anyone have any advice on breastfeeding and weightloss

Im breastfeeding my 4 month old and i usually lose weight on 1200 calories a day but lately thats not working! Iam starving to the point of headaches and feeling lightheaded. Does anyone know if breastfeeding really burns 500 calories a day?? Im thinking about bumping my calories up to 2000 i hope thats not too much. But its like my body is telling me i need that much more! TIA for any input and advice :)


  • Everything I've read says not to consume less than 1800 calories while BFing.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    How in the world are you supposed to lose weight????
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    How in the world are you supposed to lose weight????

    It works the same way as it does if you weren't breastfeeding. Calories in, calories out. You have a base amount to just keep you and your little one alive and everything on top of that can be burned through exercise. You should be eating enough to nourish yourself and your child. That means a minimum of 1700 calories by even the lowest estimates. Intentionally going lower than that will very likely cause your supply to tank.
  • I agree; don't go too low on the calories or you may have trouble with milk production. You'll lose weight, particularly if you're eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. I believe I ate around 2000 calories/day while breastfeeding, and I still lost over 30 lbs. Make sure to drink plenty of water, too.

    And kudos for breastfeeding your baby! I breastfed for 2 and a half years (I know, almost unheard of in this country, but 2 years and beyond is recommended by the World Health Organization -, and my little girl is almost 6 years old and healthy as can be! :-)

    There is a ton of info to be found online. I recommend La Leche League as a place to start -

    Good luck with the weight loss!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I ate 2500 a day while nursing. Weight loss was slow but I didn't want to sacrifice milk production.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    if you are feeling light headed and your milk supply is suffering you are eating too few calories. You are probably BFing 5+ times a day with a 4 month old. I would set your calories no lower than 1800. Make your calories healthy choices not empty calories. Lots of water. Check out this link and try incorporating some of these foods into your diet
  • I agree; don't go too low on the calories or you may have trouble with milk production. You'll lose weight, particularly if you're eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly. I believe I ate around 2000 calories/day while breastfeeding, and I still lost over 30 lbs. Make sure to drink plenty of water, too.

    And kudos for breastfeeding your baby! I breastfed for 2 and a half years (I know, almost unheard of in this country, but 2 years and beyond is recommended by the World Health Organization -, and my little girl is almost 6 years old and healthy as can be! :-)

    There is a ton of info to be found online. I recommend La Leche League as a place to start -

    Good luck with the weight loss!

    I second this! If you restrict your calories too much, you may end up with supply issues.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    i ate more today because of the light headedness and I did notice my supply suffering a bit. I've decided to eat healthy but forget counting calories for now. :) i want to breast Feed for a year so... no hurting supply allowed!!!
  • shellebelle79
    shellebelle79 Posts: 52 Member
    Good question, was wondering the same, But thanks to all the info it helps out a lot!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I didn't watch my calories at all when breastfeeding. I ate a healthy, balanced diet, 100 grams of protein, I ate when I was hungry and stopped when I wasn't hungry anymore. I exercised. I lost the weight fully when my baby was 7 or 8 months old. Breastfeeding helped me lose weight, but I didn't gain that much while pregnant (most of the pregnancy weight gain was increased blood volume, fluid, baby, placenta, more fluids). I have 2 kids.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Yes, so much great info!! Thank you! Im a calorie counter but Im convinced to give up the counting until baby is done with me lol
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    How in the world are you supposed to lose weight????

    You burn 20 calories an ounce breastfeeding. I was pumping 30-35 ounces a day which is 600-650 calories a day burned.
    Add it in as a food to give yourself 500 calories a day extra or as an exercise if you prefer.

    Definitely eat at least 1800 calories a day.
  • I'm having a very hard time losing weight. I lost 30lbs within the first 2 weeks of having my son in June. Now I'm lingering at 160ish lbs. I'm 5'2" so that I'm overweight. Everyone says bf helps you lose weight, but that hasn't been my case. I tried ww, but I'm constantly hungry, so I'm going to try and just count my calories and see if that helps. Good luck to you!
  • i'm a mom of 5 and breastfed all of them about 9 months each.. you need to eat while breastfeeding.. i can't stress that enough.. if you're starving yourself your blood sugar will drop and slow your metabolism.. your body knows it needs to produce milk so it will basically hold on to all the fat you have making it harder to lose weight.. with each of my babies the weight came off a little slower each time but it did come off.. your body needs lots of nutrient rich foods and lots of calcium well nursing or your body will pay for it later in life.. so for your health and for some healthy breast milk please eat.. and yes breastfeeding will help you get back to your goal weight faster.. just eat a healthy diet..
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    I gave up trying to lose weight while breastfeeding in the beginning. My daughter was (and still is) a frequent nurser so it was really hard to keep up with her and try to diet. Now that she is 14 months old, I've started counting calories and I give myself 1600 a day. I make sure to eat all of them plus my workout calories. I don't want to wean her yet, so I still have to watch my supply, but now that she drinks milk and eats more, I think the lower calories are ok.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's not the breastfeeding that burns 500 calories a day; it's the making of the milk that takes energy.
    You obviously know you need to increase your calories. You're feeding a baby now, so put the health of the baby first.
  • Heatherurban75
    Heatherurban75 Posts: 6 Member
    EAT! Your body is starving, way too low on calories and you will lose your supply. I have had 3 kids and BF them all. The first 2 I tried eating 1600 calories and never lost it all. The third time I ate 1800-2100 a day and made sure to be physically active most days for at least 30 minutes and I am now below my PPW without even trying.....
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Yes, so much great info!! Thank you! Im a calorie counter but Im convinced to give up the counting until baby is done with me lol

    Very good decision. You only get this one chance to breast feed this baby, but you have a lifetime to lose your weight.

    Good luck and well done for b/feeding - hat off to you :flowerforyou:
  • I've lost 30lbs. in the last 4 months breastfeeding my now 7 month old exclusively. I didn't start trying until she was 3 months old and my supply was fully established, we had a good routine in and I was totally healed (I had a bit of a rough delivery so it took longer to heal with her, she's my 3rd). I count calories but I was mindlessly snacking before and eating 4000 calories easily without realizing it, and it also makes me aware if I need to eat more.

    I eat a fair amount each day still, but have been losing steadily and my supply and her growth have been fantastic! If I feel like my supply is lacking or I'm feeling sluggish I bump up but for now I've found a pretty good sweet spot. I followed the In Place of a Road Map thread to get started and found my numbers through there and added on the extra for nursing.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm eating 2000 calories per day, breastfeeding my 3 month old exclusively.

    I've lost 41 pounds in three months. Your body really does need the extra fuel. Up those calories before your supply really drops!

    I really believe in the Eat More to Weigh Less plan, you might end up losing faster once you change your calorie goal.

    Good luck, mama!