new! in need of friends for motivation

hello, I have just joined, and I am looking for friends for motivation! I am a stay at home mommy, and I know my journey is not going to be easy! could do with some friends, motivation and tips if anyone can help? :)


  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    Hey sarbabe, any help you need let me know and Ill do what is your weight loss goal?
  • Palucci
    It works, I found this site to be fantastic in keeping up with fats and calories. You can find just about every food imaginable and every brand that is out there. I joined this month myself. Good luck
  • FashionableZoe
    Same here---just started about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Love the site but love that the people on here are so nice and motivating.
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    welcome! you've made a positive first step. best wishes of reaching your goals as you start this journey. the bigger the circle of friends we have i feel the stronger we are. we are all here for a reason. motivation an support go a long we in helping each other find success and reaching our goals.

    add me is you'd like.
  • woot505
    Hello, I'm new to this, just started p90x. I'm in my first week day 4. The diet and eating part is got me stumped!! I just haven't got the whole eating thing right, my numbers are just way off! Calories and protein. I would love to know how everyone else is doing it?