I made it to Day 2!

Hello everyone out there,
It's nice to "meet" so many people with similar goals, I am looking forward to supporting people and enjoying this journey. I have made it too Day 2, but for me, that's the easy part. Each time I begin a weight loss/ fitness program I get super excited and throw myself into my new "lifestyle" with reckless abandon... I throw out bags of processed food... peruse the grocery store for ground flax seed..... pretend that I love tofu.... and convince myself that I have always wanted to be a runner..... only to find a few weeks (ok, days...) later that I can not sustain a fake romance with a program that doesn't take into account what I actually like (...cheese, bread, cheese on bread ....yum.....). I feel like MFP is going to be different, I love that I can set my own goal, a reserved one to start...( I think of it has "dating" the plan before I try to marry it ) and that I can track calories, carbs, fat, and protein without cutting out anything! Good luck to everyone.. hope to still be here on day 22!


  • Stevearoonie
    Stevearoonie Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! Glad you've found this site and are having go of it. This is my third time starting over so I can identify with your situation. Take everything day by day and keep your reason for choosing this journey in front of you and you'll do awesome. Find people who have similar goals and stick with them.
  • theknitterky
    theknitterky Posts: 1 Member
    "Dating the plan before I marry it". Love it!!!! What a great way to put it!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    This is your honeymoon period. You are going to like this way of life and this won't be a marriage of convenience! MFP can be quite addicting, truly. Recommend Smartphone so you can log in anytime & while your waiting on "kid stuff".