Just Introducing Myself :-)

Hi all - my name is Emma and I'm a 32 year old mum of twins from West Wales. I have always sstruggled with my weight but even more so since I had the kids. I've tried lots of diets but nothing has really worked for me up until now but I desperately want to succeed this time as my partner proposed over the Xmas period and we will be getting married next year. As well as wanting to lose weight for health reasons and for the sake of my kids, I also want to look fab in that wedding dress lol. Please feel free to add me as it would be lovely to make some friends here and share my weight loss journey :-) xx


  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    I'm the one on the right in my profile picture by the way (without the hat lol) - this picture was taken on New Years Eve and I though I looked nice until I saw the photo lol x
  • cmeyers54
    Hi Emma!

    Congrats on your recent engagement, how exciting!!
    My name is Christina. I am a 34 year old mom of 3 children (15,3 and 10months) who desperately wants to lose the weight for good. Today is my first day trying to be active on MFP, I joined a long time ago but have never entered any info. I got up this morning and did the c25k app for the very first time. I can hardly walk now but honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's a good start anyways. I have already logged what I plan to eat today and will come in under my goal, which is good if I can stick with it. I would love to friend you, maybe we can motivate each other. I know we can do this!!!
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi Emma!

    congrats on your engagement! that will be great motivation to get started on this weight loss journey. i sent you a friend request. im sure we can help each other out, i barely started 6 weeks ago but need all the help i can get and give =)
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    Hi cmeyers54 and Dizy17 - thank you so much for your replies and it's lovely to 'meet' you - thank you for your congratulations regarding the engagement - we've been together 10 years so it's about time he got his bum into gear and asked - it was quite a surprise lol - looking forward to sharing my progress with you and supporting you on your journeys - we will do this!! :-) xx
  • ellebelle203
    Hi Emma! I think it's great you came on to mfp this site is fantastic! Hope you can be successful and happy in your journey to weight loss! Gooood luck!
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi cmeyers54 and Dizy17 - thank you so much for your replies and it's lovely to 'meet' you - thank you for your congratulations regarding the engagement - we've been together 10 years so it's about time he got his bum into gear and asked - it was quite a surprise lol - looking forward to sharing my progress with you and supporting you on your journeys - we will do this!! :-) xx

    yes WE will!!!