
I am having a problem getting in the full 8 cups of water in a day. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to increase this or if drinking Crystal Light would count toward the water count.


  • cats121
    cats121 Posts: 21 Member
    Drinking Crystal Light or green tea or lemon flavored water, etc., definitely counts towards your water consumption. I tend to drink more water when I use a straw- weird, but true for me. I like the hard plastic insulated cups with straws. I tend to drink a lot of iced green tea and flavor it with Truvia and maybe lemon; I make a big container of it and drink several of those every day along with water (even bring big containers of it to work with me). You do get used to drinking more water - especially if you're eliminating some other beverage that's high calories. I would just take care with zero calories drinks like diet soda, especially if caffeinated. It does get easier!
  • jlo9871
    jlo9871 Posts: 26 Member
    Don't rely on artificial sweetners...they are full of toxic chemicals.

    Stick to water. It does a body good! :)
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    Don't rely on artificial sweetners...they are full of toxic chemicals.

    Stick to water. It does a body good! :)

    Yep. I've always felt that once you add flavored powder (or liquid) to water, you're no longer drinking water.
  • Angie1366
    Don't rely on artificial sweetners...they are full of toxic chemicals.

    Stick to water. It does a body good! :)

    Yes... artificial sweeteners are a poison if you take too much - your body actually starts to fight the toxin by.... making you fatter!!!!

    Well it can kill dogs and they are mammals too! Step away from the diet drinks!

    Life Sucks, eh!?
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    I tend to drink more water when I use a straw- weird, but true for me.

    I don't know if it matters to you, but drinking through a straw causes lip wrinkles. :tongue:
  • IslandSteph
    I am a full on water loving girl. although I wasn't always that way. I make a goal for myself. At every meal I drink 16 oz of water and at every snack at least 8 oz. sometimes I will add a splash of fruit like a lemon or lime wedge. Drop in a strawberry or a few blueberries. some even like a cucumber slice. But usually I hit my 8 glasses well before dinner so now at dinner I have a glass of tea or lemonade (I don't do soda). If I feel that I need a non water beverage at lunch I have to have it alongside with the water. It's kinda like mapping out your meals.

    I have been soda free for two years and I don't even add fruit to my water anymore. It takes some discipline but it soon becomes a habit.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    I know I have an easier time drinking water if it's ice cold.
  • IslandSteph
    OMG I died laughing...lip wrinkles. :-D
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    So much hysteria in this thread. It must be difficult to navigate life with all these alarmist beliefs.

    To the OP - obviously artificial sweeteners are not the best choice, but used sparingly will not probably cause you any ill effects. And they are not going to make you fat. Too many calories make you fat.

    Fercryinoutloud, if ya like straws, use them.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    OMG I died laughing...lip wrinkles. :-D

    It's true!!! :laugh: Smokers and straw drinkers! Actually, any repetitive expression you make can contribute to wrinkles, like frown lines.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    water i get about 3 glasses in. the rest is usually plain black tea, hot or iced. i sometimes use a tiny bit of stevia to sweeten it if i really am craving it. I also love Yogi Teas, they have lots of great flavors and i noticed that drinking them can help keep the appetite down
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    so can smiling, but it's not gonna stop me! :)

    ooopsy, edit!----that was meant as a reply to "It's true!!! laugh Smokers and straw drinkers! Actually, any repetitive expression you make can contribute to wrinkles, like frown lines."
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    So much hysteria in this thread. It must be difficult to navigate life with all these alarmist beliefs.

    I think you must be reading a different thread than I am. No hysteria whatsoever.
  • jenniferawilkes
    All I drink is water... I keep a big cup of water on my nightstand... I keep a jug of water at my desk at work and a bottle of water in my car... so, all I see is water... and when I thirsty, it's readily available!
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I always get flamed when I say this but I'll keep trying; the 8 glasses of water a day thing is a misunderstanding of study results which actually said you need the equivalent of 8 glasses of water, most of which comes from food.

    But somehow it's become diet truth (like coffee dehydrates you or saturated fat causing heart disease, based on a flawed study by Ancel Keys).

    Don't stress it, drink as much as your body says you need.

    Google 8 glasses water myth or see:

  • katemarie4
    katemarie4 Posts: 29 Member
    i have a hard time sipping water throughout the day, but i make myself drink only water when i'm having meals. i tend to drink more while i'm eating anyway, so i can easily get in a good 12-16oz of water in a meal. multiply that by 3 meals (or more smaller meals) and i'm already at 36-48oz!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I have found through experience that I lose weight faster when I drink water. I always add flavoring because it adds dimension to my meal. It is scientifically true that you get a good deal of water from food, but that doesn't seem to work as well as adding glasses of water, at least for me. I say just enjoy what you like. Life is too short to worry about it.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I fill a 591 ml diet coke bottle with water and carry it around the house with me when I'm home, and by the end of the day I've had 8 glasses without noticing it. When I'm at work, I keep a full bottle on my desk, and when it's empty I refill it.

    My sister made it a policy to drink a full glass of water every time she goes to the bathroom, but for me sipping is better (lip wrinkles or no).

    For some reason, not sure why, I try to drink enough water to pee clear. When I'm not doing that, I drink a little more.
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    I drink tea 24/7, unsweetened real loose leaf tea not some lipton sugared crap so I count it towards my water. Also no milk; I didn't know people added milk to tea until reading it here on mfp.

    I recently switched over to only drinking it through straws, as it was beginning to darken my teeth. I'd rather some wrinkles down the line than dull stained teeth.

    Also I kind of just really like bendy straws, they totally make it more fun =].

    For some reason, not sure why, I try to drink enough water to pee clear. When I'm not doing that, I drink a little more.
    That's what my mama taught me to do, if it's clear you know you're getting enough she said.
  • SaintBock
    So much hysteria in this thread. It must be difficult to navigate life with all these alarmist beliefs.

    To the OP - obviously artificial sweeteners are not the best choice, but used sparingly will not probably cause you any ill effects. And they are not going to make you fat. Too many calories make you fat.

    Fercryinoutloud, if ya like straws, use them.

    This exactly.

    I'd say the best way that I get my liquids in is by having tea. I do love water, but sometimes I'm in the mood for some actual taste... and with all the different types of teas out there, it's easy to find something that I am in the mood for. I also find it helps keep away cravings, whereas water doesn't really help me much with that. Having a bit of flavour calms them down.

    Mmmmm I have like 7 different teas on my counter right now... gotta decide which to drink today! :P