how to get back on track?

well i just went on a week vacation to a AI in mexico, i also gained 5 lbs on it even though i tried super hard to eat healthy. I drank lots of water and not much sugary or alcohol drinks yet... i hit the treadmill and walked ALOT... yet i still put on 5 lbs * sigh*. how can i get myself motivated to take it off and still lose those last few lbs to hit my goal? I just went grocery shopping and bought tons of healthy food but i just don't feel motivated anymore?


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    To get back on track, you need to just do it. You got the groceries, now just put one foot in front of the other and get back in to your fitness routine. Fake it 'till you make it. The motivation will come as you do it.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx. i guess i am just kinda bummed today since i worked so hard to lose my weight and it is not easy to maintain or anything when i am not counting every single calorie... every time i try to maintain or not log everything i eat, i gain and so easily..... then i get bummed, i guess i will have to log everything i eat forever?
  • TaffyMichele
    TaffyMichele Posts: 19 Member
    It really sucks that some people just have to work harder than others to lose weight and keep it off. Because just like some people are naturally thin, other people are naturally a little heavier. So if the hormones are saying that you're body should weigh X pounds, but your goal is under that, then it's going to always be hard , unfortunately D: Try not to focus too much on the number on the scale, but on how your clothes fit or how strong you are (:
  • heidiandgarin
    heidiandgarin Posts: 5 Member
    You can do this girly!! Log in for motivation!!!
  • heidiandgarin
    heidiandgarin Posts: 5 Member
    Get back up!! Do not let anything hold you down!!
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    Did you just get back? You probably ate a lot of salty foods and more carbs than normal, which will cause water retention. I seriously doubt that in 1 week you ate 17500 extra calories if you were being relatively conscious about your intake. Load of up on fruits, veggies, lean protein, and water this week, and try the scale in a week. I bet that you will be happily surprised.
  • UncleRiotous
    I agree, several pound of that could just be what is in your system at the moment. Couple of days and you should notice an improvement.
  • rettigkl
    Interesting... I'm reading a Jillian Michaels book right now called "Master Your Metabolism." In this book, she talks about how it's hard to lose those last few stubborn pounds. I would recommend it because she explains why we need to balance our hormones so that our metabolism will do the "counting" for us. It's hard to explain, but very interesting. Maybe Google some review or summary? I love it, and am only one-third the way in. Good Luck! You can do whatever you put your mind to!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    thx. i guess i am just kinda bummed today since i worked so hard to lose my weight and it is not easy to maintain or anything when i am not counting every single calorie... every time i try to maintain or not log everything i eat, i gain and so easily..... then i get bummed, i guess i will have to log everything i eat forever?

    I think it can be defeatist to think about forever. You never know what will happen. For now, you know logging is the answer- so keep doing it. Eventually that may change as you learn the portions you need to maintain, or it may not. But it sounds like you're not at the point yet where you instinctively know how much you need- so log for today, log tomorrow, and don't worry about forever.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thanks everyone. I did just get back last night. See i started my journey Oct 2011 and in that year it took me everything i had to lose 20 lbs. I went on vacation last new years as well and after that 1st 2.5 months of starting i lost about 5 lbs and i did the exact same thing as this year, kept moving on vacation, drank little and lots of water as usual and watched what i ate and i only gained 1 lb last year, i was so proud of myself...since we know the temptations on holidays.... this year i did the same and gained 5? i feel like " sheesh, i should of had a few extra drinks then,lol) like all that hard work making sure i was exercising and eating right , worrying when on vacation to make the right choices and bam it didn't work..... I am getting back on my slim in 6 as of tonight and will keep at it for the next few weeks in hopes that helps too. When i left i was 2 lbs away from my goal and that has taken me over 1 year to get to. this has been so hard.. i never knew it was going to be so hard to lose 20-25 lbs! i still need to tighten up yet... that was going to be my next goal once i hit my weight goal...