Looking for some new MFP friends for motivation

Hi, I'm looking for some friends to help motivate me to finally lose weight. I tried using MFP in the past with some success but the stress of life has always found a way of derailing my efforts. I'm hoping that I can find friends to help keep me on track and motivated and do the same for them. I have recently restarted my weight loss efforts and have lost 5.5 pounds and I have a new found desire to be healthy. If anyone is interest feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks!


  • I can help motivate you today because today, I have none myself so what's easier than to motivate someone else? I have my running gear on and I'm sitting on the computer. How's that for some motivation?? I've just motivated myself to put on my shoes. That's a big step for me.:sad:
  • RockingDad
    RockingDad Posts: 17 Member
    Not sure how to add friends but please feel free to add for some extra mutual motivation :-)

  • Hey, I have no friends on here. What's your deal?
  • cara523
    cara523 Posts: 116
    welcome back!! lots of motivation on this site so I am sure you wont have any problems at all!! Feel free to add me! :)