Pregnancy 2010 - Week 15

Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a) wanting to drop some weight before TTC
b) TTC
c) Pregnant

Wednesdays are our days to weigh in, and we have started having weekly challenges. Anyone have an idea for this weeks challenge?



  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    I stayed the same. Now about that rhythm thing??
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    It can take anywhere from 1-6 months to start ovulating normally. It took me around 6 months but I had been on the pill for over 10 years. Did you ovulate normally before you were on the pill? If so, you will probably go back to ovulating normally now that you are off. I recommend taking your Basal Body Temp (BBT) even though it is annoying! It will show you when/if you ovulated and if you're not you can talk to a doc. It also gives you a time-frame for effective "trying." Good Luck!!

    Well I got ovulation prediction tests so I figure I'll try that this month. If I don't get pregnant this month I will start charting. I just don't want the pressure of officially trying yet although I really hope it happens soon. I know it's silly! I ovulated regularly off the pill. The only thing is my body followed it's own cycle while on the pill. I had a period a week and a half before I was supposed to, no missed pills or late pills, then two weeks later seemed to ovulate, then 2 weeks later had a period. That is when we decided to stop fussing with the pill since we knew we wanted to start trying in a few months anyways and the doctor thought it was probably too low of a dose to be effective for me. So I guess the first of May if TOM comes then I am back to normal. If not lets hope I'm prego not having issues!

    We got pregnant using the rhythm method, and got pregnant the first try. It's works by tracking your ovulation and your fertile period. If you decide to start tracking let me know, cause I can give you the information on how to naturally get pregnant by knowing when you're egg is ready to be fertilized. :-D

    Ok I'm in! does it matter when in your cycle that you start tracking? my LMP was April 6th, my last cycle was 25 days so I think I should ovulate on the 17th. I went on mymonthlycycles like kiffypooh suggested and charted my cycle flow, length ect. (OK maybe I am more ready to chart than I realized LOL) I took an ovulation test today that had a faint line which I hear means nothing but I am happy that I at least have something indicating I may ovulate this month since it is the first cycle I have had off the pill. Anyways I'll all ears!

    Also we need to start a new thread it's Wendesday. I would but I'm not sure how

    YOu can start at anytime you'd like.

    So basically how it works is you have to use a basal body temperature which you should be able to purchase at any drug store. You have to take the temperature first thing in the morning before you get out of bed, drink anything etc. (I used to keep my on the night stand and pop it in my mouth after the alarm went off) It's best to take the temp at the same time of day as your temp rises every 30 minutes. There are multiple ways to chart it, many thermometers come with a chart, there are charts online and Ipod touches and Iphones have awesome charts that track it all for you AND predict your fertile week. :-) How the chart reads is: after your period your temp is usually low, around 97 or below, the day after ovulation your temp will spike and stay high until your next period. The spike is how you know you've ovulated. HOWEVER, this is not a good way to predict your fertile period because you're egg is only alive for 24 hours and you're fertile for 5 days prior to ovulation, so if you don't start trying until you ovulate it is too late. Make sense?

    The rhythm method combines taking temperature with checking your cervical fluid. SO how that works is every time you go to use the restroom before going take a finger and swipe the lips of your vagina. Outside of your fertile week it will most likely be farely dry, most but not sticky or stretchy. As you get into your fertile week the fluid will become sticky, then progress to creamy or lotiony and won't be sticky (literally looks and feels like lotion), when you are most fertile it will be the same consistancy as egg white: clear, very stretchy, and lots of it! (THis is the stuff that usually gets all over your underwear mid-cycle). So this week you will want to try and try and try for a baby, especially when you reach the egg which phase as that is the best fluid for carrying the sperm to the egg and is when your cervix is open the most.

    Perfer a boy or girl?: there is some studies that say that femal sperm is heavier than male sperm and lives longer. Meaning Female sperm 4 days before ovulation will be reaching the area while the egg is still fertile while many of the male sperm have already died off. Vice versa male sperm a day or two before ovulation will reach the egg first before the female sperm. SO if you really want one of the other you can try having sex 3-4 days prior to your expected ovulation day and not until after you ovulate, or if you want a boy no sex until 1-2 days prior to ovulation and then as much as possible. :-)

    Normally if you are trying for a baby they say if you haven't conceived in a year you should see a fertility specialist, however this is such a good method that they say if you haven't conceived in 3 months you should see a fertility specialist. Also, the nice thing about taking your basal body temp is that after ovulation when your temp rises, it will continue to rise if you are pregnant, so sometimes you know even before a pregnancy test shows positive. :-D Hope this helps, let me know if anyong has questions
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    LW 197.5 CW 196.0 Loss 1.5
    I'm happy with that, espically with all that has happened this past week.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Kiffypooh - YEAH!!! Congrats on the weight loss.

    I weighed in this morning, and it says I gained 2.5 this week. I think something is wrong, because I don't think I have hit 1200 calories once since I got sick a week ago. I am going to pretend I didn't see that, and just focus on next Wednesday.

    I am still sick - I went from Strep, to a cold to now having brochitis. Also, a friend of ours comitted suicide Sunday morning, so it has been a pretty rough week.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey all!

    I didn't realize it was Thursday already... where does the time go?

    I'm back to work now, and starting to be able to move normally - so I think I'll be ready to start working out next week! Yay! I need it! Although, coming back to work has made a huge impact on my eating. Back to smoothies for breakfast, salads for lunch, fruit and nuts for snack, and reasonable dinners. Why is it being at home is so much harder?

    That said, I had a wedding freak out earlier this week. I've since calmed down (thanks you Hopeful), but it seemed to take a lot out of me. If only he would agree to run away and get married...

    Found an interesting article to share:|canada|dl6|link5|

    I'll weigh in tomorrow morning. Oy vey.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Kiffypooh - YEAH!!! Congrats on the weight loss.

    I weighed in this morning, and it says I gained 2.5 this week. I think something is wrong, because I don't think I have hit 1200 calories once since I got sick a week ago. I am going to pretend I didn't see that, and just focus on next Wednesday.

    I am still sick - I went from Strep, to a cold to now having brochitis. Also, a friend of ours comitted suicide Sunday morning, so it has been a pretty rough week.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your friend! A friend of mine did the same when I was in highschool and it a difficult thing to live through. I'll be praying for the family and for your guys.

    Remember too that weight loss can be affected by stress, you're body retains water and it's possible that could be why the scale went up. If it continues to go up you can check the batteries in the scale. Take it easy and get yourself better!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    :smile: I am so happy I found you ladies! My husband and I just got married this past August (8-22-09) and hope to start TTC later this year.Thanks for the detailed information on tracking and charting. I will be officially off my Depo shot this Monday. I have heard many bad things about the shot and getting back to a normal cycle. So I think it may be a long journey to get pregnant. I was on the shot for close to 3 years and haven't had a period for the entire time (it was nice and not looking forward to getting it back).
    I am trying to get into better shape and to the heathiest me before TTC. I have lost 11.2 lbs since February, but did not find thsi app until recently. I would love some extra support.

  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    kcurtis - Want to hear something funny? That's the date my fiance and I are getting married this year! It's the anniversary of our first date!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Jalara - I'm glad you are back to work and getting back to things. The BEST wedding advice I was ever given when planning my wedding (I sent out "save the date" cards to all our out of town guest just to find out my cousin was graduating collage that day so I had to buy new ones and resend them with an explanation, and was NOT happy about it) was, "it's about the marriage, not the wedding." That put it all into perspective for me and ended up having an amazing wedding that friends still comment on 8 years later.

    Kcurtis - Welcome!!!

    Amanda - I agree with Angela about the stress. I am so sorry for you loss, if you need anything let me know. You poor thing being sick and going through all that and to lose someone close to you too. My best to you and your family.

    Nothing new here. Weigh in at WW tomorrow and hope to see the 20 or higher on my ticker, but I'm not sure that will happen. We will see. Looking forward to my follow up dr appointment on Monday so I can determine a date to start trying again. I'm refocusing on health, fitness and working out, but I would rather be back on the baby making thing. I just hope this next trip on this road doesn't take us the year it took to get pregnant with our daughter, the 9 months for our first miscarriage or the year and a half for the second one. I'm ready for another baby around this house :laugh: I think I may have forgotten how to change a dieaper :laugh: Just kidding.
  • lucy1703
    lucy1703 Posts: 18
    so lost 0.2lbs this week. i must admit i've been out eating in restaurants a lot. it's so hard when you go out to eat to chose the right food.
    i'm still trying to decide if i should start taking any prenatal vitamins yet as we're not planning to start trying till december. any advice anyone?
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I eat out WAY too much. I've learned to stick to the same few places and I've figured out a few items and have them modified for me. The biggest thing to remember (imo) is to ask for nothing on bread. They often brush it with butter, oil or mayo.

    I'm all for prenatal vitamins. They are pretty much the same as any vitamins and those are always good. I personally feel the longer you are taking the more "in your system" they will be when the time comes. They aren't super expensive and just an extra percussion incase a baby decides you will be trying sooner :laugh: They say the most important time for most of the nutrients is before you realize you are pregnant. Just my 2 cents.
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    so lost 0.2lbs this week. i must admit i've been out eating in restaurants a lot. it's so hard when you go out to eat to chose the right food.
    i'm still trying to decide if i should start taking any prenatal vitamins yet as we're not planning to start trying till december. any advice anyone?

    I would go ahead and start taking them. You can get a 3 month supply for under $15. I have heard that they need to be in your system 2-3 months before you get the full effect. You may be waiting until December now if you change your mind and bump up the date like my hubby and I did you don't want to have to wait 2-3 months into the pregnancy for the full benefit to kick in. Like Kiffypooh said they are pretty much like regular vitamins (just extra iron and folic acid) that most of us need anyways! Let us know what you decide.
  • Caliwaters25
    Hey everyone I forgot to weigh in Wed CW166 GW150. I was at 164 but I have been stress eating and I am hoping that because I still fit into my jeans that I recently purchased after dropping 10 lbs that the 2lbs will drop quickly. This month is my first TTC and I just got my prenatal vitamins recently so I have that down. I was thinking about hitting borders to get WTE book. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I have been taking prenatal vitamins for about a month now. I forget to take them everyday, but I probably take them 3-4 times a week. I got the target brand pretty cheap, and they don't make me sick. I also noticed for the first time this month the changes "down there" at days 13-16 in my cycle. I never had put two and two together before on when/why it was happening. Only 2 more months until we can TTC!

    I am finally feeling better, so I plan to hit the gym tomorrow!! I really have missed going there. I also plan to get back on track food wise tomorrow. I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Thanks for all the support and thoughts as I am adjusting to the death of our friend. I really appreciate all of you being so careing!!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    It's late but I'm posting my weight. I really bummed cause i gained back I doing my best to keep on my calorie goals and water in take. I have been slacking in the excercise dept. so that might be the reason??? Hopefully i'll have better news next week.

    adegonia - where do you get your vitamins? I usually pay $12 for a one month supply (they're the ones with DHA) I know it's never to early because we're planning on TTC in August.
  • ACEuhheartz
    Hi, I read this threads and learns alot from it. I'm new here and hope ya'll dont mind me share mine in here.I lost 21lbs so far for last 3 months from my 1st pregnancy. Right now I got about 10 to 5lbs to lose so either of those 2 I lose then I'm good. I started taking my Pre-Natal Vitamins with DHA about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure what TTC mean but if it mean start trying or concieving, we decide to start trying this coming late July or early August. I was wondering since now I'm down to to either 10 or 5lbs to lose, should I go ahead and start increase my low calories up slowly by weekly or to soon? Like next week let say Monday add 100 cals into, then monday after that add another 100 cals, etc....or what? I heard or must have read it somewhere here said something about if you accomplish your weight goal then start increase you cals up slowly into you maintain weight. I just started doing the Turbo Jam yesterday. All I'm doing now beside losing those either 10 or 5lbs, just strengthing my abdominal hopefully shrink those saggy skin little more before get pregnancy. Yes I will continue eating right, more cleaner, and easy exercises n walking while pregnant like I did with my 1st one but little more better.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    adegonia - Thanks! I might just change back to regular pills because these ones w the DHA are horse pills I'll probably start taking them until we TTC. I don't supplement calcium I probably should, do you have a brand recommendation? I'm always leary bout taking too many vitamins out of fear of overdosing, silly but sometimes i'm OCD like that.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Okay, so I have a question regarding trying to TTC and something i have been experiencing for the past year and half. I thought perhaps someone in this thread has also experienced this. Every month and sometimes every other month i have mid cycle bleeding. I have been to my OB GYN about this and have been diagnosed with a very sensitive cervix (a lot of times it's brought on after intercourse). My question is has anyone had trouble with their pregnancy because of this and does this make it harder to conceive because of the bleeding? I guess i'm very used to thinking that the menstral cycle is a way our bodies clean out the old eggs to allow for a fresh start and every time i find bleeding i'm thinking that is what is happening. I hope this makes sense...and thanks for listening to my ordeal.
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    adegonia - Thanks! I might just change back to regular pills because these ones w the DHA are horse pills I'll probably start taking them until we TTC. I don't supplement calcium I probably should, do you have a brand recommendation? I'm always leary bout taking too many vitamins out of fear of overdosing, silly but sometimes i'm OCD like that.

    I just get the Walgreens store brand prenatals. They are exactly the same as Stuart brand just cheaper. I have been thinking about taking 2 tums a day to supplement my calcium but I'm with you on worring about going overboard and doing more harm than good. Also I looked and Walgreens sell a DHA supplement for $9.99. (I sound like a spokesperson LOL) but that is only for one month. I think the DHA is most important your last trimester so I may wait to start taking that.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi, I read this threads and learns alot from it. I'm new here and hope ya'll dont mind me share mine in here.I lost 21lbs so far for last 3 months from my 1st pregnancy. Right now I got about 10 to 5lbs to lose so either of those 2 I lose then I'm good. I started taking my Pre-Natal Vitamins with DHA about 2 weeks ago. I'm not sure what TTC mean but if it mean start trying or concieving, we decide to start trying this coming late July or early August. I was wondering since now I'm down to to either 10 or 5lbs to lose, should I go ahead and start increase my low calories up slowly by weekly or to soon? Like next week let say Monday add 100 cals into, then monday after that add another 100 cals, etc....or what? I heard or must have read it somewhere here said something about if you accomplish your weight goal then start increase you cals up slowly into you maintain weight. I just started doing the Turbo Jam yesterday. All I'm doing now beside losing those either 10 or 5lbs, just strengthing my abdominal hopefully shrink those saggy skin little more before get pregnancy. Yes I will continue eating right, more cleaner, and easy exercises n walking while pregnant like I did with my 1st one but little more better.

    TTC means trying to conceive.

    You don't need to increase your calories until a few weeks into your pregnancy so no need to worry about it now as long as you are still trying to lose. If you're happy with where you are, you can move up to maintenance.