Not feeling it today

Super low energy and want to eat everything, ever, everywhere today. Am trying to find some good low calorie recipes to try - as I am trying to stay between 1200 and 1300...if I don't get on top of a routine soon will go mental.

Think this is due to the return to the diet after Christmas - just took down the tree (huge production as it was a real one)...also my daughter thought it would be great to sleep in my bed while her daddy is off sleeping - she kicks like a mule and twitches in her sleep.

I am sure there are other people who are having a hungry day - and it is a bit of a moany one I am posting. :(

Will kick myself in the butt later if I do anything stupid...would love a nap!

Back to the cave.


  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    while her daddy is off skiiing

    for goodness sake I am way too tired to operate heavy equipment - like my brain!
  • Nancy_hc
    Nancy_hc Posts: 123 Member
    We all get into our slumps, ESPECIALLY after the holidays! Once you get started again it will be its own motivator :). For today, just work on setting some small goals - ie drink more water today (I like to use the crystal light flavor packs and I bring a big colorful (fun) water bottle to work so I can keep refilling it and trying new flavors.

    Also you can sit down and just write out what your goals are. go shopping for tomorrow, plan your meals for tomorrow. jsut thinking about it will help, and also will set you up for success tomorrow if you cant get there today.

    Also - take a nap! If you want a nap, take one. Just be sure you can go to bed on time tonight to be up on time tomorrow :) thats kicked me in the butt MANY times.

    Hope that helps!
  • JustGinger7
    JustGinger7 Posts: 9 Member
    Hang in there. Think about how great your going to feel as the pounds start dropping off. And if you can fit in a nap, that will help too.

    As for low calorie food ideas, I love spaghetti! Use ground turkey or lean ground beef and instead of using high calorie pasta, get a spaghetti squash! Add a side salad with fat free dressing and voila! Happy tummy for about 400 calories. For breakfast I like spinach and feta omelette. I use reduced fat cheese and egg whites, and serve it with a piece of whole grain toast, lightly buttered and a small orange. Calorie count is about 330 but it fills me up.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks ladies - and I am going to try to cheer up. Can't wait for the husband to come home. Think I will go on a solo walk or run or gym or something to just sort of stretch out my brain and get away from my darling children! lol
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Make a new workour playlist and then try it out on your walk! it may be motivating to just hear the music when you create it :)