No Appetite

I am really battling - I have zero appetite at the moment...

I am forcing myself to eat but I end up feeling naseous afterwards because I'm not hungry... and becasue of this I don't have as much energy as normal

I know it's not good not to eat but am seriously running out of ideas...

any suggestions?


  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    Go doctors. They'll help you.
  • mbonacci12
    mbonacci12 Posts: 72 Member
    I am the same way in the morning. I just like coffee but I force myself. Try eating non-breakfast foods. Like some deli roll-ups or grill some cheese.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    You can always drink your calories but I agree, if you are nauseated, go to the doctor.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    At a guess, you want to lose weight quite desperately and have aimed for 1200 calories a day as a minimum advised by MFP, and the thought of eating makes you sick because you think it's doing the opposite of what you want to achieve?

    Edit: of course, I may be jumping the gun a little. Try having a drink before you eat. Perhaps it's (as per the other thread) dehydration you're experiencing.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    try doing 20mins or so fasted cardio first thing in the morning, that will get your appetite going.
  • AbbyLynne2246
    There is definately a medical reason you do not have any appetite, and it should be looked into. A healthy person wants food to keep their energy up.

    That said, when I was sick and had no appetite (months) my doctor let me know as long as I am eating enough calories that I have enough energy to live my life it's fine.

    If there is nothing medical wrong, I would think about seeing a therapist. Sometimes appetite can come and go with depression and similar mental health issues...

    When you have no appetite though, go for fruit juices - lots of calories. Just ensure you care getting SOME protein so the muscle mass you have doesn't dwindle, and that you arent getting too many calories from sugar, which causes hypertension.

    This year I was off food completely for two weeks, and had no appetite for more than 4 months. Feel free to add me if you have any questions (I have Crohn's disease, loss of appetite is a common symptom I get.)
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You should go to the doctor and find out what's wrong...this is really not normal!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    You say "at the moment". Is this an ongoing thing or just a morning thing?

    If it is just a morning thing, then don't force yourself to eat. Meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss or metabolic rate. It's all personal preference.

    If it is an ongoing, all the time thing, then listen to the others and make an appointment with your doctor.