workout ideas while injured

I recently hurt my knee and recovery is hell. I can't walk - I have to use crutches and bare no weight on my injured knee.
My arms are so sore from using the crutches! If I sit still - I feel ok.

I know I can't run and do cardio... but anyone have suggestions as to what I can do instead of just sitting all the time - something that doesn't require standing or using my legs?

Signed... unhappy gimp


  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    Straight leg lifts. Include the flutter kick the scissor kick and the military up downs. Pushups. Isometrics for the quad specific muscle. Crunches.
    Use the backs of 2 sturdy metal chairs and do dips should help the arms. You can use them like parallel bars.
    You can do dips with one chair. Position your butt at edge of chair, your hands at each of the 2 corners to support your body. Move your butt up and frontward of chair and do dips by lowering body.
    You can lay on your tummy and do the superman exercise. Look it up on youtube
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Try swimming. Even treading water. Use hand pads to increase resistance.
    I have been told not to do walking for exercise due to arthritis in my feet. Fortunately I love swimming.
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    Those chair workouts are a great idea.
    And swimming - gawd, the thought of a bathing suit sickens me - but the water will take the weight off my leg.
  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
    *Bump* I'm going to watch this one, I'm in a Boot, I had surgery for a Heel Spur and am Not Healing (Pun) like I hoped, I developed a Blood Clot on the Bottom of My Foot, I've found that I can Do Sit Dancing and Upper Body Strenth, and Ride Stationary Bike, and Watch what I eat. I Wish you the Best, I Hope You Recover Fast!
  • carmennaas
    I had surgery on my foot several years back. I was in a cast for 6 weeks. I know how your armpits Feel! I rode the stationary bike at the gym with one foot. I just let the other leg stay on the ground and used one foot to pedel. It made me feel better than just sitting around. Good Luck.
  • fmarcotte73
    I saw on tv execises to do while sitting :smile: in a chair. just google or go to the library:smile::smile:
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    There's an exercise bike-type machine I see at the gym where you "pedal" with your arms. I totally agree with the folks that say water workouts -- I've done a few when mt days off and aqua-Zumba coincide (doesn't happen frequently), and those are no joke -- especially with the resistance "weights" and paddles. Plus it is just LOVELY being able to exercise, get my heart rate up, and be surrounded by nice, cool water (I hate being hot).
    As far as swimsuit fear goes -- just suck it up. I was by far the youngest, smallest person in the pool -- I don't know about where you live, but here the aqua classes seem to be mostly seniors, who have lived far too long in their bodies not to feel comfortable letting it all hang out. If you feel self-conscious, you can get there early and slip in to the pool before the others arrive, and be one of the last ones out of the pool. Use the extra time to do laps around the outside of the pool with the resistance tools!

    ETA: BTW, not all places require bathing suits; some are fine with shorts & shirts. Just make sure your shorts are snug enough to stay up when wet! :-)
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Depending what you did, I would speak to a physiotherapist about any exercises you are thinking of trying. I am just getting over a knee injury that had me on crutches for about 12 weeks, off work for 15 weeks, and I am not back to normal yet. I have been working with a physiotherapist since week 2 and she has helped guide me on what is safe and what is not (for example, I thought swimming would be okay a lot sooner than it was). Again, this is dependent on what you did, I had a LOT of pain and a fairly severe injury. A general rule that the orthos and physios etc say though is if it causes pain-don't do it.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Also, your arms will get stronger and you'll be able to crutch around for longer, so if that is tolerable for your knee (does not increase pain, and any increased pain subsides within 30-60 minutes of resting) then you'll build crutching endurance. Your armpits should not be sore, there should be 2 finger widths between your armpits and the crutches. Good luck!