my road to 100 lbs

Hi there just thought I would share this although my weight loss began some 2 months and 40 lbs before discovering
MFP, today I hit what has felt was a milestone I would never see again in my lifetime back when I was still
a hefty 270+lbs and have finally dropped below 200 lbs leaving only a tiny 29.6 lbs to go .

for me it simply started with a failure, just like the countless days before where I had told myself "this is the day I finally diet"
I had found myself at dinner that having already downed nearly 8000+ cals of junk food and looking at the last empty can of the three 12packs I had consumed that night and decided that this was my worst vice and so if I couldn't kick the junk food habit then
I would no longer drink soda I would have sugar free flavored water instead, and some 2 weeks later after mustering the courage I stood on the scale and was shocked to see I had lost 15 lbs just with this one change.

I guess you could say at this point I felt something akin to hope, I found soda/ energy drinks were no longer so enticing as they had been before and so I dared to make one more change and stop ordering my fast food with fries or cookies and other side items this got me even further eventual reaching 30 lbs lost before I decided to just change one more thing this time removing the cheese or asking for only half the normal mayo and hello 40 lbs

at this point though my loss was slowing notably so I decided my next thing rather than stabbing about blindly at this diet thing
was to seek out some form of guide that is when I thought "hey maybe I should check my smart phone, they have an app for anything right?" and now that Im a total 70 lbs less I can definitely say yes, yes they do ;)

oh and here is a quick before and after pic for you TL:DR people.



  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member

    Looking really good man. Congrats
  • thanks XD
  • That's fantastic! Well done :)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    Nice job buddy!!!
  • Excellent job. It's amazing how much little things can change. I love the idea of changing one thing at a time so as to not feel so overwhelmed. Something that can stick for the long haul. Good luck on your continued success.
  • thanks a lot can't wait to have lost 100lbs. myself, its strange once I look back at it all it feels like it was so hard at the start where as now I just cruise along, just my new habits and lifestyle have been slowly tweaked to the point I just loose the weight by just being me
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
    Superb progress, well done.
  • ccolkid
    ccolkid Posts: 5 Member
    Thats amazing, keep it up!:smile:
  • Great effort.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • Good for you - you look great!! I kicked soda too. I was mostly drinking diet, but I decided to just cut it out altogethter. I try to drink regular water or green tea but sometimes I'll get vitamin water zero. Ive found propel zero still has a lot of sodium.
  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    fantastic mate!
  • the majority of what I drink is just water but I break it up with common sugar free walmart brand bottled water mixes and all manner of hot teas, sodium isn't so bad for you though as just drinking a little more water flushes it through your system though you may gain some temp water weight if your salt levels get a little to high.
  • Oh I have BP issues so I try to cut sodium where I can.
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    You look great! Good job!!
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    Wow, well done. I am aiming to lose 20 pounds but I find reading about people who have made huge losses like yours so inspiring.
  • carolinelittle
    carolinelittle Posts: 45 Member
    I am so proud of you Chris, well done. I know kicking my Coke habit will help me sooooo much, what a waste of calories they are. I love the steps you took, cutting things out! Great idea.
  • Well done! I'm a week into this and why under 200 is not my ideal goal, I know what you mean about it being a milestone! I haven't been there in years either.

    My name is Don. I'm trying to lose 40. Thank you for sharing your story
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    You look great. Congratulations! This post is just what I needed right now. I started back last week with weight loss, and already binged and wondered if I could do it again. Incidentally, since I exercised last week, I didn't gain anything from my binges. I woke up today with a fresh start, exercised, and ate a healthy breakfast. I have learned to never give up!
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
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