Looking for PCOS friends



  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    I totally understand. I am at my heaviest now and I can't stand it! Losing weight with PCOS is hard but it can be done. And with the support of each other, we can do it!! Feel free to add me if you want some extra support.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Hi all,

    I too was diagnosed with PCOS about 16 years ago. I did have one child through IVF and have battled with weight issues my entire adult life. Also have Insulin Resistance, they more or less go hand in hand.

    BUT the news is not all bad ladies!

    After I had my daughter, I went on a slightly higher protein diet and excercise regieme with weights. In 18 months I lost 42kg and kept the weight off for a good 5-6 years. I ate all my exercise calories back then, did NOT starve myself and I honestly believe that the weights helped - and the higher protein diet. I still ate carbs, but only lower GI full grains, lots of veggies and low GI fruits (mainly berries). A re-test showed that my levels were GREATLY improved, and I felt terrific. I thought I had managed to reverse it, and looking back at that time in my life, I still think that I did to some extent.

    (I've now put on 25kg but that was due to a change in lifestyle, my poor choices, lack of exercise and my doing).

    You can lose weight with PCOS. It is NOT all doom and gloom, but you have to take responsibility for your bodies and concentrate on your health. It is possible to lose fat with PCOS. You can do it (and so will I again). It may take a bit longer than 10kg in 10 weeks, but wouldn't you rather get to your goal and stay there than keep going up and down all the time? I would.

    SO - eat your way to good health. If you are TTC, then by all means follow the medical advice of your Endocrinologist or Fertility Dr, but please don't starve yourselves, your ovaries will not thank you. Ovaries need a fully functioning body to support them in good health and that means eating well. Whole grains, vegetables, and protein at every meal. Keep a small tin of tuna in your handbag at all times, and you always have a good protein rich PCOS snack on hand.

    Also, read these posts for the answers to the calorie debate:


    And eat your exercise calories :smile:

    Best wishes to all, never give up.
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    Hi there. I have PCOS too. I think I got diagnosed about 6 years ago. I struggle with my weight too but I have managed to lose about 1st 7lbs and want to lose a bit more yet. I did take metformin briefly but it did not agree with me.

    I don't have any children and its not really my time yet, but if that is a problem in the future, guess I'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    For the moment, would like to get the rest of the weight off and be as healthy as I can.

    Add me if you like x
  • DustyBanana
    DustyBanana Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me too- I was diagnosed w/ PCOS in March 2012..almost a year. I have been on Metformin for about 6 months and they said it takes at least 3 months to take effect. I feel less hungry on it, and with a low carb diet I lose weight much easier than before.

    I came to this website and it has helped a lot. I want to have some kiddos and so just NEED to lose the extra weight. Any motivation is better than what I got at home and I love to hear people's success stories to know that there may hope for me one day :-)
  • cmreynolds98
    cmreynolds98 Posts: 22 Member
    I have PCOS as well. I was diagnosed in 2009 but stopped taking metformin after a couple of months. My GYN put me back on metformin last summer after an ultrasound confirmed the cysts and it matched my symptoms. I don't really feel like the meds are doing much but I did loose a couple of pounds. Hoping to loose more. Feel free to send a friend request.
  • me1269
    me1269 Posts: 18 Member
    my dermatologist place me on spirolactin and it really helped me. I was taking it before I knew I had PCOS. I didn't find out I had PCOS until I tried to have children and of course I had already stopped the medication. If you're not looking to have kids anytime soon then give it a try.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    I have PCOS too and its horrid. The utter AGONY I go through during ovulation and TOM... Id like to die most of the time. Grrr. But add my if you would like to! Its nice to have someone that understands what we go through.
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s. I have lost over 80 pounds effortlessly by adopting a low-fat, plant-based diet. Would be happy to be your friend.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    I have PCOS too, although the only medicine I'm on is birth control, and it works really well! Feel free to add me!
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Hi all! I also have PCOS, and have been able to steadily lose about a pound a week since changing my goals in mid-August (reduced carbs somewhat, but not super-drastically). Any of you who'd like to should feel free to friend me, just let me know this is where you found me. My diary's open to friends. :smile:
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    I have it too and it is a struggle to lose weight but it can happen. I'm not on met but I do take b vitamins and vitamin c, e and folic acid and the docs confirmed I have extremely high bp which with weight loss should lower.

    I'm trying to follow a low carb keto diet and this helps loads.
    All add me if you would like support and encouragement i'm positive we will succeed.

  • Hi Everybody! I just recently joined My Fitness Pal and I am so excited to see there is a section for those of us with PCOS. I am 42 years old and was diagnosed with this when I was about 26. I had the worst trouble with my periods, I would go months without one and then would go for literally months with my period. At one point, I weighed 288 lbs. I lost 80lbs just by being more active and I can say that it helped with the periods and other symptoms of PCOS. For the last two years, I've had my period regularly every month. I plateau'd about a year or so ago though. Haven't lost or gained more than 2lbs at a time. I'm on here to hopefully kick that plateau. Great to meet all of you!!!
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in August 2012. I've lost 48lbs so far since then (with the help of a wonderful dietician and therapist) by cutting out certain foods, controlling portion size and examining why I was overeating in the first place..progress is fairly slow but I'm not finding it difficult at all. I feel tons better already and my PCOS symptoms have all but vanished :)
  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    Most times I've been to the hospital and Endocrinologist they've given me papers and pamphlets on PCOS and haven't given me an ultrasound, but I have every symptom. I don't know why they haven't made sure I have it, maybe my insurance, eh, don't know... I'm really trying to combat the Hirsutism!

    This is where I am at also. I am hoping that losing weight will help with the other symptoms. I was able to lose about 17 pounds about 4 and a half years ago, which allowed me to get pregnant after trying for 6 years. Time to do it again, but not get pregnant this time!! :)
  • roncygal
    roncygal Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there,

    I was diagnosed with PCOS about a month ago and have just been figuring out the implications for weight loss and other health concerns. I'm not taking anything other than birth control at the moment. People in this thread have shared some great links and resources - thanks. Relatively new to MFP and looking for friends - feel free to add me!
  • Athena125
    Athena125 Posts: 102 Member
    Feel free to add me (anyone on this thread!)
    I too have PCOS. I was VERY thin in high school but had bad periods when I had them (often they were late or skipped). They were so bad, my mother used to let me drink brandy so I'd fall asleep. But then, upon my 23rd birthday year, I gained 25-30 pounds very rapidly. Then everything got MUCH worse.

    It took me many years to get a doctor to diagnose me properly because even though I was sure i had it, back then they just gave you bcp's which make it WORSE. They mess up your blood sugar and really don't solve the core issue with the blood sugar and insulin resistance. No one would believe I had it because even with the 30 pound weight gain, I was only a little (5-10 pounds) overweight. I felt very overweight because my stomach was enormous - I looked 5 mos pregnant! But I craved sugar like a demon! Right now I weight 149 (down from 160 this summer), and I would like to at the very most weigh 135 (preferably 120-125).

    The ONLY way I lose weight/keep it off is by exercising virtually every day for at least an hour. I do yoga, strength train and aerobics. AND I have to cut out breads, sugars, white flour products almost completely. I replace them with mostly veggies and some low GI fruits. I get in trouble when I eat out because I can't resist all the stuff I want to eat...so I am trying to eat out only 1 time per week right now.

    Once you get off the sugar, DON'T get back on! It's like a drug to us. I believe that PCOS women are more sensitive to the effects of sugar, and I am telling myself that for me, it is literally toxic. I can't even have a little bit because something in me just goes crazy and wants to keep on eating. If I don't eat sugar, I don't turn into that crazy lady!!!
  • seachelle84
    seachelle84 Posts: 5 Member

    DUDE! Me too! If you find a reasonable solution please, PLEASE let me know!!! Every option I know of is either- WAY outside my budget, has to be done daily (or multiple times daily), makes a mad crazy skin rash- which just makes it more obvious. Seriously, it's ridiculous..I could almost deal with just being fat... almost...but fat AND hairy?? This is just too much lol
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Hey guys!
    I went for my first gyno appt today. I suggested to him that I may be exhibiting symptoms of some hormonal imbalance. Lots of internet research points to PCOS, but I'd rather wait for the doctor's opinion with lab results. I had a ruptured cyst back in October and that began my research into this subject. For ten + years, I have had issues with hormonal acne (wondering why nothing worked), thin hair (which is getting thinner), weight around my middle (also linked to bad eating habits, love of sugar and carbs and stress), hair on my face (embarassing!) and other not cool places, but the worst symptom of all that I've been dealing with is rage. I just rage at the drop of the hat and it feels like a surge in my body. I feel absolutely crazy when this happens. I went to the psychiatrist a few months ago and he prescribed anti psychotics that didn't work....helped a bit, but didn't work. The doctor I went to today is going to prescribe a monophasic birth control pill and go from there...I'll get results back in about a week and will report. Any feedback is welcome!! I can't believe I am posting all this because some of it is so embarrassing, but I want to get to the bottom of all of this!
  • @VanillaMilkyy

    DUDE! Me too! If you find a reasonable solution please, PLEASE let me know!!! Every option I know of is either- WAY outside my budget, has to be done daily (or multiple times daily), makes a mad crazy skin rash- which just makes it more obvious. Seriously, it's ridiculous..I could almost deal with just being fat... almost...but fat AND hairy?? This is just too much lol

    I'm trying a new thing (once the tea gets here) of drinking 2 cups of spearmint tea per day for hirsutism. I've read a lot of reports that it's helped people tremendously or completely gotten rid of excess facial hair after a few months (as well as acne problems). It has to be drank religiously but I'll take that over shaving my neck/chin 1-2 times per day! If you'd like just add me and check back in a month or so. I can't wait until it gets here and I can try it out! Had to order some from online because NONE of the grocery stores or health food stores here carry pure spearmint (without anything else). Here's hoping!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    I have PCOS but it doesn't have me... I AM DETERMINE TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT, right now im not trying to have a baby I just want to get healthy.... Good Luck on your journey..