasted calories. If your anything like me you will never find a diet drink that you like because they are all just gross and taste nothing like the real thing unless your trying to convince yourself. So once your off the caffeine you can stick to water and flavor it with some kind of natural ingredient. Hope this helps.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    DH is giving up his cola for the year. He's been pretty miserable the last couple days! He's an all-or-nothing kind of person, so it's cold-turkey for him.

    He's actually gained a bit so far, because he's eating stuff to distract himself, but I'm sure that'll settle down soon.
  • Swoopette
    Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
    Here are some of the things that can be done with Coke:

    1. Clean a toilet -- let it sit overnight, and it will sparkle.
    2. Remove stains from vitreous china.
    3. Use Coke and a ball of aluminum foil for rust on chrome.
    4. Clean corrosion from car battery terminals.
    5. Use a Coke-soaked cloth to loosen a rusted bolt.
    6. Use a can of Coke in a load of greasy laundry.

    Now, just imagine what it's doing to your stomach lining. That would make me quit!

    Even with all this information. And all the information on how much sugar is in a can of coke doesn't turn me off of a can of coke. Scary I think.