Hi, I'm new , aiming for 40 lbs off this year~!

obabso Posts: 11 Member
Dear group,

Hi, just a quick introduction. Just joined myfitnesspal yesterday. A post- holiday weigh in was motivation....

In January 2011, I suffered an injury but in spite of that, I lost 30 pounds of a 50 pound goal in 2011, on Weight Watchers Felt great about it but had lost the 30 in 6 months, then plateaued.... in 2012, the injury pain remained as bad as had been in all of 2011, and the motivation to keep exercising "through the pain" just faded away. (At first, one keeps thinking this is temporary, but after a year... just am not eager to aggravate the pain with long hikes, etc...)

So in 2012, took it easier. And 15 of the 30 pounds crept back on, about a pound a month or so... I have what doc calls "borderline" hypothyroid but because it is 1/100th of a point inside "normal" (on a scale in single digits, does 1/100th even count?) he did not prescribe anything, so that adds additional challenge to weight control... as I'm sure you all know!

So now, I am at 15 pounds off the original 50, so 35 to go. But thought I'd go for 40 pounds and really get to that goal weight (Frankly to get back to my weight of 5 years ago, I'd need to lose 50 from mu current weight, but I thinki 40 is reasonable).

Anyways, long story short, I'm going to work at it and try to take it easy on the exercise but will be walking 5 days per week along with tracking food here.

So excited to read about this site as the number one weight loss tool in the news.... and it is free! Just have to look past all the ads, no problem!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

Cheers and happy new year and happy new you!



  • GemaG
    GemaG Posts: 142

    I have around 50 lbs to lose this year and I also have a slipped disc which doesnt help.

    Best of luck, friend request sent :smile:
  • patfyfe
    patfyfe Posts: 17
    Aiming for 40lbs in a year is good as it is under 1lb a week. However, I can understand that having a thyroid problem does not help as I have a daughter who has the same problem but is on medication and does find it difficult to lose the weight but nevertheless has managed 28lb over the last year and is keeping at it. So keep at it and you will succeed.
  • I have had a similar few years to you.
    I lost weight (went from 17.5 stone to 13 stone) broke my ankle in 3 places so exercise wasnt an option.
    It all piled back on,(went up to 15.5 stone) lost it again (down to 12.8 lowest ever) but had a couple of back & next injuries and am now at 14.8. I am also aiming to get rid of 3 stone /42 lbs. I want to reach 11 stone anything.

    I am starting with the couch to 5k programme (which is also free )3 times a week plus walking 2 days a week.

    Best of luck.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Hey. I joined this time last year, lost 22lbs and then had family bereavement and a lot of crap going on in my life and then christmas where I just took advantage of it being a holiday - gained 8lbs and more inches, so ended up with a 14lbs loss for 2012!!! that sucks. this time around I am more determined not to be in this same situation this time next year. I want to be at goal, which means around 40 (possibly 60 depending on size, tone etc).

    good luck with your journey. x