Is this too much or achievable?

Today is my first day back on the exercise regime after the festive.

I plan on going to the gym every day after work this week for half an hour until i know what days I will have university lectures, so I can then plan to attend some classes.

My “ideal” plan is (based on current university lectures)

Monday - 5.30 – 6pm GYM . 6.15 – 6.45 pm 30 Day Shred (my partner plays football so I have to be home for 6.15 to look after our daughter).
Tuesday – 5.30 – 6pm GYM . 6.15 – 6.45 pm 30 Day Shred. 7pm Uni lecture
Wednesday – Same as Tuesday.
Thursday – 5.30 – 6pm GYM 6-7pm Zumba
Friday 3.45 – 4.45pm Swimming 6-7pm Zumba
Saturday – 8.30am – 9.00am 30 day shred
Sunday – Same as Saturday 6-7pm Zumba

I don’t plan to follow 30 day shred exactly as stated. I plan to do 5 days a week (mon , tues, wed, sat & Sun) with two “rest” days of 30 day shred.

I know that 30 day shred has you do 10 days on one level before moving onto the next so I’m going to do 10 physical exercise days so in my case two weeks before moving up a level. If I find that level a bit hard I’m going to go back down.

Does this sound realistic. I know that it will take a wee while to build up stamina to last a full half hour in the gym and to do the full 30ds without stopping. This also means that the weekend I have free to spend with my daughter as the exercise is done first thing in morning and out the way.

Also she loves to dance so while I do the 30 day shred she can be with me having fun (while I’m hard at work exercising!)

I LOVE swimming but I can’t go all the time so i finish earlier on a Friday so hence why i planned to have an hour swimming. MY dad also needs to lose weight but due to his age/health swimming is ideal so both me and him do laps on a Friday.

Does this sound too much?


  • 30DS leaves me absolutely dripping sweat. There's no way I'd be able to go to class afterwards without showering (which would take more than 15 minutes).

    And I don't really know what Zumba is, so I can't answer your question as to whether or not it's too much :p
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    Sorry should have said My uni course is an online course so i log on to watch lectures and obviously i will already be at home. I can have my partner have everything looked out so i just need to jump in shower and pjs on! lol
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Question: Is this the amount of exercise you plan on doing during weight maintenance? Structure your activity level so that it closely mirrors what you see yourself doing after you hit your goals.

    On top of that, you should have one to two complete rest days with no exercise. The stress from exercising every single day will not allow your body to fully recover.
  • I have a really dull point - that amount of exercise generates a LOT of washing. I always forget to factor that in when I get overambitious on my exercise plans.
  • Looks good except you need a rest day which is just as important as your training days otherwise you'll burn out. Maybe make Tuesday you're rest day because of your lecture at 7pm or maybe just go for a light walk