What was your biggest food addiction?



  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    Cereal. I can NOT have it in the house.. I'll plow through an entire box in a day.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    but I do like jelly beans.
  • Cheese
  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member

    seriously, in my pregnancy i gained like...20kgs just cause of cheese.

    i still have it sometimes for breakfast, even tho it means i have to bust my *kitten* working out...haha
  • astrylian
    astrylian Posts: 194 Member
    I'm a chocoholic. As a kid, I was allergic to chocolate but eventually outgrew it so I think that as an adult, I've tried to make up for it haha. I'm partial to dark chocolate, so now I try to get my fix with the Silk Dark Chocolate almond milk and occasionally a couple of squares from dark Hershey's bars.

    They make DARK CHOCOLATE ALMOND MILK?! Oh my goodness. :love:
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    2 things, first of all cheese. We were eating a kilo a week between 2 of us! Secondly, Mr Brown Vanilla flavour iced coffee.
  • Harlequin16
    Harlequin16 Posts: 102 Member
    cheese & ice-cream! separately of course haha
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member

    i did however invest in an air popper and now air pop my own!

    oh and i have a love of cheese and crackers!!!!
  • biscuits especially plain digestive ones. i still battle that now
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    Not a single food, but some foods that have a certain fat / sugar ratio. It includes, among others, cookie dough, biscuits with milk chocolate, kinder chocolate, nutella... Once I start, stopping is physically impossible. I don't feel full or sickened, even after 4000 calories.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    Ooo mine are carbs.. the bad kind.. - white bread pasta rice pizza chips oh and fizzy drinks..:indifferent: :frown: i know i know.. im working on controlling my carb addiction.. *thumbs up* :bigsmile: :ohwell:
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    Chocolate! Still is, in fact. Honestly, I think it's foolish to totally give up any food, especially if you really love it. Learning moderation is key. I have never stopped eating chocolate, cheese, meat, carbs, or drinking beer, and I've lost 50+lbs.
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Mine was, or should I say is, Dr. Pepper. I would drink multiple 20 oz. bottles a day. I have now limited myself to one a day and drink lots of water.
  • photognurse
    photognurse Posts: 27 Member
    Chocolate Covered Raisins
    Chocolate Covered Peanuts
    HARIBO Gummy Bears

    Sober 1 week.... haha
  • DrJeep
    DrJeep Posts: 37 Member
    Cheese, cheese is my biggest enemy. I can not control myself around it, and I don't know why. I actually opted to not buy any cheese anymore for now, because if I buy a block of it I can devour it all in one day, no problem, without even noticing it I'd eat away 1kg of cheese.

    And man, if it was a kg of yoghurt, or something else, I could live with that. But cheese also happens to be such a calorie bomb.

    I'm not going to give it up completely, but until I can moderate myself, I'll only buy very small quantities of it, or not buy it at all.
  • krisbeaver
    krisbeaver Posts: 41 Member
    Nacho chips and salsa..I used to be able to eat a whole bag in one day. How sad is that? I haven't had one since New Year's day.
  • abrahamsitososa
    abrahamsitososa Posts: 716 Member
    Not sure if cheese or meat.
  • Pasta and DrPepper!

    Both of those are horrible but so damn good!
  • Emlou93
    Emlou93 Posts: 22
    Chocolate anything. Jelly beans. Still my biggest weakness. Nothing cake anymore because I'm gluten intolerant. But damn chocolate. I now limit myself to a few pieces of 85% if I have to, which is extremely yummy now that my tastebuds have adjusted :)
  • Rtossas
    Rtossas Posts: 29
    Pizza and carrot cake

    Thank goodness for refeed days!
  • Marion_
    Marion_ Posts: 56 Member
    Definitely cheese! Actually I keep using cheese like Philadelphia in the morning, or a little bit of goat cheese to cook with vegetables, but I have decided to stop having very goood (and stinky) cheese in my fridge! Haha I just can't resist it... at any time, and especially between meals... Sorry I'm French :)
  • YoshiCow
    YoshiCow Posts: 77 Member
    Anything from the Indian. Doesn't help when your est friends family are indian and keep cooking me samosas and onion bhajis. :(
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    I'm a chocoholic. As a kid, I was allergic to chocolate but eventually outgrew it so I think that as an adult, I've tried to make up for it haha. I'm partial to dark chocolate, so now I try to get my fix with the Silk Dark Chocolate almond milk and occasionally a couple of squares from dark Hershey's bars.

    I was allergic to chocolate as a kid too, I out grew it also. it's also my addiction :)
  • ic3co0l
    ic3co0l Posts: 57 Member
    ICECREAM CAKE... guilty pleasure. But in all honesty I'm addicted to sugar.. PERIOD.
  • Dunkin Donuts Coffee (toasted almond flavor) with cream and sugar... Now that I have started this plan I have given it up cold turkey.... The girls at the drive through probably think I've died!!!
  • I love pizza! Especially tuna and onions and really hot ones with chili and stuff. But at the moment I'm not going out much and I've restisted buying them, so I haven't had a pizza in months! Yay!
    I used to do a lot of sports and when I went home really hungry I just stuffed myself with a massive pizza, so all the sport had absolutely no effect. God, how stupid I was.
    ;) I also loved milk and pudding, but I think I'm over that now...
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    TWIZZLERS...raspberry...I would buy a big bag and eat them all within 10 mins...LOL.....now I have gluten problems...and guess what, wheat is the MAIN ingredient...LOL...I did find a gluten free version online and bought 5 pkgs,,, 2 1/2 oz each....one pkg satisfies my cravings...they are pretty good, but not as soft and chewy...but are OK....

    I haven't gone completely gluten free yet because I still have to have the test, but when I do, I KNOW I WILL MISS IT ALL...all my life I have eaten pasta and such...such a big adjustment...LOL
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    Bread....warm freshly baked bread.........
    Arnotts BBQ shapes.........

    I am seriously addicted to wheat based carbs.....
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    Chocolate and all the sweet stuff. I usually crave something sweet after every meal. -__-
  • aerialbanners
    aerialbanners Posts: 2 Member
    Anything Salty! Chips are my biggest downfall. I've avoided fried foods for a couple of years but Chips are what I miss most. I gave up bread awhile ago and I feel uncomfortably full after pasta so thats not really to hard. Sometimes I'll buy a bag of sour cream and onion ruffles and I'll say to myself " ok you can do this, whats a few??" but the truth is I have a few, then say I can't handle it and walk the rest of the bag outside to the trash can. Gotta do what you gotta do! Lol