Progress gone backwards :(

Hi, I am new here. Two years ago I paid ALOT of money to go to one of those weight loss clinics, the pills they gave me and the diet I followed allowed me to lose 60lbs..which I was ecstatic about, since then (a year ago) I have been laid off, gone into a major depression (all my self-confidence is gone..) and everything has basically gotten worse from there, I gained 40lbs back. So I am now going to try it on my own and would appreciate any advice/support people can give. thanks :)


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You can do this. But not with pills.

    Choose a reasonable goal - no more than 1 lb/week (trust me, this time next year you'll feel AMAZING)... track everything. Weight and measure your portions. Weighing is ALWAYS more accurate. Exercise for 30 minutes more days than not i.e. 4+ days/week. MFP will add your calories burned to what you get to eat. Eat the food if you want it. If you workout hard... eat the food for sure.

    Eat lots of protein. Way more than MFP suggests. You will feel fuller and preserve more muscle during your weight loss.

    Avoid non-fat/sugar-free non-foods. Just don't eat them. They're not good.

    Drink lots of water.

    Do this because your body is all kinds of awesome and deserves to be loved.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    On MFP, you won't be doing it alone! Sending you a friend request :flowerforyou:
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    Your at the right place...good for you for making this decision. Sorry that you are going through a rough time...
    As for advice, just follow the calories that you are allocated and you will lose weight. At the very minimum try to get out walking or something, this will be good for mind and body.
    Check out all the success stories, I find that motivating. Good luck, friend me if you want ok.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Those clinics piss me off!!!! All your hard earned money down the drain. I personally know 3 girls that have lost 30-60 pds and gained it back within a year!!!! And you suffer on 700 cals a day. Not healthy, and most of all NOT SUSTAINABLE.

    So it's time to do it the right way this time :) The problem is that once you're done suffering you have no tools and no knowledge!
    Knowledge is power and the more you learn on your own about the food you eat the better choices you'll make and the weight HAS no choice but to come off.

    First of all you've joined a site like this that keeps you accountable to what you're taking in. I started with an Iphone app that gave me my reccomendations and tracked my input/output/ and water intake, but wish i had known about MFP 4 months ago!!! Since end of sept i have lost 28 pounds and just started a new program. I'll share some stuff that I find helped me alot.

    -Always eat breakfast, i do a shake but whatever. Something is better than nothing for sure
    -Drink alot of water, water cleans out your organs and therefore they function better and can better process what you eat. As a rule of thumb take your weight and cut in half. Translate that # to ounces and drink that many ounces.
    -Do have the stuff you want once in a while, don't deprive or you'll go off the rails. But try not to cheat daily haha
    -I started off slow just on the elliptocal 4x a week (and i worked out at night) but any change is gonna translate for sure.
    -I use up my calories that i burn because i was doing 1350 a day and with exercise it wasn't enough
    -Try to eat every few hrs, don't let your blood sugar plummet, it doesn't feel good and you'll go nuts and eat.LIKE I DID haha
    -This is one is my hardest: Try not to eat after 8pm.I find that this is the time i eat out of boredom completely.

    These are a couple of the things i learned that helped me. But this site is a great tool and it'll keep you in check and it will give you alot of knowledge. The biggest thing that helped me? Was getting educated and IMMERSING myself in my health. Not weightloss but HEALTH. The rest will come if you dedicate yourself :)

    "There are no short cuts to any place worth going".