Friend me

Hi, I just joined and I am looking forward to adding friends and gaining support and motivation. I'm 42, 5' 7", and weigh 249 lbs., per the scale this morning. I want to get back down to 140 lbs. but have discovered wishing is not enough. I'm excited about this site because the food and exercise journaling is so easy and there is an abundance of support from people who are or have been in my situation. Having others to relate to and posting on my successes and challenges is the best strategy for someone like me. So here's to doing, not wishing.


  • Knowing the difference between a wish and a goal is the first step!
  • Hi my name is Sue I am 55. started on Wednesday doing ok, I normally do weight watchers or slimming world.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Funny. Just last night on TV I heard someone say that a goal is just a wish with a plan. I suppose MFP is the plan that will turn help us all to achieve our goals.
    Knowing the difference between a wish and a goal is the first step!
  • I've tried very kind of diet all my life and lost but always gained back. I am 5'6.5" and weigh 235. Now, it is a matter of being able to walk as I get older...all my lumbar discs and a sacral disc are bulging and pressing on intestines are already painful from diverticulitis. My therapist has told me that I have to consider losing weight as a "job," and that this is the most important job I have ever had. I discovered this app through Consumer Reports, and hope this time I can transform - not just my body - but deep patterns of over eating to alleviate old pain and lonliness...reinventing myself as a "naturally fit" person at age 57!
  • If anyone needs a motivational buddy please feel free to add me. Confidence in numbers!
  • HunterTrouble
    HunterTrouble Posts: 24 Member
    I need as much motivation as possible. Please friend me so we can help each other!
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    Feel free to add me for support also!
  • carolinemur31
    carolinemur31 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me to. I could do with loads of support
  • Clemsonmom
    Clemsonmom Posts: 92 Member
    Need all of the friends and support that I can get! Love this site. One of the greatest things about this site is that most everyone knows what it feels like to be overweight and the struggles that it takes to lose 1 pound. Changing our life one meal at a time.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    For the OP. You made the first step, which is being here. 2nd step done, reaching out for help. I am 52 and in maintence. It's been rocky over the holidays and I put on 4 pounds that need to come off ASAP. If you want you can shoot me a friend request.
  • I love your post... it's so true! :smile:
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    Just sent a friend request. We can do this!!