Buddies over 60



  • Your progress is fantastic. I'm hoping to get a new hip sometime during the summer. I hope then I can get rid of my cane. Glad you have joined the group. DEB
  • I've decided to go to the water aerobics tomorrow. They have it every MWF. I hate the water, I hate swimming, I hate getting cold and wet. With all of that said, I'm going to do it anyway. It's about all I can do right now. I am getting weaker and weaker as the months go by. I have been starving all day. Oh well. Oh, I also hate the meds that I'm on that make me hungry. Well, enough complaining. I had to say it. If this was easy for me I wouldn't be over weight. I've been as high as 265 and as low as 128. For most of my life I was about 150. When my arthritis started getting bad, and my joints started failing is when I started to gain.

  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    Good for you for giving the aerobics a try! I hope that they have the pool temp cranked up for you! Take it easy tomorrow so that you don't hurt yourself. This is a journey and you can't expect to be a water aerobics expert on your first day. I find that the best thing to keep myself from getting too hungry during the day is making sure that I get enough protein. Although I don't always succeed, I try to make sure that my morning and afternoon snacks include protein. Instead of eating an apple, I'll have half an apple and a low fat mozzarella stick, or a half an apple and about ten unsalted almonds. Sometimes I will have a small container of greek yogurt or cottage cheese (both high in protein).
  • Thanks otrlynn. The trouble is, that I have to limit my protein due to the renal diet. Normally that is what I would do. I have to cut back on dairy, no red meat, no more cheese and no processed meat. I'm going to try and stick to chicken, turkey and fish. The aerobics class is talk by a lady in her 90's. She is really a neat person. I went to the class once before and the water temp was fine. I am just in a complaining mode tonight.
  • GIMOM66
    GIMOM66 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm 66 and need to lose weight. Because of a health issue I need to lose but am somewhat restricted because of a health problem. I need all the help & motivation I can get. My docs want me to eat more protein to help with the health issue and I'm told it will also help me lose. Open for any and all advice and support!
  • Siobhan108
    Siobhan108 Posts: 80 Member
    I am 66 and have only been on this site a few days but I love it. I am also retired after 30 yrs at GM and I too have back problems, but at our age we all have some aches and pain, so it's life. I would like to be your friend, so add me if you wish. I use mostly Weight Watchers, but I also log in every day. I go to the gym, in my community 2 days a week and to the pool 3 days, plus I work part time after being retired for 6 yrs I got bored, so I usually log in at nite and early morning. Good Luck ! :love:
  • I liked Atkins if your doctor is telling you more protein. Go to their site and it is all written out for you. Also you get to eat more than just protein and it takes away your hunger. DEB
  • I went to the Mayo clinic site and found a better renal diet for me and printed it out. DEB
  • I feel much better today. I got through the evening and night. I think I was down yesterday because of my friend dying. I found my swim suit and I'm going to the pool today. I haven't been out of the house for over a week. It's been so darn cold, zero during the day and 12 below at night. But I have warm clothes/coat. I will take stuff with me to the pool so I can wash and dry my hair.
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

  • dsr315
    dsr315 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 62 and need to lose over 100 pounds. Over the past few years I have become quite good at coming up with excuses as to why I cannot lose weight, such as thyroid issues, bad back, past fractures, you name it. But the keyword there is "excuses" and I am tired of making excuses. I think, for me, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the total amount of weight I need to lose and I need to stop doing that. My goal is to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. I became a widow when I was 44 years of age and over the last 18 years I have steadily gained weight. I am excited about making new friends here and am always open to suggestions, support, or whatever else may help. :)
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm 53 but feel over 60 somtimes! lol
  • Rssblade
    Rssblade Posts: 46 Member
    Will be sixty in July, never thought I would get there, still might not, between Horse's and Motorcycles and being a loony albeit an overweight one..:bigsmile:
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    Sixty three here (on the outside). Englishman living in France - see my profile.

    Feel free to friend me. That goes for all respondents here.

    There is also a group "60 Years Old And Over" that you might like to look at
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I am 62 and need to lose over 100 pounds. Over the past few years I have become quite good at coming up with excuses as to why I cannot lose weight, such as thyroid issues, bad back, past fractures, you name it. But the keyword there is "excuses" and I am tired of making excuses. I think, for me, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the total amount of weight I need to lose and I need to stop doing that. My goal is to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. I became a widow when I was 44 years of age and over the last 18 years I have steadily gained weight. I am excited about making new friends here and am always open to suggestions, support, or whatever else may help. :)

    When I had 70 pounds to lose I felt totally overwhelmed by the number. I had to keep telling myself, I didn't gain it in a month so I can't expect to lose it in a month, either! I made small goals for myself... 10 pounds at a time. When I hit those goals I rewarded myself in some way... an overnight somewhere or a new shirt... never food rewards. It took over a year but I lost the entire 70 and kept it off for 5 years. In the last two years I regained 17 pounds and found my blood glucose levels had crept up and that was my wake up call. I've now lost 18 pounds with two more to get to my ultimate goal of 115 pounds (I'm 5'1"). It's not easy losing at our age... metabolism slows down, things hurt that didn't used to... It's hard, but not impossible! Set those mini goals for yourself and give it your best! Don't use the list of excuses let you talk yourself out of it! If you can't run 5 miles, try walking 1/2 mile (or whatever you can manage to start). BABY steps will get you there as long as they're steps forward!
  • Keith,

    You are all welcome to join us.
  • dsr315 I just started too. Having nothing to do with it being a new year, I always seem to do better in the winter. We can do this. DEB
  • GIMOM66
    GIMOM66 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the info! Have you had good luck with Atkins? I still need to eat fruit and veggies just in smaller amounts. I will check out their site tho Thanks ! It's nice to know there are others needing to lose weight at our age. Happy to have you as a friend.
  • Hi, I'm 61 and am going to try (again) to lose weight. I'm going to try the Atkins which may work for me because I'm not much of a pasta & bread eater. I am a full time legal asst. and get home after 6 p.m. so my biggest "excuse" is why I don't exercise. I have every exercise DVD out there so I have variety, I have a pilates DVD as well. But I am determined to make the time at least three days a week. I may have to use Sat. & Sun, but if that's what gets me going.

    I'm very happy to see that I'm not alone in the wanting & having to lose weight over 60 dept. It would be great to make friends going through the same thing.
  • KatieLou1022
    KatieLou1022 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey Y'all ... I'm way over 60 and just joined. I have my 50th high school class reunion coming in 2014. I'm determined to be close to my graduation weight by then.

    Katie Lou
  • MaryPhilomena
    MaryPhilomena Posts: 31 Member
    I am 60 - if you log in every day, have an open diary and love interacting I would love to here from you.