Back Again... *sigh*

Well I'm here again on MFP and this time IT'S SERIOUS. I started the 365 challenge on 1/1/13 - working out everyday for 365 days, even if it is just finding 10 minutes to walk. So far, so good, I'm only on day 7. :tongue: Hardest part of working out is GETTING UP!!! Looking for some friends for motivation; if you need motivation too add me and we can help each other :happy: !!


  • rachmatt
    LOL... I'm on here for the 2nd time as well!!! I gained a few pounds (blah) and realize that I have to get back to where I was and much more. I want to get pregnant but told myself that I have to lose at least 30 lbs before I do! Good luck to you! I forgot how easy MFP made it for you.