30 day shred..anyone ever try it?

Last year I had started off strong with losing weight, until 2 emergency surgeries set me back. Excited to get back on track, anyone out there tried the 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels? I made it the first 2 weeks then had my surgeries. Look forward to hearing from you!:happy:


  • sljohn84
    sljohn84 Posts: 107 Member
    Yes ive tried it, I lasted a week...its rough! good luck :)
  • The first 2 weeks killed me..LOL Im a little intimidated to try it again
  • MissTD
    MissTD Posts: 40
    Hi... Im on day 6. I love it!! Legs feel great and I actually feel stronger in my arms. No pain, no gain right?!! Dont give up.
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member

    I am on day 4 right now actually. Loving it!
  • Thats awesome! Its a great program..a little nervous to get back into it. lol
  • It worked for the first 2 weeks I did it..I am ready to get back into it. Jillian is a machine! lol
  • mrsmol37
    mrsmol37 Posts: 23 Member
    I started it last summer. I got through phase 1, then left on vacation and never went back. I'm going to start it again, tomorrow. I LOVE IT! The first few days are hard for me, but then I get into the routine and I really like it. I didn't see any big weight loss, but after those 10 days, I felt stronger.
  • I started it last week. Absolutely love it. But then I need something to kick my butt into gear and she gives no grace Her phrase: "You gotta fight for it" keeps going around and around in my mind. I had emergency back surgery in June - so I understand it's tough getting back into a routine. Good luck!
  • mininipuce
    mininipuce Posts: 50 Member
    Starting it tonight! Can't wait!
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    i did it, completed it, and loved it! lost 12lbs!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Yes I love it! I did it for the 30 days in August this past summer. I lost 6 lbs and 10 inches. I did Ripped in 30 in September and had similar results. I have since bought 4 more of her DVDs and rotate them 4-5 days a week along with 2 ballet classes per week and P90X every now and then. I've lost 25lbs and many inches! Jillian is the best!
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    It worked for the first 2 weeks I did it..I am ready to get back into it. Jillian is a machine! lol

    Add me if you need some motivation to keep going once you start it!
  • tina_belg
    tina_belg Posts: 36 Member
    I started today. Finished the first day of level 1 an hour ago. It was hard, but I managed to complete the workout. I'm kinda proud of myself. I hope to be able to keep it up for those 30 days!
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I will be doing Day 3 of Level 2 tonight. Am I sore? Absolutely. Do I like it? No. Does it work? YES! Will I continue? Without a doubt as it's well worth the pain.

    It will kick your *kitten* ... but it will do what is needed if you stick with it.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I did it about 3 mths ago, my 2 daughters challenged me to do it, they quit one after level 1 and the other mid way between level 2 , I finished it....YEAH me.....I loved it . I only lost a few lbs doing it but i did lose some inches and felt much stronger and I felt good about sticking to an exercise routine. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a good workout
  • titi4j
    titi4j Posts: 97 Member
    I haven't done it and I am totally sedentary with some back issues. So, I did some online research and found a Jillian Michaels For Begginers. I think I'm going to get it and try it out.
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    Did day 13 today. Loving it but looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. I've put on about a pound since starting but have lost cms and my legs are looking much more defined. My endurance and recovery times have also improved rapidly.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I've read a lot about it, but have no direct experience. From what I have read, I have decided it's not for me. Here's the "reader's digest" version -

    Lots of people have had tremendous amounts of success on the program, losing lots of weight, and going on to great success in other more advanced programs.

    A small, but seemingly statistically relevant, number of people have had horrific problems, from serious knee injuries to back injuries. It seems Ms. Michaels moves very quickly between each move, and that while she espouses proper form, leaves little time to actually achieve it. Perhaps if she were in your living room and able to correct your form quickly, this would be ok. But she's not, and there is no feedback loop to keep you on course.

    Of course, this is the same risk as any unguided workout, but the combination of high speed, high intensity, and bad form seems a recipe for disaster if you ask me. The fact that I already have knee problems was enough for me to conclude that the risk was too high.
  • lpm7628
    lpm7628 Posts: 2 Member
    I love most of her videos... in particular the kettle bell video. I had already done 30 day shred and foolishly thought I could do a 5lb kettle bell. Ouch! But my arms look fabulous! :)
  • Yes I have done the 30DS and loved it! I completed last spring. I lost about 7 lbs and several inches all over. It really gave me quite the kickstart to my weightloss and put me the right track to acheive my fitness goals.

    I spread it out a little by doing the workouts 5 days week; each level done 10 times. That worked for me because there were days I needed some recovery and by the 10th day I felt ready to move onto the next level. Since it was such a short workout (amazed by what JM packs in during that time!), I also worked in some extra cardio 3 days week. Jogging or brisk walking.

    Good luck to you!! Glad you are healthy and ready to get back into an exercixse routine!