
Nancy2010 Posts: 7
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new here, and I LOVE it! This is going to be amazing for me!


  • Welcome! :bigsmile:
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome my dear. This is a great site to keep track of your calories and exercise. I am an Independent Beachbody Caoch and find this site tremendously helpful!

  • Thanks guys. Now it's a matter of sticking to the plan.
  • Just found this site yesterday at a family members invitation & already I'm appreciating the seriousness of everyones dedication to good health & fitness.

    My fitness goals are to tone up as I'm a grandmother & everyone over 40 can probably agree with me that gravity isn't partial to whom it plauges. After reading everyones posts & blogs I'm thinking I'm a little out of my leauge so perhaps I should step it up a little (in moderation of course).

    Thank you auntie for leading me here. xoxoxox Tammy
  • hwhittle
    hwhittle Posts: 8
    I have been using this site for about 6 weeks and have found it such a help to me, i even lost weight over the Easter Holiday. :) good luck to everyone on their journey here.
  • This is an amazing site! My wife lead us here, and even though we are still new (just going on two weeks) we have already shared with family and started our own little diet/exercise circle. We have modified and personalized many of the features to us, and love the ease at entering and sharing our progress.
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    Welcome aboard, I have only been here for two weeks now and find that it is very helpful in sticking to the plan and taking the weight off as well as toning up the body. I hope you find it as helpful with keeping track of everything. Plus the positive support that this site provides. It is a great tool to have on your side.
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    Your welcome, Tammy, I am so glad that you are enjoying it here. It's great to have you as a part of our exercise and diet circle.
  • BSW2010
    BSW2010 Posts: 4
    I also just started on this site & I have already lost 6 lbs. Good Luck!!
  • lindsw
    lindsw Posts: 5
    :bigsmile: You got this girl! We can do it!
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