Introducing myself

Hello everyone.

I am a 21 yr old from IL who is needing to lose weight desperately. I am 5'10 and weighing in at 290lbs. I have always been heavy but 2013 is a new year & I am determined to lose weight. I work as a receptionist so not much movement throughout the day. I have gave up soda & have been drinking at least a gallon of water for the past couple days. Does anyone have any suggestions on things to do to get healthier? what is your favorite exercise, etc. Anything helps. Thanks! :)


  • KMAltig
    KMAltig Posts: 12 Member
    Hello and welcome, There is a ton of information on this site and some encouragement. Even a few laughs can be found. You need to start by finding what your TDEE is. MFP does that for you when you setup your information. It really is about diet and exercise. If you are tracking your calories honestly and are eating at a small deficiancy than what your body needs to maintain current wieght, then you will lose those lbs. getting to the gym or just going outside to exercise is the added benefit to be healthier.

    Good luck_