New here and looking for some support buddies and tips

My sister-in-law told me about MFP so I wanted to give it a try. I am trying to get some ideas for lunches and snack foods that will help with my weight loss journey. I work during the day so the lunch meal needs to be something simple. I also need soome pointers on snack foods. I love any kind of nut and most fruits. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • cleophora
    AS far as lunch, I do a lot of fruit in my bag as well as homemade soups. Snacks for me (I;m a salty snack lover. Not a fan of sweets) I do reduced fat wheat thins with a good salsa. it's high in fiber and doesn't take much to fill you for hours.
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    welcome to the site! glad you are here. new myself as i joined the beginning of the year. this site has lots of info. use the posts on's great. anything you want or need you can get it there. i just printed off a recipe for home made clif bars. they look deliscious and are easy to make. can't wait to try them. best of luck on reaching your goals. add me if you like. i'll help you out if i can.
  • cwgreen1
    cwgreen1 Posts: 3 Member
    For lunch I do a lot of salads. Spring mix lettuce, chicken, cranberries, and 1/2 a Granny Smith apple with lite raspberry vinaigrette dressing. It taste great and it's quick.
    Snacks: I love Greek yogurt. Chobani is my favorite brand. Natural Unsalted almonds are a good choice. String cheese with an apple.
  • terrygran
    Sandwiches made with sandwich thins save calories. Salads, not just the green variety although they are good too, are great. You can add nuts etc to them. Rice cakes, flavored please, are god. Welcome BTW!
  • bluemadder
    Hey Biker Girl! I'm new here too. I bought the book: Fat Flush Plan last week and am doing all the recipes from there and tracking them here. I recommend that book if you don't have a diet plan yet. I did it 10 years ago and lost 20 lbs and managed to keep it off for about 7 years. Last year, I took the most sedentary job I've ever had and gained 15 lbs. So here we go! Good luck!
