Sick and Sad!

HulaCherry Posts: 45
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello MFP friends!

I have been sick for the past 3 days. I am still going back to the doctor's tomorrow to get some more tests done. I am frustrated because I can't work out. I've been eating within my calories, but my body is funky. I am worried that even if I eat within my calories, I am still going to gain weight.

Any suggestions for success on the scale next week without being able to work out!?

Thanks so much!!


  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I wouldn't worry about're sick. Take care of yourself, get better, THEN worry about your diet/exercise.

    However, broth based soups are healthy, low cal, and great when you're ill.
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    You must take care of yourself and your health first..everything else will fall into place ..just stay focused and I am sure you will be fine! dont worry about the scale worry about your health ..Sure hope they find the problem and that your test are all ok!! if you stay within your calories you should still do just may not be the number you are looking for or better yet it may be more..I was down a few weeks ago and could not exercise either and I showed a 4lb loss that week...JUST STAY FOCUSED!!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    ME too! I've been so sick the past week. Have not had any energy to exercise. I'm just starting to eat again, I had absolutely no appetite. I HATE BEING SICK!

    Hope you feel better real soon.
  • Dunrick
    Dunrick Posts: 23
    I suggest some Zinc to help boost ur bodies ability to function properly, since it is a keep mineral for all humans. I also take Emergen-C when I am sick to get extra vitamins and minerals in me and sleep... lots and lots of sleep.... and water... can't forget water.
  • Thanks so much for all of your advice!!! I really appreciate it.
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