Got my wakeup call, time to get healthy

Hi, I'm Cheri and I'm 28 years old, from Alberta, Canada. My sister referred me to MFP after losing a good amount of weight here and having the support of others to keep her on track. I am not here as a 'New Years Resolution', or wanting to be thin, I just want to be healthy, I don't want my parents to have to attend my funeral. I ended up going to the doctor after having dizzy spells and palpitations, and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on ACE Inhibitors, which I have decided not to take. I decided I wanted to control my blood pressure with healthy eating and exercise instead, and have started working on this goal. My family has very prevalent history of heart disease, so this is something I am very motivated to work on, my Grandfather died when my Mom was a child from a heart attack and my Uncle on the same side had a non-fatal heart attack in his late twenties, which I am now as well.

This is all new to me, I have done alot of research on natural ways to lower blood pressure and eat heart healthy, but I would like to meet some people with similar motivations for losing weight, who can share tips and meal ideas. Trying to cut back on sodium is difficult, I never really realized how much I used to eat. And I have had a sweet tooth for my whole life, that will be difficult to change as well. My goal is pretty lofty, I would also love to meet some others with high weight loss goals as well, as I also am trying to make a lifestyle change and it would help to share the experience with others.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, happy to meet you!


  • Armani0434
    Armani0434 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey Cheri

    Welcome to MFP. It's a great first step and there is lots of help/advice on this site.

    Feel free to add me if you want a support buddy as well :)
  • dough21
    dough21 Posts: 216 Member
    I had the same wake-up call for the very same reasons. I got short of breath and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I've since lost around 155 lbs. It started out as a diet and ended up being a lifestyle change. Best decision I ever made. Good luck to you during this process.
  • Welcome(:
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    In all honesty, you should take the meds until you get things more under control. A friend of my husband recently suffered a hemmorhage in the brain stem from un controlled blood pressure, and she is in her thirties. She almost died, and has months of physical therapy ahead of her. I wouldn't risk it. I agree with your goals, though.
  • Blackshuck77
    Blackshuck77 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Cheri, my name's Paddy, I'm based in Edinburgh and just starting on this website myself as it's time to get myself sorted once and for all. I'm looking to shift just under a hundred pounds myself give or take. This is the first time I've tried this so it sounds like we could be in the same boat. Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll be more than happy to swap ideas, tips, recipes and no doubt the occasional highly amusing anecdote! Best of luck to you
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    In all honesty, you should take the meds until you get things more under control. I wouldn't risk it. I agree with your goals, though.

  • amrozes
    amrozes Posts: 26
    Congratulations on your decision! I believe the MFP community is one of the best ways to lose weight and get healthy! I am a registered nurse and work in critical care. I do not know your particular circumstances, but I do hope that you will listen to your physician or health-care practioner before deciding not to take your meds. Taking meds until you get healthy may be the better choice. If you choose not to take you meds, make sure you are monitoring your blood pressure both before and after exercise. I have taken care of too many young adults who felt they could manage their condition by themselves, but rather wound up in the intensive care unit with either a cardiac event or a stroke.

    Best wishes and good health to you! Whatever your decision, you are definitely on the right track and wish you all the success in the world!
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    In all honesty, you should take the meds until you get things more under control. A friend of my husband recently suffered a hemmorhage in the brain stem from un controlled blood pressure, and she is in her thirties. She almost died, and has months of physical therapy ahead of her. I wouldn't risk it. I agree with your goals, though.

    I agree. You are opening yourself up to trouble by not taking. Work on getting healthy and follow up with the doctor monthly to evaluate your continued need for the blood pressure medicine.
  • Chejan
    Chejan Posts: 183 Member
    I got worried when you said you decided not to take your medication. I'm not a doctor or anything but i don't think its a good idea unless your doctor advises it. You can make it a goal to get to a point where you won't even need them. Good luck !
  • Wow, that is amazing! What an inspiration, congratulations!

    Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone, I just wanted to make a note about my decision to not start the medication yet. I was sent for blood tests and ECG's and have yet to receive the results from that, I believe the reason for the dizziness and palpitations is due to iron deficient anemia which I have had in the past. I chose to hold off on the medication as it was prescribed during a walk-in visit with an unfamiliar doctor who had only taken my blood pressure one time. I don't like the idea of starting drugs with some troubling side effects until I know for sure I need them. But I appreciate the concern!
  • ariscruz
    ariscruz Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with other folks, continue to take your meds and just work with your doctor for a goal to get off the meds. It took me a good 6 months to get off my meds, but after daily tracking and eating healthy my doc was ok with me stopping my HBP meds.

    Definitely made sure your getting enough potassium to balance any sodium intake.

    Congrats on taking control of your health and wish you the best!
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I ended up going to the doctor after having dizzy spells and palpitations, and was diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on ACE Inhibitors, which I have decided not to take.

    Ok, first and foremost, please take your meds.

    My ex fiancee had a stroke at the AGE OF 19.... he was never the same after that....

    There is a reason they want you on the meds. Take them WHILE you are changing things around.

    My father changed his eating habits, continued to take his meds until his doc said he didn't have to take them any longer. It took a few months of him being diligent but he did it.... and it was a total lifestyle change for him. He just stopped eating bad foods, stopped salt, etc... but under doctor's care he slowly ramped down on the meds he had to take and took his blood pressure daily and kept track of it.

    Please take your meds.....
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Sounds like we have similar genes!

    My mum lost her father when she was at uni due to a heart problem and she retired early due to high blood pressure, even though she isn't overweight. Therefore, I know I have to be careful to stay at a good weight.
  • jmadams111
    jmadams111 Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome to MFP and and a LIFE decision. I'm 65 and had a heart attack, so I got the wake up call the hard way! Don't make the decision to NOT take the meds without talking to your doctor. Start your diet and workout program AND get a home blood pressure monitor. Once you reach a point of showing consistant lower than normal BP, then talk to your doctor about reducing the dosage or stopping. This worked for me. After I had 2 stents and a pacemaker installed I started a program of meds, cardio and weight training. After 3 months of consistent improvement my doctor cut the bp meds in half.
  • Hey Cheri! We share similar stories. I am desperately trying to avoid becoming diabetic and hypertensive like my mother.I'm setting small goals with an overall goal of about 60 lbs.It's always easier with cheerleaders. I live in the south where the food is awesome but deadly. I am having to make serious changes and the cutting back on sweets has been the toughest. Good luck!
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    I think it's terrific that you are making changes to support your health! I'm all for avoiding medication by healthier living to begin with. I'm currently taking an ARB blood pressure medication but hope to be able to come off of it by the time I have my physical this year. That said, I'd like to second what another poster said. Please consider taking the meds until you begin to change the condition with success in your diet and lifestyle changes. I also have a friend who had uncontrolled blood pressure. She had an aneurism in her brain caused by this condition. When surgeons went in to repair it they were found that there were actually TWO separate aneurisms and they could not repair both in a single surgery. After the first surgery she was like a stroke victim... walked with a cane and dragged a leg, had hemispheric numbness, that side of her face drooped, etc. Months and months of therapy. Eventually recovered enough to have a second surgery to repair the other aneurism. She also recovered from it and has limited ill effects considering the depth of her one-time infimity. But the risks are huge, for the type of conditions folks have described here and other organs too. Just take care of yourself, and go after the healthy self you want and deserve!
  • jeanninecurran
    jeanninecurran Posts: 63 Member
    Congratulations on deciding to get fit. I also had high blood pressure and was put on meds (although I was 50 yrs old). I started my journey in April and have lost 25 lbs and my blood pressure is now normal. I'm off my meds and at 51 I feel better then I have in years. You can do it!
  • Good luck to you!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Welcome! My family has a history of heart trouble to - my sister had a heartattack last year at 39. I'm 33 and I do not want that in my future. Feel free to add me!

    I believe that you are doing the right thing by waiting for the results to come back, but if you still are feeling the same symptoms that led you to the doc in the first place, please make sure you see someone right away! We want you to stick around! :)
  • jbobb15
    jbobb15 Posts: 29 Member
    I know this has already been said, but.... as a cardiac nurse for nearly a decade, I'm BEGGING you to take your medication as prescribed. Please, please, please! This. Is. Serious. Do not take it lightly. When you begin reaching some of your fitness goals, then it will be time to revisit this discussion, but not with us, with your physician.