getting rid of Food Addiction



  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    Me and food on New Years Eve....

    Here I am reporting back about how I handled food during New Year's Eve celebration with my family and friends.

    I ate some lamb roast, baked potato, salad and decided to test my "moderation ability" by eating a piece of cake.

    I ended up eating three pieces of cake and four home made chocolate wafers. Yeah. I could not just stay on just one piece.
    Why did I do it? Why did I try that cake?
    Well, I told myself, here is a chance to test the theory of food addicts not being able to stop after reaching for one piece of binge food. And, I proved a point. Now I know for sure that I don't have that much willpower to eat in moderation. I have to stay away from the foods that trigger me.
    I did not reach for that first piece of cake just because I could not resist. No. I deliberately ate the first piece to test myself and now I know what I need to do.
    The next morning I woke up starving, just like I did every other morning before I tried staying away from binge foods. I was tired and sluggish.
    All day yesterday I felt the need to eat more and had cravings, but I ignored them. I was back to eating foods that are not binge foods.
    This morning, I woke up a little hungry, but ate my healthy breakfast and feel much better about myself.

    So, this is my self test of food addiction theory and I think they are right about it. :frown:
  • skinnybetch78
    skinnybetch78 Posts: 34 Member
    This is a really important topic, and the answers here are well thought out and constructed. I have suffered from various ED for 20 years and am hoping finally to find some balance. I am currently reading _Skinny *****_ and I'm not sure about going vegan, but I am certainly going to clean up my diet. Less processed foods. I don't think I can give up yummy things, so I am looking for healthier versions. I have really enjoyed the desserts and yummy things on the Chocolate Covered Katie. She has a lot of gluten-free and sugar-free recipes that use natural ingredients.
    Good luck! And anyone who reads this, feel free to add me! =]
  • sarapilar41
    sarapilar41 Posts: 2 Member
    I was in that Program on and off for 13 years. It did not work for me and triggered a much worse food addiction in me. I believe one needs moderation. I cannot have 'forbidden foods'. I can have a bite or two, that's it. I have given up all wheat and grain products, so that has helped. But, I ate 6 bites of cake frosting yesterday. I am losing weight.