Any one w/ PCOS?

I just reset my profile and downloaded this app in my phone yest. I am ashamed to report that I am 5'3 and 242lbs...My long term goal is 135, but my short term is to make to 200lbs...Having PCOS, it makes it even harder to lose this weight. It doesn't help that my hubby loves me how I am...but I don't. I am absolutely fed up with my weight/body. And I am wanting to get fit/healthier for myself. Yesterday, I was walking home from work, and my lower back started hurting...bad. Really?! At the age of 31, I have back pains from, if that wasn't a wake up call, I don't know what is!! Wish me luck!! And if you relate to my story, please feel free to add/message me!!

Good luck to you all!!:smile:


  • belisabethbrown
    belisabethbrown Posts: 13 Member
    Hey! My name is Betsy, I'm 20 years old, and I might have PCOS...but I keep putting off going back to the doctor. Maybe if I just ignore the problem, it will go away? Yeah... I've exercised before without any real weight loss, so I'm using mfp to help keep me accountable and mindful of what I'm doing to my body.
  • Hey Betsy,
    Thanks for replying...I was 28 when the docs told me that all my symptons were due to PCOS...Im glad that there was a reason why things where different about me..(i.e...weight gain, hair on my chin..i know thats gross! irregular periods.) it doesnt get better as you get 31 now, and can really notice the symptoms...they said that it cause infertility, well, they put me on metformin to help with keeping from being diabetic...w/in a month or 2 of taking it, I became prego with my 2nd son! But during pregnancy, I got stational diab. which is common w/being over weight & PCOS...

    I do recommend you go to the doc, it won't cure it self!!! I am here if you need someone!!

  • ms_jen21
    ms_jen21 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Steph. No, you're not alone. I am a PCOS Cyster. =) I was Dx back in 2006 @ 15 years old. I am 280lbs and am 4'11" -_-
  • What have you found to help with the symptoms?
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    You can do it! I battled infertility for 2 years due to PCOS symptoms. I'm 5'7", my highest weight was 286 (sadly before I got pregnant) and I'm currently at about 166 aiming for 143. Getting under 200 lbs was also my first goal! Good luck on your journey :)
  • Wow, that is truly amazing, and def an inspiration!! Thank you for your post!
  • Mrsbusk
    Mrsbusk Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there, I'm 23 5"4 and at 200. I was diagnosed at age 13 and been battling with my weight ever since. In middle school I was 5" and 180 lbs. you can do it girl! Having PCOS is a challenge within its self. It makes it harder to stay motivated to lose weight bc we have to work ten times harder. I was just put on metformin last month and it seems to be helping with the symptoms... But I have not really found anything else that has helped. When I was pregnant with my daughter I had gestational diabetes. Being at a bigger weight has caused me to have ruptured cysts many a times even on birth control. And I'm blessed to say my baby girl was a truly a wonderful surprise bc I was on the nuva ring when I found out I was prego. And unfortunately i ruptured a disc in my back and have nerve damage that effects my legs due to my pregnancy.You are not alone and if you have any questions or just need support you can add me. :-)
  • jessward12
    jessward12 Posts: 24 Member
    I too have PCOS. Was diagnosed in 2005 after years of no period. My dr said I was a text book case for someone with PCOS. You really need to get to a dr ASAP because as she stated, it only gets worse If lleft untreated. Although, weight loss can help symptoms drastically. I've even heard some say they reversed theirs. Please add me for support. I have at LEAST 80 pounds to lose myself then my husband and I will TTC our first baby. Add away girls????
  • I have PCOS too. Was diagnosed with it about 10 years ago. I just started a 90 day weight loss challenge and I'm using a great product to help that is safe of those of us with PCOS (and also Diabetic safe). (I used it before to lose 35 pounds - kept it off too. Now it's time to get rid of the rest of it.) If you want more info, just email me back.

    I have a goal of losing 10% body fat and 35 pounds in 90 days. Wanna join me in your own challenge? Kim
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    PCOS girl here. Found out when I was 17, now 21. What helps the symptoms for me is losing weight and watching what I eat. My symptoms have decreased a lot, it's really amazing. Feel free to add if you want. :)
  • Hi there! I too, have PCOS, i was diagnosed a little over two years ago, and I am 23. The only thing that has helped my symptoms is cutting out fast food and soda, as well as exercise and water,When I found out I had it I was at 280:sad: and lost 40 lbs in 2 months with Zumba.:smile: I have stayed at the weight for a year now, but I started feeling my symptoms again, and currently lost 3 lbs and am already feeling better. Good luck and anyone can add me!:happy: :happy:
  • Verla7
    Verla7 Posts: 32 Member
    I have have lived with it all my life, now I have had a hysterectomy and no hormones, and I an older, so my weight loss is a lot slower that I would like to see it, but I am loosing, and I will keep at it until I am at a healthy weight. You can ad me as your friend, and view my profile, yes I know it is harder, however it is possible, just ask yourself this: would you rather loose it all quickly, and gain it all back? Or loose slowly and keep it off? Remember how long it took to put on?
    I hope I have been helpful.
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    I have PCOS and hypothyroid. Fun, fun! I'm not really overweight and never have been, but it makes it that much harder for me to get pregnant...which I've pretty much given up on at this point :(
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    your not alone. my gyn suspects i have pcos. but due to no insurance at that time and seeing a doc at a low income clinic, they couldnt do any further testing or investigating. the lady pretty much said you need to lose weight and to join weigh watchers. nice! i am 28 and have been off any birth control since i was 23. i have also developed type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure from time to time. i ignored the diabetes and was in denial until i have seen what it has done to my health. just little things like bad circulation and the numbness and tingling in my feet and fingers. that is just minor things if i continue the path im on.

    my story only gets worse. my fiance had cancer and had several chemo treatments and a stem cell transplant for lymphoma over the past year. im happy to report he is cancer free now. but anyways. chemo can make a man sterile! the doctor made him go to a sperm bank before starting any treatments because he was at such a high risk of never being able to have children. i almost feel a guilt in a way that if i were in better health that i could have had a baby or two before all that in a natural way. so the only way now we can have kids is if we did invetro which is super super expensive. and with my health, who knows if it would even work.

    my fiance loves me and the life we are living. but your weight can play a big factor in having pcos. i wish people would wake up sooner then i did and realize being over weight is not worth the consequences.
  • NGT351
    NGT351 Posts: 31 Member
    What is PCOS?
  • I wish you and your husband the best of luck in expanding your family...thank you for sharing your story!! Keep intouch!
  • THank you all for your posts and sharing your story...although I do not wish PCOS on anyone, it is reassurring to know that there are others in the same boat as I am...I look forward to taking this journey with each and every one of you!!
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:

    In a polycystic ovary, there are many egg-producing follicles, but they do not mature and an egg is not released. Therefore, progesterone levels are too low and androgen and estrogen are too high. This can cause irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne and trouble getting pregnant.
  • LailasMomma13
    LailasMomma13 Posts: 8 Member
    Your not alone!
    I'm 21 and really gained weight after high school so I went to the doctor in 2009 and found out I have mild Pcos! I was still getting periods every month but would be like 37 days and lasted 7days.I use to be 220 when diagnosed with pcos and insulin resistance! then I was put on metformin end of 2011 an it was ughhhh couldn't take the side effects so I asked for metoformin er 2000mg in march 2012 and it was so much better!! My periods now are 29-35 days and last only 5 days :) I got down to 193 in apil 2012.... and ended up pregnant!!!! It was my first pregnancy :) but sadly I ended up losing the baby at 9weeks due to this new obgyn doctor took me off my meds and laughed at me for asking to continue my meds like my pcos doc said!! She said "ahah you only need that to get pregnant!" Boy was I madd! I shouldn't of been off of it my endocrinologist pcos doc said I should of stayed on it up until 2nd trimester cause metformin lowers miscarriage rates! But anyway after my miscarriage I went back up till 205 and now im struggling to get the weight off again! My body feels disgusted! Pcos is no joke!!! But I know we can all beat this it just takes time! Plus you really got to be motivated! So now today im joining the gym again and hoping to loose this weight again but get EVEN LOWER!!!!!! Wish me luck!
    # Plus I would like to have a baby again <3
    My 1st baby was due here jan 16 and im still suffering from my mc!!! Ima beat his pcos up!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    I am the poster child for PCOS...

    add me so we can support each other....