Hungover from Taco Bell?!?

I used to eat Taco Bell w/ my hubby all the time when we were in college and clearly that is where a lot of my weight gain came from....Now whenever we go I eat from the Fresco menu with the occasional cheesy bean and rice burrito......

WELL last night I went whole hog and I got a grilled stuffed burrito AND some nachos. I wouldn't have blinked an eye about it in the past but I felt GROSS last night. I tried to compensate by drinking an extra 40 oz of water and doing an hour of light stepping in my living room....

Welp, I have learned that once you go clean, you can't go back!!

I woke up this morning with a headache, dehydrated (after drinking almost 130 oz of water yesterday!) and up 2.9 lbs for my weekly weigh in!!

Good bye Taco Bell......I thought I missed you, but clearly I was wrong. In the end, you didn't even taste that good and CLEARLY it wasn't worth it!


  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I can relate - although mine was Subway. I had to have a quick bite between running youth praise band rehearsal and then them singing during service. My husband had run by Subway and got me a meatball sub. I didn't know if it was because I had to eat it so quickly (only had about 5 min to eat) or because of what it was, but I felt gross all night and this morning.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I had a similar experience with a Krispy Kreme donut this morning. It just tasted gross. I was slightly disappointed until i realized this is a good problem to have! Shouldn't be fueling my body with garbage anyway.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    That happened to me recently too, except at Burger King. I was on a last minute road trip so we hit the drive through and I succumbed to hunger. Oh never again! I felt horrible all evening and couldn't go to bed I felt so sick.

    Guess we both learned that fast food is really horrible for you! I can't believe I used to eat so much of it.
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    Ya...I'm the same way......I get violently ill eating junk....and it's much too irritating to even bother doing it!
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    hear hear!!

    Im the same way, I think it's because this crap is actually like poison to our bodies. All of the phosphates and sodium, hydrogenated fats and vegetable oils, not to mention sub-standard processed beyond plastic "meat"
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've realized that I can't really eat Dunkin Donut donuts anymore... I had a delicious chocolate creme filled on 2 weeks ago, and then felt ill for the rest of the afternoon. It's definitely our bodies telling us to get back on track pronto! Lollll
  • empiremom
    empiremom Posts: 52
    i am so glad i am not alone! i hate the feeling of sickness after the trip that is supposed to be convenient!

    i wont eat there again either! and my kids are there now daughter (she's 12) went to taco bell with her friends and was so sick when she got home...she said "mom never again...even if it is free!"
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I totally agree.

    I feel really ill today after I went for Chinese Buffet last night. Soooooo not worth it!! (I never thought I'd be the one saying that!) :sick:
  • kkvz79
    kkvz79 Posts: 11 Member
    You are SO not alone!!! I have lost over 30 lbs. by cutting most ALL of my fast food including my beloved Taco Bell. Yesterday while my mom and I were out shopping for new clothes to fit my shrinking body, we stopped for Taco Bell. Of course, the bad day didn't stop there. I got that stupid thought "Well, I screwed up now. Might as well go all out". Then, had chinese food for dinner and snacked on 2 pieces of pizza at 9pm. This morning...... I have a total food hangover! My stomach is upset, my head hurts and I can't seem to get enough to drink. I'm rather disappointed in myself.

    I agree with your thought - Once you go clean you can never go back!!

    Hang in there!!
  • sweetrevenge
    On an up note......Go you for over 16 glasses of water. So lesson learned, good for you for recognizing it!!:wink:
  • salyha01
    salyha01 Posts: 36 Member
    Oi Taco Bell does this to me time and time again, it is the only fast food that I have even touched in about 6 years and still without fail every time I'm on US soil I cause my body pain and agony... I always say never again, maybe I keep going back because of the odd comfort in knowing that my body is still rejecting it...? Who knows
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    You probably overdosed like crazy on the sodium. Your body has this regulator that keeps your sodium to potassium ratio at a certain point (or tries to). When you overdose significantly like it seems you did...really there are only 2 good things to counteract it...water and tons of potassium to balance it out.