I have been an angel all weekend and counted all my calores and back to work today and have devoured a belian bun and a packet of quavers

Really fed up now but now is too late to take it back :explode:

Only 2 days in with over 6 stone to lose and blown it already

Any tips on how to just say NO NO NO


  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    First of all, don't beat yourself up about it. The "all or nothing" way of thinking is bad when you're trying to stick to a healthy diet. It's too easy to give up when you think you have to be perfect all the time and you're not. Many times when I eat something I think totally blew my diet, it turns out that it wasn't as many calories as I thought.

    Just try to do better with your next meal! Maybe exercise a little more today to make up for the extra calories.

    I eat junk food all the time and I still lose weight. I just try to keep it within my calories. Keep in mind this is not a race and you're trying to make a change for the rest of your life. I don't know about you, but I am NOT going to live out the rest of my life without ever eating another piece of candy or french fries. You can do it! :-)
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    ^^ this. seriously, atleast once a week I have McDonald's fries or pizza. Just not everyday, and a small get instead of a large. good luck!
  • mbonacci12
    mbonacci12 Posts: 72 Member
    Thta's true. Yesterday after doing good all day, I had 2 slices of pizza and some junk food. After recording my calories, I was still within my daily calories.
  • So.... you haven't blown it. One day of badness won't stop you losing weight in the same way one day of goodness won't make all the weight disappear.

    The day isn't over yet so can you squeeze in some exercise? Walk at lunchtime/end of day depending on what your work pattern is? 30 mins walk and the quavers won't exist anymore! (or something like that ;-) )

    Also, think about your motivation for eating what you did...
    Was it habit? That happens to me, I got in the habit of having a twix everyday because I bought one when I bought my coffee. I changed coffee house. (Sorry Carlo!)
    Was it because you were craving sweet stuff? If so, try to find alternatives. My favourites are grapes (currently half price in most UK supermarkets) and bananas
    Was it because you were SO hungry that you couldn't think straight? If so, you may have been TOO much of an angel over the weekend and starved yourself a bit too much

    My other tip is sparkling mineral water. No calories and it is quite filling. My dad has lost 2 stone by drinking 1 L of it every morning, so I'm embracing it too!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    First off calm down. You didn't blow anything. It's just one belian bun and a packet of quavers. Log it and move on. Perhaps do some exercise to burn off some of the calories from it.

    Tips on saying No? Stay fed up. Eat a good breakfast, eat a good morning snack, eat a good lunch, eat a good afternoon snack, eat a good dinner. If you are not really hungry you're less likely to be tempted by stuff you feel will deter your weight loss.
  • Dont beat yourself up....i find that starts of a cycle of bad thoughts!
    Just try and do a bit more exercise today to make up for it, but if you're over you calories...nevermind. Tomorrow is a new day.
    And you're only on day 2!! Its hard to go from bad habits to a new healthier lifestyle overnight.

    Keep going :)
  • Been there - done that and I am still alive!!! I was supposed to run in a 5K a few years back. I was supposed to depart at 10 to meet friends and by 9, I ate so much food, I could not go. I had trained and then did this!!!! I am still living and got right back on track. I thought about it, deep down, I don't think I wanted to run the event and did not really like the people I was going with. Think about it, Monday, back to work, maybe a so, so weekend. Just move on!!

    This might not help but... my new slogan is "Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin feels"!!!
  • I feel better now, at the time I was all angry and wound up with myself

    I have a sandwich and some soup for lunch and I won`t be that hungry tonight now so will probably just have some more soup. If I am over my caloris I was slightly under the last two days and if I try that for the next day or two I should swerve it

    Thanks all of you, this is the place to come when you need a boost xxx
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I hit a plateau once and went out to dinner for my anniversary and went way over my calories. Next day I dropped a pound and plateau over. I go over at least a couple times a week. Not by much but I am consistently loosing weight. As long as you do not go over 3500 calories, I would not worry at all about it.
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    be good most of the time, it's about consistency. plan a blowout day where you can munch on what you like, still record the day, but accept that it's a day you're gonna eat whatever you feel like. the other 6 days, you need to be good, so be good! If you plan ahead, you know what to do and what to expect, so do it! If you bite into something and change your mind, you don't have to swallow, ignore peer pressure. Find what hobbies work for you, gym, martial arts, boot camp, ice skating.... whatever it takes, build good habits. This isn't a diet, it's a life style! Work out who you want to be and start executing it. Don't think it's going to be over night, it will happen, but you need to decide where you're aiming. Don't aim too high first, get confidence in your abilities and as you beat each challenge, expand, fill the space, take on more when you're ready. Learn everything you can, but don't believe it until it's been battle tested by yourself. You are an experiment of one! Find what works for you :)
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Log it in your diary, and arrange the rest of your day's calories around it. Plus, do a workout and burn off the calories - that is what I'd do. Tomorrow is a new day =) x
  • I have literally just had delivered my new Latin Dance workout kit so guess what I will be doing tonight to work off the bun and quavers ??

    Thanks everyone you are all amazing xxx
  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member
    2 x Mcvitie's - Dark Chocolate Digestives
    2 x Border - Dark Chocolate Ginger Biscuit

  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Don't see it that way. You haven't blown it. Weight loss is measured over TIME, not over the course of a day. :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    What's a quaver?
  • Quavers aren't even that bad! Honestly, don't fret about it, look at it logically and work your calories/activities around the unexpected snacks. We all do it! (My other half's mum brought some mini pastries over, I gave in and had a mini vanilla crown and 20 minutes of Zumba soon took care of it!)
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    What's done it done! No worries...we all do it! Get back on track! You enjoyed it, now move on! :}
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    I meant what's done is done! LOL
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Watch what happens as things go along, though. You will want to eat like that, but your body won't let and will make you not want to try it again...
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    You haven't blown it! You do not fail until you quit! Sometimes we need to gain knowledge while we are trying to lose weight. Use this time as a learning experience... what was the trigger that made you go overboard eating? Was it stress at work? If you had healthery filling snacks in your desk would you have been better able to resist? Could you have just taken a small piece or just a few bites and stopped, or did one bite set off over eating?

    If you saw someone else post this in your news feed what would you say to them? Practice talking to yourself in that same supportive voice.