Please help!



  • capie123
    "Failure us not falling down but failing to get up." Your still here. Love and forgive yourself. Guilt has calories. "Worry is the dark room where negativity is developed" Not to minimize depression. Believe one should seek help if it lingers!
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Thanks again guys! I am on top of my game again and feeling great!!! XOXOXOXO!!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    They used to tell us in Weight Watchers to not try to make up for over-indulging by under-indulging, or you're likely to find yourself in a binge/starve cycle. Just put slip-ups behind you and continue with your food plan. If anything, get more exercise, but don't go crazy.