Just started today

saggytammy Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
At the suggestion of a family member I checked out this website & liked it & plan on giving it a try. I'm on a mission to get toned up & fit by summer. Nothing grocer than skin hugging clothes with rolls underneath or rolls peeking out the bottom of your shirt. Hate that, it's ugly & makes me feel like a back woods rolly polly. Wish me luck & thank you in advance for your support & encouragment. =)


  • Welcome aboard and good luck on your weight loss journey:flowerforyou:
  • Sheri226
    Sheri226 Posts: 22
    Welcome to MFP just keep a possitive outlook and you will go far. Good Luck!
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    We cheering for you. With encouragement from your friends you can do it. Keep a positive attitude even when the going gets tough. And, remember we are here for you.
  • Yes, we are here for you and you know, us back-woods, rolly-pollies have to stick together.
  • xoxox Appreciate your support so much & am really pleased to be part of your journey to better health as well. With all the encouragment & support hopefully by summer we'll all be hot bodies. =) luvs, Tammy
  • Lol, thank goodness. By summer hopefully we'll all be as svelt as we desire! Won't hurt my feelings. =)
  • Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey!! Please feel free to add me as a friend, the support on here is amazing!!
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