
Okay, so I've been lurking here the past couple of days. I thought it was time to introduce myself if I wanted to reach out and start connecting with people.
I guess I joined MFP last year, but I didn't keep up with it, for reasons I won't delve into right now. Anyway, I started the 17 Day Diet in August and have followed it pretty closely, and since August I've lost 49 pounds.
I decided to come back to MFP to help log calories. I'm going back to a diet I tried two years ago with great success. Basically, I have eliminated sugar and flour and I count calories. Not too difficult, and not too different from 17DD.
Okay, I like to talk and could type forever, but I'll keep it as short as I can! I have 150+ more to lose. I am hoping to find friends and support, as well as offer any encouragement and support I can. I am tired of being alone, and I hope that as I gain more and more confidence in myself, I will be able to find the guy I will spend my life with. (That's not an invitation for creepers, BTW. Nor am I trying to score a date on this site.) I'm just saying, through this process of changing my life, I want a husband and to start a family.
I love people, and I obviously love talking, so if you don't mind Chatty Cathy over here, add me as a friend, and let's do this! (Insert emotionally-charged inspirational phrase here.)


  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    Chat away honey...I don't mind LOL! Adding you right now so we can go through this journey together!
  • frogprincess05
    frogprincess05 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! I'm glad I don't scare away everyone with my verbose-ness. =)
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    Oh My Dear, I would love to have you as a friend :smile: We sound a lot alike. I too was on MFP a couple years ago, but I didn't reach out. Hence it didn't help much. This time I am jumping in with both feet! (so far in I fear I am gaining an addiction to it ) :embarassed: I am spending way to much time on here! But hey it keeps me from eating lol too busy reading & typing !
    I too Lurked around for quite awhile ( I finally felt guilty, like I was a peeping Tomacina or something ) :noway:
    Also, In case you can't tell, I too like to talk & type. i was cracking up (literally ) I had a nickname from a dear friend that called me Chatty Cathy LMAO come on now we just gotta be friends, oh wait, maybe neither of us could get a word in edgewise ??? :laugh:
    OBTY I have 100+ to lose :tongue:
    Friends? Lori
  • frogprincess05
    frogprincess05 Posts: 9 Member
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member
    hiya, i dont mind a good old chat lol, im on the last leg of my weight loss, i have 11lbs left to lose to get to my target weight of 10st, i was 13st wen i started mfp last january so im comming up to year of losing soon :)

    feel free to add me and invitation open to anyone who wants to add me :)
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    WE CAN DO THIS!!! Feel free to add me ( everyone can!) Lets jump in and go!!! I just started yesterday and lovin it!! Good Luck!!