how often should i do my weigh in?

amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I don't want to do it too early and discourage myself if i don't see results!


  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    officially once a week. :flowerforyou:
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    The key is consistency in your routine . . . . I used to weigh myself weekly, every Friday, 530 am after I went to the bathroom and before I took a shower. Now I just do it the first of every month - in the am after I go to the bathroom and before I shower.

    I haven't really seen the scale budge and even weekly, I'd get discouraged. I started to get a little obsessive about it too . . . so I cut down to once a month. But it's a personal preference really.

    The tape measure is my weapon of choice these days.
  • afyfe
    afyfe Posts: 93
    I do once a week on Friday mornings.
  • kaylada89
    kaylada89 Posts: 38 Member
    I started 3 weeks ago now first i was obsessed with weigh-In but now a have choosen to do it onthe same date at the end of each month. Depends on each individual. I have also chosen to take measurements at the same time. Good Luck!!
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    It all depends on your preference. I weigh myself everyday. I don't freak out over small fluctuations is my weight. I have to weigh myself everyday to keep myself in check and know what I have to do to fix something in my daily diet that isn't working for me. There have been studies that thin people weigh themselves everyday because it makes them accountable.

    Once again, it really is up to you.
  • I weigh in on Tuesday mornings, naked, before my shower......if the scale moves - yay.....if it doesn't - yay (just means that I have not gained anything):happy: Stay away from it during the week, cause it can go up and down - just be consistant. Good luck!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    The weight loss program I am prefers that if I weigh it all it should only every 6 weeks when I start a new phase of the program (there are 4 phases) the first phase I weighed frequently and I am now on the last few days of the 2nd phase and I have only weighed twice. My goal is to get where I only weigh once a month. It is all a matter of preference.
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    Once a week on weigh-in Wednesday....After I go to the bathroom, naked....:smile:
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Hello amillionmegs, at first in the first few weeks if you can not at all but once you put in a little time 1-2 a week. Remember in the beginning you will notice the weight coming off so really no need to check just let a little bit time of time go by.:-)
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    It all depends on your preference. I weigh myself everyday. I don't freak out over small fluctuations is my weight. I have to weigh myself everyday to keep myself in check and know what I have to do to fix something in my daily diet that isn't working for me. There have been studies that thin people weigh themselves everyday because it makes them accountable.

    Once again, it really is up to you.

    I'm the same way, I step on the scale every morning just to see whats going on. I actually log my weight (and save it on the scale) every sunday morning. After a restroom break.

    Always naked.

    Not even the wedding ring.
  • lrmoore13
    lrmoore13 Posts: 16
    Weigh yourself everyday. Only record your weight when you weigh lower than your last recorded weight. If you go 7 or more days without recording a new weight, you are doing something wrong.

    Weighing yourself once a week can be very disappointing. Your designated weigh day may catch you at a low weight one week and a high weight the next just due to normal fluctuations. It could easily say that you have gained pounds when that may not be the case, your timing was just off. My weight fluctuates 2-5 pounds a day depending on water, exercise, caloric consumption, etc. Looking at the scale first thing in the morning is a small piece of motivation to stay on track during the day.
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I weigh-in every Wednesday morning and I've had a steady downward trend so far! (:bigsmile: )

    I also take my body fat and muscle mass percentages and my measurements once a month too!

    Seeing my body fat decrease and my muscle mass increase gives me more of a boost than seeing my weight decrease actually, so I'd definately recommend tracking your measurements, body fat and muscle mass too if you can!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sibach
    sibach Posts: 24
    Weigh yourself everyday. Only record your weight when you weigh lower than your last recorded weight. If you go 7 or more days without recording a new weight, you are doing something wrong.

    Weighing yourself once a week can be very disappointing. Your designated weigh day may catch you at a low weight one week and a high weight the next just due to normal fluctuations. It could easily say that you have gained pounds when that may not be the case, your timing was just off. My weight fluctuates 2-5 pounds a day depending on water, exercise, caloric consumption, etc. Looking at the scale first thing in the morning is a small piece of motivation to stay on track during the day.

    I like this idea! I also weigh myself daily but normally record on Wednesday morning.
  • Beleau
    Beleau Posts: 143
    Once a week...on the same day...first thing in the morning...
  • johndep22
    johndep22 Posts: 1 Member
    Not more than once a week... if you are on a longer term fitness/weight control program, once every other week is probably best, as you are less likely to be exposed to freaky fluctuations or plateaus. The numbers should continue to trend a certain way.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I actually would advocate twice a week if you have traditional weekends like most of us. That way you get a chance before the weekend to see your progress and another chance right after to see where you are at again (can help keep you honest from cheating too much on weekends).
  • As stated before, It's really your preference. But I weigh myself every morning after I use the bathroom and before I take a shower. The reason I weigh myself every day is because it motivates me to know where I am and if I am making progress or not. I like the scale many ppl don't and thats why they rarely weigh them selves. But my logic is why wait to weigh your self once a month by then you may not know what cause the change in weight that you see. I need to know each day am I making progress and so far so good. If the scale goes up I know I need to change some things I did yesterday! If it goes down I know I'm on the right track! Good Luck!!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    I actually would advocate twice a week if you have traditional weekends like most of us. That way you get a chance before the weekend to see your progress and another chance right after to see where you are at again (can help keep you honest from cheating too much on weekends).

    that's what I do. =)

    I also take my measurements once a month. They help you see results when the scale becomes slow moving.
  • amillionmegs
    amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
    I am so impressed with all of the support this website has! thanks so much for all of your input. I've decided that I'll regularly check daily to see if I'm on track or not but only record my weight loss once a week! Thanks for all the great advice! :)
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I actually would advocate twice a week if you have traditional weekends like most of us. That way you get a chance before the weekend to see your progress and another chance right after to see where you are at again (can help keep you honest from cheating too much on weekends).

    that's what I do. =)

    I also take my measurements once a month. They help you see results when the scale becomes slow moving.

    looks like we follow the same logic for sure! I do measurements once a month also :)
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