Quit Drinking gaining weight!

I at one point weight 280lbs! I lost it by good old fashioned diet and exercise and the desire to feel good and look great! I DID IT! To the tune at my lowest 125lbs and a size 0. Of course my ex husband cheating helped a ton too in those last few pounds! Blessings come in odd disquises ;o) But I maintained at about 135 or so & a size 2-4.
I left him and discovered alcohol and its amazing effects of forgetting about stress. In that I have gained weight! Of course!! Though I did not eat as much but I drank more than normal in alcohol daily. I have since re-married a wonderful man, I have a great life but have still gained more weight and continued to drink along with my husband. We have decided to stop for a while since we are both gaining (him being formerly into body building) weight. Well, its been a week and I have been hardcoreing the Gym and my eating is VERY healthy. I don't eat junk at all and I watch my calories from 1200-1600 max a day.

I am up to 160lbs and am desperate to get to 145lbs which is where I look and feel my best. I have gained since I stopped drinking a week ago and am perplexed as to why? I know again only a week but I get so discouraged so easily and cannot afford to feel this way. I am looking for anyone that is or has gone through this. I am doing everything else right and would not lie to myself. Will it eventually come off or is this my age? All it makes me want to do is have a glass of empty calories and I just would rather not! I welcome any advice, encouragement, anything....I don't want to just give up but I feel like it! I have NO patience!


  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member
    Interesting that you should post this. Throughout the holidays I was drinking too and I noticed exactly the same thing about 48 hours after the last drink. I'm assuming that that the alcohol was dehydrating me and so it was removing water weight. Now that I'm not dehydrated the scale is more accurate (unfortunately)

    I've decided to use this as my point and not look back. Frustrating at first YES but 2013 is bringing healthier choices and I've promised myself that I will hit my goals by April 1st.

    Good luck to you
  • Could it be that you are substituting higher carb count foods for the alcohol? I personally don't think alcohol (I am a wine drinker) is that fattening. Look at the French and Italians. They drink a lot but they eat a different diet than the typical American diet. Just a thought. For me weight loss is all about the carbs.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing. The weight will come off, your body & liver need time to adjust..I am in the process myself of cutting out alcohol for a while, mine is a desire to get more ripped before my next birthday, it could take longer than you'd like so just hang in there.:smile:
  • I am def on track with eating and ALWAYS fairly low carb. So its all so perplexing. I am hoping that it is my body adjusting but its like a quick 5lb increase. So odd to me. I will stick with it. Just so discouraging. Even one pound of loss atleast lets me know I am going in the right direction and nada!! But again I will keep going.....that's all I can do I guess. Thanks for the replies so much I need it!!
  • hng2101
    hng2101 Posts: 54 Member
    When did you weigh yourself? I usually have a drink or two on weekends and weigh less in the morning (when I always weigh in) because I'm more dehydrated than usual. Maybe you're just hydrated?