weight watchers

Has anyone tried weight watchers? If so does it work, and is it worth the money? I'm a college student hoping to lose weight so I don't want to spend my non-existent money on something that doesn't work lol

also feel free to add me :)


  • fries315
    I did weight watchers about 10 years ago and lost 50 pounds. I kept it off for 2 years, then had a baby and gained some back. For me, it worked, and I learned a lot about healthy eating that I have continued to use. It was a way of keeping me accountable, I went to the meetings every week and faced the same bunch of people, and if I had to pay money for them to weigh me then by golly I was going to weigh less!

    This time of year, you should be able to find a special to join for free. The cost of the weekly meetings is not a huge amount. Maybe try it for a few weeks and see what you think. Once you get the hang of the program, you can quit going to the meetings and just continue the program on your own.

    I would consider going back on WW now, but there is not a meeting time/place that is convenient for me.
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    I do weight watchers. For some reason its easier for me to count points than calories. I do online so its about 18 bucks vs 40 bucks a month.

    however, if you are looking for free. there is a way to add a points column on myfitnesspal. i dont know how to do it though. i'll try to find the page that said how to do it. I'll also send you a friend request.
  • nlaguins
    nlaguins Posts: 11 Member
    I am on Weight Watchers now and love it! The meetings are amazing and help with everything from portion control to emotional eating.
  • bridgeo74
    bridgeo74 Posts: 191 Member
    I lost 111 lbs on WW about a decade ago....gained about 100 back!! :sad:

    I believe if you use this website correctly, and are honest about weighing in and journaling, you can do the same thing on here!!

    Otherwise, go check out a meeting or 2 to get the idea of the WW program, and then decide....
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    Have not done ww's myself, but I believe most locations will let you go to the 1st meeting free, so go check it out!

    Otherwise, I have found success in faithfully measuring portions and recording them here. I quickly figured out that I could eat a larger volume of healthy food for the same calories as the junk that I was eating & that is what helped me get started. Now if I can just take my own advice and get started again! Good luck!
  • Corinne_S
    I was OK with the computer bit, but I found the meetings unhelpful. That was probably a lot to do with the person leading the meetings and I know that they vary wildly. My tendency was to cheat massively at the beginning of the week and then starve myself at the end when weigh-day started to loom!
  • jebo1982
    jebo1982 Posts: 85 Member
    I do weight watchers. For some reason its easier for me to count points than calories. I do online so its about 18 bucks vs 40 bucks a month.

    however, if you are looking for free. there is a way to add a points column on myfitnesspal. i dont know how to do it though. i'll try to find the page that said how to do it. I'll also send you a friend request.

    found it.

  • Poetry_In_Pics
    I did WW & love it! I learned a lot about eating and portion control, and was very successful. The reason I'm on MFP instead of WW is, like yourself, due to money.

    It took me awhile to transition from points to calories, but overall I'm having great success on MFP thus far... I've kind of mixed their program with WW. :smile:
  • Smoochy123
    Weight Watchers is a great program that has been sucessful for everyone I know who has tried it and really followed the program. (If you can get a friend to join with you that is an added plus.) It doesn't take long to get the hang of the point values BUT you must journal everyday (just like to need to do that here). The meetings/weigh-ins make you responsible to your wiegh loss goals, the leaders share alot of information and motivation. Most important thing is to try a few different meetings and see which leader you feel most comfortable with. If you don't want to go to actual meetings, you won't find that the online only program with be much of an advantage over just using myfitnesspal. I used to do Weight Watcher, was successful and felt it was very worth the money. Now however, I know what and how to eat and don't need the motivational part either so I am saving my money and just doing this--the other plus for me is that my husband would not attend Weight Watchers meetings but is willing to do this with me so I can support him through this format. Good luck to you--make 2013 your year to get healthy!
  • positive64
    Yes, I am a dues paying WW and found good success with the program. WW is a sound program for most people and if followed will produce successful results. They are continually improving their program but the basics are still : tracking food ( counting WW pts rather than full nutri info), attending meetings (or online support) and exercise. Sounds familiar? I am transitioning from WW to to MFP because I have learned the value of tracking ( and accountability) and love what MFP provides. I am moving to cleaner eating which eliminates processed foods. I would only recommend MFP over WW if one is committed to the accountability and "dependence" on tracking. Once I meet my goal, maintenance is a whole new issue and will reassess at that time ( 15 lbs from now). Hope this helps your decision.
  • Smoochy123
    One other HUGE Weight Watchers tip. Points are given to you for each day and also a group for the week for whatever day(s) you may need them. I and my friends found that you should start your week on Thur or Fri. The weekend is generallly the time most people may have a "small splurge" by going to a party, having a few cocktails or going out for a meal. This way you use those "extra points" and you can work with the regular points during the week. We found if we started on Monday that when a weekend came with an unexpected dinner out or party--we only had a few extra points left and made it difficult to stay on points.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I lost 45 pounds with WW and kept it off. It is a good plan. Some people do better with the support and accountability of meetings. There is something about knowing you will have to step on a scale someone else sees weekly. It is geared more to people new to weightloss. I stop by to weigh just often enough to keep my Free Lifetime Status because I like some of the stuff on the website. I find that MFP has a better database of foods for tracking. All that really matters is that I track somewhere to keep myself on plan. I have tracked on both sites a few times to see if there was much difference and found that if I stayed within my cal on MFP I was within my points on WW.
  • crooked_halo0712
    Thanks so much for all the info everyone!!! You've all been super helpful :)
  • crooked_halo0712
    I do weight watchers. For some reason its easier for me to count points than calories. I do online so its about 18 bucks vs 40 bucks a month.

    however, if you are looking for free. there is a way to add a points column on myfitnesspal. i dont know how to do it though. i'll try to find the page that said how to do it. I'll also send you a friend request.

    found it.


    Thank you!!