Pretty sure this is the opposite of success lmao TMI post

In November, I wore a 40DD... it is April.. tank top season and I finally have to guts to wear one, and of course, I now wear a 36B and freaking B.. I am almost positive this is the opposite of success.. lmao

Oh well down 55 lbs.. 14 to go and 13 weeks 6 days until my birthday.. WAHOO!


  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    LOL..It is success for you!!! WTG :) Cant wait till I can harness these dogs into a 36B LOL LOL..
  • JJs25th
    JJs25th Posts: 204 Member
    Why is the opposite of success? The important men in my life have always loved me for ME -- not the girls. And besides smaller girls droop less as we age. :wink:
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    Yup! I know all about that! I was a 36D now I am a 34B ;(
  • trin03
    trin03 Posts: 12
    wow! That is awesome for you!!! I felt the same way when I lost weight back in 2007...for some reason the boobs were the first to go (not what where I would have liked to lose weight from first!) but what can you do! Good job so far! Keep up the good work!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    =( I guess you guys are right.. I loved my big boobs tho =(

    They were my pride and joy.. lmao.. Now since I'm still in a large tank top, they don't fill it out enough =( lmao
  • lovingmyjaybird
    RIGHT! When I got pregnant I was in a C.. went up to a DD and was okay with that.. I'd even be okay with a C.. I'm so sad about a B tho'.. Thinking I might have to buy a padded bra to wear with my tank tops.. lmao
    wow! That is awesome for you!!! I felt the same way when I lost weight back in 2007...for some reason the boobs were the first to go (not what where I would have liked to lose weight from first!) but what can you do! Good job so far! Keep up the good work!
  • LycraLegs
    LycraLegs Posts: 62 Member
    My boobs are my faveorite thing about me right now, they are a delicious and full 34 JJ!
    I hate when I loose weight and they deflate :o(
    Im trading in the pert boobs with the spare tyres, cankles, chunky arms and extra chin! Aaagh the sacrifices we make!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Don't be so down about it!!! Smaller girls equal less back aches, being able to see AROUND yourself without moving your boob outta the way (lol I can't!), an easier time finding your size bra at the store!! I can't wait to be back in a C. I've jumped from a 38C to a 36D - which is good, I've lost around my ribcage, just not the girls yet... I don't mind big boobs, I just hate knowing I've gained a whole size from gaining weight through the years. It could be worse, I'm sure.

    Anyway...rejoice that you've lost somewhere, who cares where!!!
  • LosingLori
    Lucky YOU!!! I can NEVER seem to lose weight in that specific area....and I would LOVE to have less to sag!!!!! :ohwell:

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  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    OMG how are you girls doing it? I'm a 34 DD and I've lost weight before but I NEVER lose my boobs. I've love to go down to a C.
  • lovingmyjaybird
    LOL.. Mine didn't sag.. perfect DD's they were.. Of course they were probably supported by my belly fat lmao..

    I'm going to lose all this weight and need a tummy tuck for the extra skin and breast implants.. lmao.. just kidding of course
  • lovingmyjaybird
    LOL You are crazy.. but my boobs were mostly pregnancy weight!!!! So I think that's why it just fell off... =(
    OMG how are you girls doing it? I'm a 34 DD and I've lost weight before but I NEVER lose my boobs. I've love to go down to a C.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Yup! I know all about that! I was a 36D now I am a 34B ;(

    But 34B is the size that I seem to see all the cutest bras in! I feel like the only bras I find in anything above a C cup just screams "I am NOT messing around here!" Sorry, but I just can't feel sexy buying bras named "Olga" and "Maidenform" with giant straps and three clasps! (Not that they don't serve their purpose, just not quite as fun!)
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I can't wait to lose more! I would love to fit into a C.
  • lovingmyjaybird
    That's why I always shopped at Freddricks of Hollywood.. Fabulous store for overweight women, or just women with huge boobs.. I LOVED it.. I bet they don't even carry a B cup.. lmao..

    Yup! I know all about that! I was a 36D now I am a 34B ;(

    But 34B is the size that I seem to see all the cutest bras in! I feel like the only bras I find in anything above a C cup just screams "I am NOT messing around here!" Sorry, but I just can't feel sexy buying bras named "Olga" and "Maidenform" with giant straps and three clasps! (Not that they don't serve their purpose, just not quite as fun!)
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    Are you sure??? WOW:) Did you go get professionally sized at Victoria's secret or something? I am still my same size 50 lbs later..haha! I am so jealous....
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    Are you sure??? WOW:) Did you go get professionally sized at Victoria's secret or something? I am still my same size 50 lbs later..haha! I am so jealous....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    If your picture is current, those girls are definitely more than a B cup. Most women are wearing the wrong bra size. I know I am -- I can never find one that fits correctly no matter how many times I measure & do the sizing thing. :laugh: 38 C and D seem to fit me the best right now. Yet, with sports bras, even a 36 band feels too loose. :grumble: And, as you may be able to tell in my photos, my ladies are not very big at all. :wink:

    Also important to note, as band sizes go down, cup sizes go down relative to the band size. For example, the C cup in a 42C is LOT bigger than the C cup in a 36C.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I'd just like to say that if we were talking "grades" - a B is MUCH better than a D! LOL!

    Congrats on your weight loss... mine are getting smaller too... and I'm ever so thankful!
  • lovingmyjaybird
    I'm a certified bra fit specialist, I measured myself, in both forms and came out with the same result.. I may have been wearing the wrong size before.. but not by much