disappointing start

This is me: 5 ft 1, 142 lbs (goal 120lbs) This is what I have done so far,
Week 1: Insanity x 5 days plus 1200 cal diet, weight loss 1lb. Bit disappointed afer all that work to have only lost 1lb. Maybe 1200 cals is a bit low with the insanity stuff? Should I eat more?


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    1lb is pretty good. If you end up averaging 1lb a week, consider yourself lucky. You only have 20lbs to lose, to a 1lb a week loss is good.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Insanity recommends something like 2000 calories doesn't it? Yes 1200 is far too low with exercise, you are netting under your BMR.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Your muscles are likely retaining water since you started a new workout, which can mask weight loss. As for calories I have heard that you should eat 1800 while doing Insanity but I'm not sure about that. Do you know how much you're burning?

    Be patient and try to remember that a pound lost on your first week is excellent progress.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    This is me: 5 ft 1, 142 lbs (goal 120lbs) This is what I have done so far,
    Week 1: Insanity x 5 days plus 1200 cal diet, weight loss 1lb. Bit disappointed afer all that work to have only lost 1lb. Maybe 1200 cals is a bit low with the insanity stuff? Should I eat more?

    yea, it's not nearly enough for insanity. They minimum requirement is 1800 calories. I would try to eat closer to 1700-1800 calories. Also, you can use their macro's of 40/40/20 (c/p/f). Just set your account to 1800 with those macro's and you won't have to worry about exercise calories. This will align to the way beachbody has their programs set up.
  • stepho69
    stepho69 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks, that has cheered me up.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    yup. I am 5"0 and I work out less than you, and I eat about 1400-1500 to lose. I like this calculator, see what it says for you..
    With all that exercise, all your effort might not show on the scale, make sure you are measuring yourself and taking pictures as well!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    yup. I am 5"0 and I work out less than you, and I eat about 1400-1500 to lose. I like this calculator, see what it says for you..
    With all that exercise, all your effort might not show on the scale, make sure you are measuring yourself and taking pictures as well!

    Yup. This.
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    1lb is pretty good. If you end up averaging 1lb a week, consider yourself lucky. You only have 20lbs to lose, to a 1lb a week loss is good.

    quoted for emphasis
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    YOU LOST 1 POUND In 1 Week!!!!!!!!! Excellence does not happen overnight. There is no Magic to being healthy.
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Do measurments! You could have lost more fat but gained muscle. Don't bock at a lb loss!
  • 141by2016
    141by2016 Posts: 179
    This is a war of attrition. If you maintain this rate, you'll be done by summer, and more likely to keep it off than if you lost 2lbs a week. Are you at least eating back some of your exercise calories?
  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    The calories seem a bit low for the intensity of the workout. It is great that you lost weight though and I would go with measurements over the scale as well when it comes to this type of workout. Good luck!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Give it a little more time--one week really is not that long! And keep up the good work!
  • btracy01
    Might be good just to do one by itself, either the insanity, or the 1200 calorie. I've been at about 1300 calories for about 3 months now and I've lost about 20 lbs, and i dont really exercise that much. With exercises like Insanity, you may have gained some water weight, because fluid will collect in your muscles when they're sore and such (like when you begin a new exercise regime)

    Good Luck!!!!!! :D
  • darbobo
    darbobo Posts: 53
    :) its only been a weeks, give it some time.... keep it up, you will see results promise...it took me at least a month to see results
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Remember not all calories are created equal, no simple carbs, veggies, proteins, and "some" complex carbs. The wait will come off.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    Look, your stats are virtually identical to mine. It's not possible for someone this size to lose more than a pound a week of fat. Anything else is just water weight. Also, remember that a lb a week is about 2 ounces a day. In other words, if you eat 2 slices of bread before you step on the scale, it will mask that 2 ounces of fat you lost that day.

    So log your weights, but don't get alarmed at the day to day increases (I've had gains 5 days in a row, but I knew I was losing, and sure enough, bam, one day you're down 2 lbs lower than you were 2 weeks ago.) Unless you do nothing the rest of the day, 1300-1400 KCals should put you right on track to weigh 120 lbs in sometime in May. Keep up the good work.
  • itsSEBRINA
    hey there stepho69!!

    Keep your head up!!! 1lb of weight loss is better than no pound at all!! I had to learn to be happy..ecstatic even.. with the smallest sign of progress!! it gets better over time!!
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    You did not become overweight overnight, you cannot undo it overnight. Patience, grasshopper. ;)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    You definitely need to eat more if you're doing something that intense! Check out helloitsdan's post (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12) Congrats on the 1 pound weight lose