Calories in Cocktails

Pina Colada (6 oz): 378 calories
Mojito (8 oz): 214 calories
Cosmopolitan (4 oz): 200 calories
Chocolate martini: (2 oz each vodka, chocolate liqueur, cream, 1/2 oz creme de cacao, chocolate syrup): 438
Margarita (8 oz): 280
Green apple martini (1 oz each vodka, sour apple, apple juice): 148
Martini (2.5 oz): 160
Port wine (3 oz):128
Bloody Mary (5 oz): 118
Red wine (5 oz):120
White wine (5 oz): 120
Alcohol-free wine (5 oz): 20-30
Beer (12 oz): 150-198
Light beer (12 oz): 95-136
Ultra-light beer (12 oz): 64-95
Champagne (5oz): 106-120
Coffee liqueur (3 ounces): 348
Godiva chocolate liqueur (3 oz): 310
Wine spritzer (5 oz): 100
Eggnog with rum (8 ounces): 370
Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps (8 oz): 380
Hot buttered rum (8 oz): 292
Spiced cider with rum ( 8 oz):150
Mulled wine (5 oz): 200
Vodka and tonic (8 oz): 200
Screwdriver (8 oz): 190
Mimosa (4 oz): 75
Gin and tonic (7 oz): 200
Long Island iced tea (8 oz): 780
White Russian (2 oz vodka, 1.5 oz coffee liqueur, 1.5 oz cream): 425
Mai Tai (6 oz) (1.5 oz rum, 1/2 oz cream de along, 1/2 oz triple sec, sour mix, pineapple juice): 350
Rum and Coke (8 oz): 185
Rum and Diet Coke (8 oz): 100
Mike's Hard Lemonade (11 oz): 98


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Long Island iced tea (8 oz): 780

    OMG! I used to drink a few of those in a night in college. Looks like I'm really sticking to rum and diet cokes now. Good lordy that's alot of calories!
  • fitzio1015
    fitzio1015 Posts: 168
    Holy Crap...i used to drink long islands ice teas when i went out...... 780 calories.... i won't say how many i used to drink but ill give you a hint.... so many calories that it would be more than me and my husband would be allowed for a day... God no wonder i am 70 lbs over weight.,.... that is like a weekend of

    Good times good times.....
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    1oz of light rum (barcadi) has 60 cal for an the 100 calorie drink (rum and diet) for 1 1/2 oz shot? In an 8oz glass that's a strong drink! For me anyway! :drinker:
  • stepha2707
    When I know I'm gonna drink a couple cocktails (or beers) I just make sure I get in a really good workout earlier that day then I don't feel guilty about drinking 400!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I wish I liked rum :(

    I used to have a lot more casual drinks in the evening, I've cut all my weeknight drinking :( I save it all up for cheat night! LOL
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Oh and what is the culprit in Long Island Ice Tea's that make it so high in calories (just curious)?
  • nicolel18
    nicolel18 Posts: 17
    Long island ice teas have 5 different liquors in them plus sour mix and a few splashes of has about 60 calories per shot and tequila has about 90 so if you figure that the other 3 liquors will have about as much calories as vodka and then add in the sour mix and the coke there is all your calories....I read that sour mix has about 90 calories per 4 oz. Depending on how its made there could be more than one shot of each liquor in there which tacks on calories.
  • yogamazinglife
    yogamazinglife Posts: 29 Member
    adding for the beer/ale drinkers...

    Pint of Guiness Draught 210
    Pint of Guiness Stout 170
    Pint of Bitter 200
    Pint of Ale 4.5% ABV 220
    Pint of Ale 5.2% ABV 250
  • catlynna
    catlynna Posts: 7
    Hard alcohol, vodka, rum, gin etc.. all average about 100 calories an oz its the mix that puts the majoirty of the calories into the drink so stick to diet pop, soda water, water or diet tonic.. to keep your mix drinks in check... if you are trying to lose weight remember alcohol burns before fat so anything you drink is what your body will burn first.before any fat or carbs.

    Forget liquers like kahlua etc.. those are loaded with sugar.. in the states.. there is flavored rum made with splenda and don't forget skinny girl margaritas... of course we don't have either of those options yet in Canada.

    like with anything else moderation is the key... good luck everyone... :)
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Great to have the chart listing several choices. I know my KIllian's has alot mroe calories than a light beer, but since it is so worthit, I just make sure to budget my calories for pure enjoyment. I do like other cocktails on occasion and it's nice to see where they stack up on the damage meter! :laugh:
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Holy cow. BTW - I looked up Strawberry daiquiris on here because (being from Louisiana) I love my daiquiris. Yeh... a 20 oz (which is "small" most places here) is 1123 calories! Holy cow! No wonder I need to lose weight.

    Rum and diet coke it is.

    I've also made mojitos at home with fresh limes, mint, rum and diet cherry 7Up. Very tasty.
  • jtenbensel
    jtenbensel Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah--I like Vodka and Diet--which is about 60-90 calories--depending on how big your drink is--!! :) hehe
    Also--I really like Mich Ultra--which has 73 cal/bottle or Bud Select 55--which is only 55 calories but seems to be watered down a tad!! :0