Lost TOO much weight, now needing to gain...

I started my weight loss journey over two years ago and have lost over 118 lbs and a crazy amount of body fat!! I used portion control, healthier food choices and exercise as my main mode for this weight loss and I continue to do so. My partner and I have decided that we want to try and start having kids but there is only one problem...I haven't had a period in over 7 months! All my labs have come back normal and my doctor thinks that it's a combo of my exercise/diet/low body fat that is preventing me from having periods and that I should try and gain about 5-7 lbs to see if that helps. The problem is it's so hard to get out of weight loss mode and allow myself to eat more food. I eat every 3-4 hrs and try to eat healthy fats, whole grains etc and exercise 4-5 times a week. I know it seems like its an easy problem to have but it's just as hard to allow yourself to gain the weight as it is to lose it. I'm writing this to see if anyone has any suggestions and would love to make more friends that I can support and who can support me through this time. Any help is greatly appreciated!! :)


  • Starfish1125
    Starfish1125 Posts: 169 Member
    First off, CONGRATS on your weight loss! That is wonderful. And CONGRATS on your decision to start a family. It is an amazing time in your life.

    I wonder if you should cut back on your workouts, or slow down the intensity and perhaps add a few more calories in protein, etc. If you need to gain weight (which is a good problem to have, right?) - then it needs to be done with the right combo of food and not cheeseburgers and fries (which is how I gained my weight! :laugh: )
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    There was a time in my life that I actually wanted to gain weight because I was almost to the point of being underweight.

    Nothing I did at that time would put weight on me. I ate all kinds of greasy food and I didn't exercise.

    Then, my metabolism changed, and it didn't matter what I did, I couldn't stop gaining.

    If you're eating enough fats and calories, you might want to ask your doctor about getting certain hormones checked, like your thyroid.
  • clumsymofro
    clumsymofro Posts: 52 Member
    All levels have been checked and are normal except for estrogen!
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I think you should cut the excersize. Once you are pregnant you will have to do that anyways. I would switch to long long walks instead of running/tons of cardio and absolutely drop the weight training type of things.
    In addition, eat just a little bit more in the evening. An extra slice of cheese or an extra cup of hot chocolate is enough I believe.
  • robichta
    robichta Posts: 3 Member
    Try adding more healthy high calorie foods to your diet such as dried fruit, nuts, and avocado. Also, it you are currently eating low fat versions of things like greek yogurt, salad dressings, etc. you could try switching to the full fat versions.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    My recommendation would be to use MFP by setting your goal to gain 1/2 or 1 pound per week, then make sure to add calories/reduce exercise accordingly. I was working out like crazy in order to enjoy some holiday treats without gaining, and I ended up losing more than intended. To gain it back, I increased portions slightly and/or reduced exercise intensity (some days walk instead of run). You could also add some good fats & protein like apple w/ peanut butter, almonds, etc.
  • bubbaduts
    bubbaduts Posts: 196 Member
    I think you should cut the excersize. Once you are pregnant you will have to do that anyways. I would switch to long long walks instead of running/tons of cardio and absolutely drop the weight training type of things.
    In addition, eat just a little bit more in the evening. An extra slice of cheese or an extra cup of hot chocolate is enough I believe.

    Sorry but you can still exercise when you are pregnant as long as you did before you got pregnant and if anything I would give up cardio before weight training.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    Congratulations on successfully and healthily losing the weight and getting in shape! I absolutely understand the mind set of losing weight and how hard it is to go in another direction! You've so programmed yourself to be in that mode of thinking that anything else is downright scary! I agree with what the others have said... increase those healthy fats and cut back on some of the heavier exercise. Has your doctor suggested an endocrinologist?
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Two words. Peanut Butter. (Only natural of course..)
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I would start by setting MFP to gain 1/2lb per week settings. Then scale back the intensity of your exercise - maybe cut 1 day per week? Add in some healthy but calorie-dense foods to get up to the calorie amount that MFP sets you. Eat your exercise calories so that you are not accidentally still in a deficit.

    Good luck getting pregnant - kids are a blessing.

    ETA - there's nothing wrong with exercising during pregnancy, especially if it's something that you have been doing all along. It will help keep you healthy during pregnancy, and you may very well need that endurance during labour.
  • clumsymofro
    clumsymofro Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks all for the advice!!! Def been eating the peanut butter and nuts :) cutting back on exercise is hard for me bc not only do I love it but I feel lazy when I don't!! Lol but I'm trying to cut back some and do light walking/running intervals...haven't been referred yet bc he wants me to try au naturale first ;)
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    A few things you can do to increase calories without increasing the volume of food you eat
    Increase your intake of healthy fats - olive oil for cooking and salad dressing, avocado, fish oil/omega 3's.
    Use full fat versions of the dairy you currently eat.
    Increase your use of nuts and nut butters
    Increase your protein portion size

    Cut your burn a bit -
    Drop one workout a week or
    Change an intense workout for gently stretching
    Or cut the length of your workouts by 10-15 minutes
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    I think you should cut the excersize. Once you are pregnant you will have to do that anyways. I would switch to long long walks instead of running/tons of cardio and absolutely drop the weight training type of things.
    In addition, eat just a little bit more in the evening. An extra slice of cheese or an extra cup of hot chocolate is enough I believe.

    Sorry but you can still exercise when you are pregnant as long as you did before you got pregnant and if anything I would give up cardio before weight training.

    Seriously the best foods you could tell her to eat were sliced cheese and hot chocolate.?????????:noway:
  • kschmi24
    kschmi24 Posts: 59 Member
    Two words. Peanut Butter. (Only natural of course..)

    Or Almond Butter. I try not to eat it out of the jar. But I still do :)
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Please listen to your body . Moderation is the key. I am so happy for you on your weight lost. I wish you well .

  • breeanreyes
    breeanreyes Posts: 228 Member
    You might be interested in this article.. while I do follow the Paleo/Primal lifestyle myself for my health and fertility reasons, you may be interested in the other information in it even if you don't want to go completely Paleo. The article covers exercise while trying to get pregnant and the importance that environmental and food toxins play in infertility: http://paleodietlifestyle.com/paleo-guide-to-fertility/ .. I just finished reading it and thought there was some great info in it! paleodietlifestyle.com has got a ton of great articles if you're interested, and the lifestyle will help to balance your endocrine (hormone) system. Wishing you the best!