In Need Of Encouragement


I had a baby 12 weeks ago (my second) and really need encouragement to lose weight.

I have a BMI of 38 so I know I really need to lose weight. I have a hip problem which isnt being helped by my size. I have started doing zumba and dance on the xbox and going for walks. Im getting married in november and really want to look better than I do now. I know that I have a problem with fizzy pop. The diet stuff makes me feel ill but I really am addicted to the stuff (I have to have at least 2 cans a day, its in my head). Ive tried help to slim programs and because I dont cook for myself (My other half does the cooking) I was always being told off. I have a problem with textures (like beans, I really dont like them).

So im hoping to make some new friends here that maybe will help me with my goal... I know I wont get to the weight I want by my wedding (7st) but I can at least get on my way.



  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Congratulations on the baby! Best wishes on your goals -- although you might want to think also about being healthy for the rest of your life, not just the wedding. :smile:

    Here are some suggestions I've collected over time for using MFP: and more specific to your concern about "fizzy" stuff:

    I also notice textures in food -- and really like some and dislike others. Don't worry; there are plenty of different healthy foods with many different textures, and food can be prepared in different ways to make it more palatable. (Although yes, that may mean you have to make some of your own food or find different sources. Is your other half willing to be supportive and make some adjustments? There are some great ideas on the recipe message board.)
  • DefinatelyDead
    Yes the other half has started counting calories in the food he cooks for me. Hes usually against diets as hes a chocoholic who never seems to put on weight no matter what he eats. Im glad im not the only person who notices textures. I do find it hard to eat some foods. I tried gluten free bread once and vowed never again but I also have a problem with wholegrain breads as they have 'bits' in them. I do find this a hard thing with dieting as wholegrains are what most suggest.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Dark chocolate is good for you. :happy: Unfortunately, it's only in moderation and without many of the frequently attending foods. I almost always have room in my calories for 1 small, dark chocolate truffle (depending on the kind 50-75 calories) at the end of my day. At first I had one almost every day, but now I find that I don't always want it.

    "Whole" grains can be ground up to fine flour... it doesn't have to have "bits" in it -- although personally I like them. It's the fact that the grains aren't polished or healthy parts removed that makes them "whole" instead of "partial". For me, one key has been fiber. It's been surprising to me that some things I really like (avocado, berries, dark chocolate) have more fiber than some things that I thought.

    In general there's enough good tasting and healthy foods out there that my feeling is that if I don't like it, why waste my "calorie budget" on it? It sounds easy to expand your "food repertoire", but for me it took some research and exploration so it isn't as easy as it sounds. On the other hand, now I found things I enjoy more than what I used to eat. They are often more satisfying as well as healthier. Experiment with spices too. For instance, did you know that cinnamon has been found to help your body regulate sugar? There's lots of good information and recipes here on this site. (Although keep an eye out for the fads with poor scientific backing.) Another place for information on food is The World's Healthiest Foods ( or some other nutrition sites listed in my blog.

    You've already done the hardest things... deciding to change and taking an initial action. Congratulations!
  • athjd07
    athjd07 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ya!

    I need to lose a lot of weight >100lbs. I love fizzy drinks - and found that it's the fizz more than the flavor. So I started drinking club soda and seltzer water. I have arthritis in both knees and achilles tendinitis, so I do a lot of exercise sitting down. I fond some great free exercise videos on You Tube. I won't give up! You shouldn't either.
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    My solution to the fizzy drinks is a Sodastream. I have two 1 litter bottles that I keep in the frig. One is always carbonated from the machine and the other one is ready with cold water. Makes drinking water so much better!!! I always have carbonated water so I don't miss pop.