Anyone else do home work-outs?

I am a home work-out girl-I walk (sometimes run) and do push ups and sit ups. I have an old elliptical that I sometimes hop on but I am recovering from a high ankle sprain a couple weeks ago and cannot really do that without pain yet.

I do not work out at home by choice. I am dirt poor and cannot afford to join a gym; at present I cannot even really afford to go out and buy fitness DVDs.

So my questions is this-does anyone have any creative things that they do at home?


  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    I haven't joined a gym. I did mostly home workout DVD's. Try going to your local library and checking some out.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    There's lots of stuff on YouTube and a lot of cable packages have a fitness channel that will have different workout shows.
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    Youtube has a lot of great workouts. blogilates is great!
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    I used to use water bottles as weights and follow Zuzanna Light's workouts on youtube. (@zuzkalight) She makes a workout a week and a lot of them are no equipment and the ones that use equipment it's usually a chair and some weights (use water bottles).

    Also you can get Jillian's 30 Day Shred on youtube as well! All you need is weights/water bottles. & it's a GREAT system, I'm doing Ripped in 30 right now and it feels awesome.
  • wajda79
    I try to walk 5-6 miles 3-4 times a week (winternow, so more difficult) and I also do Jillian Michaels 90 Day Body Revolution, and just bought 30 day Shred. I've lost 30# since I began my journey.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    PBS has some early morning shows... The steps around/in your home can be a great workout tool... if no steps make one and put it in front of the TV and just start stepping in front of the TV... squats are another awesome workout... use your body weight to your advantage and use it to lose it! Two heavy stock pots of the same size would work to step up on... also make an ok pushup platform... hands on until you can go flat and then it becomes a place to put your feet... Don't think of the things around your home as stuff look for a way to try to workout/burn calories with it. Some really good for you cheap foods include dry lentils and beans with some brown rice... Not too expensive if bought in bulk. Throw in some onions. Grow a garden, another good exercise and you get some awesome produce also. Eggs are another cheap but often maligned food. Really good as long as cholesterol is not a major concern. Good luck! You can succeed! Feel free to add me if you'd like to...
  • plcowner
    plcowner Posts: 106 Member
    Absolutely. I had a gym membership but I let it expire knowing I would be working out at home. I'm also a runner and do most of my runs during lunch.

    I have a heavy bag (the kind the base is filled with water or sand) and a small number of weights. I punch and kick the bag plus I just mix in burpees, pushups, situps, ballkicks, jumping jacks, planks, squats etc.

    Makes for a great one hour workout.
  • aortiz1112
    There are quite a few workouts on youtube, the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred levels 1-3 and some of her yoga videos as well, that I use frequently....
    I also have a wii, that I found on in my area that I use regularly with wii fitness, I run back and forth between my living room and kitchen, and use soup cans as weights....
    Not sure where you live, but people are always getting rid of exerise equipment and dvd's/videos on craigslist and are not always brand new, but in good condition.....
    The library is also a great resource for information and usually they have some good exercise/workout dvd's/videos....
    Good luck