trying to stay motivated!!!

Hi everyone!!! I'm Shelly, I am from small town Oklahoma. I have been working out since October 24th with a trainer. I workout with him 3 days a week and getting ready to start doing 4 days a week. On our off days I usually do cardio. I was at a family thing today and my husbands grandma was telling my mother in law that I had gotten heavy. When I asked what they said I was asked why I wasn't doing anything about it. I said I had been working out since october and then his grandma asked why I hadn't lost anything. I think I have lost almost 10 lbs and yes I am loosing pretty slow but we are really starting to get into tougher routines and heavier weight training. He tells me it's going to start melting off soon. I am hoping that I haven't lost much because Ive gained some muscle. He has me weighing once a month so weigh day is coming up this week. I just really hope I have lost at least 5 lbs since dec 7th.

Thanks for listening


  • Lucy_london
    Lucy_london Posts: 23 Member
    I would ignore your husband's grandmother and mother. You sound like you're doing a fantastic job... ignore them and have the last laugh when you reach your goal. This isn't about anyone else, but yourself stay motivated :) x
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    Have you or the trainer been taking measurements? How do your clothes fit? If you are working out but not watching calories, you may not be burning more calories than your eating. Exercise is good for cardiovascular health and strengthening muscles but weight loss is more about calories in < calories out. Keep up the good work and don't let grandma discourage you!
  • mwownbey
    You know the work you have put in and you should be very proud of that!!! Don't let their comments keep you from doing this!! Remember. You are doing this for yourself and your health so ignore the outside remarks!! I have family that makes comments like that too and I just smile at them. I know the effort that I put in!!!
  • shelly509
    shelly509 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been keeping a diary all week. I have really been cutting back over the last 2 1/2 months but I haven't been keeping a diary until this past week but I have defiantly been eating less than 1200 calories a day. He is really having me watch my calories and reminds me often if I DON'T GET cardio in then I have to eat less calories and eat clean unprocessed food.
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    wow, how insensitive!!!! you are right in that it will be muscle building up. Try to also measure yourself once a month as sometime even though you may not have lost weight you may have lost inches! keep up the good work and you will be able to watch them eat their words very soon!!!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    well they say that 80% of weight loss is what you eat, so how is your eating? Depending on how much you have to lose, you're either right on track, or you're a little slow on the weight loss. either way is fine, just ignore everyone.
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Oh, and you need to eat the 1200 cals if that is what is recommended just make sure they are eaten via good food options.Try not to eat extra exercise cals if weight loss is your aim. Good luck!!
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    Jeez! Unbelievable! Hang in there. I'm sure your workouts are paying off. Don't worry about the scale as much as how you are feeling and how your clothes fit. And I'm sure you feel much stronger and healthier. Forget them!
  • rustmary714
    rustmary714 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! keep up the good work, sometimes people make comments to discourge you because they are jealous, or afraid you will get in shape and leave her grandson! This is something you have to do for yourself, keep working and the pounds will come off! I have found keeping the food diary really helps! Good luck and stay positive!
  • BosBruin5
    BosBruin5 Posts: 52 Member
    It sounds like you're eating too little. Make sure you get your minimum calories in.
  • shelly509
    shelly509 Posts: 9 Member
    We will be taking measurements on Tuesday when we weigh. This will be the first official weigh in since he made me give up my scales ( I feel like I have to weigh everyday just to help keep me on track) but he doesn't want me weighing but once a month at the most so he has my scales. We didn't take measurements on Dec 7 but he said we would this time because I have been pretty discouraged lately. I don't eat extra calories to makeup for my exerciser. I try to keep it between 1000-1200 calories a day. So far I am doing pretty good with that. My cardio days I workout 90 minutes but on friday I decided to go an extra 15 minutes on each the bike and the elliptical. I was so proud of what I had accomplished!!! I burned 884 calories that day!!!
  • nylphia
    nylphia Posts: 16
    I try to keep it between 1000-1200 calories a day.

    1000-1200 may be too little. We don't need to know your weight but remember two people working out eating and doing the same things you are .... one weighs 190lbs and the other weighs 290. The 190 will lose weight and the 290 will actually gain because that person is undereating and teaching the body that for all the extra workout and cardio and strenght training going on.....its not getting enough food for fuel. With all this extra work it feels it better store the LITTLE its getting. Be honest with your info on MFP and follow the recommendaitons. Under eating may mean storing. Over eating a little is OKAY especially since your are excercising.

    Good luck with everyhting. It's harder with lack of support and ney sayers bringing you down, but you have come to the right place. You will get lots of luv with your MFP family.
  • shelly509
    shelly509 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your support. I plan on conquering this demon once and for all and staying with a workout regimen and working on not worrying what others say about me....That is the toughest part