Sleep.. problems and solutions



  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Go see a doctor.
  • Taes_Hunt
    Taes_Hunt Posts: 41 Member
    I have been working in sleep medicine for 9 years, I have seen some cases like yours. I suggest you see a physician that is specialized in sleep medicine. You might have a underlining medical condition that causes this or have other serious sleep disorders. Either way you need to get checked out because lack of sleep can cause many medical problems.

    Having these issues for a few years now, I can tell its having an affect on my mental health, memory and motivation and such. As soon as we get insurance (takes almost 3 months to kick in :grumble: ) I am making an appointment.
  • tipadoo
    tipadoo Posts: 104 Member
    melatonin - it is awesome
  • heatherpg47
    heatherpg47 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm super thankful for all the tips. I do not have a TV in the room, just never wanted one in there. I will try a change in diet. I try not to drink caffine after lunch, I just usually do caffine free herbal teas, I am going to try y'all solutions.. if it doesnt work the dr.
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    There are a lot of sleep issues afoot: I have two co-workers that are chronically fatigued and can't sleep. Another is dealing with restless leg, one of my co-workers has sleep apnea and two of their spouses have the same problem. I have been dealing with sleep apnea for about a decade, but my weight loss has diminished the problem greatly. I hope to get rid of the C-PAP by the time I get to my weight goal.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Benadryl and Melatonin and I still don't sleep through the night. :grumble:

    I know I need to see a doctor about it, but I think I have a touch of narcolepsy as well as insomnia. I start dreaming immediately... sometimes before I'm even fully asleep. It's the staying asleep that's the problem for me.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I usually sleep okay, especially if I get some good aerobic exercise that day. Hubby's sleep patterns are non-existent, to the point that they are often debilitating. We have separate beds to minimize disturbing each other.
    And I cannot control my carb cravings if I have less than 6 hours a night! I'm just too tired to care.
    In fact, for all three of my pregnancies, I lost my pregnant weight within six weeks (overweight to start, so it wasn't hard), and then gained even more back as I spent months getting up all night with newborns!

    Things that help me:
    Bedtime routine (including warm shower/bath)
    Low sugar diet
    Occasional use of ibuprofen (for achy joints)
    Occasional use of benadryl as a sleep aid
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    In addition to the other suggestions (magnesium, no tv, exercise, watching what you eat), these things work in this house:

    - Limit time on the computer especially before bed.
    - Read a paper book (not on a kindle, since the backlighting might affect your ability to sleep) and not a magazine, unless it has LONG articles.
    - Warm milk with honey (if you're not intolerant)
    - No caffeine after 12pm including iced tea, coffee, large amounts of chocolate, soda
    - Being warm enough in bed (sounds silly, but some people can't sleep well if they're too cold.)
    - Chamomile tea (if you're not allergic) - Horniman's Manzanilla con miel is AMAZING

    Also beware of certain meds that might contain stimulants, such as Ephedra in some allergy meds or Caffeine in some headache meds.
  • healthylife56
    i exercise in the evening after work...i stay alert for some time but get real tired after like two trouble sleeping after a long day at work + exercising
  • healthylife56
    Oh and a nice warm bath right before bed also helps....
  • wannadance
    I've never really had sleep issues until recently.. I mean I'd have one day here or there, but about 2 months ago I had 5 days of disrupted sleep (mind wouldn't shut off - found it quite horrible) and ended up using herbal sleep-aid tablets to get back into a rythmn (those 5 days were bad enough - don't know that I could deal with it long term!). Last Thursday this freaking disrupted sleep started again - this time a co-worker suggested Melatonin (like others on here have) as the herbal tablet refused to work this time. Anyway, took it last night and had a much better sleep :) i mean i woke a few times but fell back asleep quickly and deeply which was nice… even woke a few times towards morning because I had been sleeping so long that I felt like I’d overslept the alarm… :) Will be taking them again tonight for sure!
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Options great for me and no side effects!
  • delekium
    delekium Posts: 40 Member
    actually.... swimming makes me sleepy.
  • sunburntcheeks
    There are a lot of sleep issues afoot: I have two co-workers that are chronically fatigued and can't sleep. Another is dealing with restless leg, one of my co-workers has sleep apnea and two of their spouses have the same problem. I have been dealing with sleep apnea for about a decade, but my weight loss has diminished the problem greatly. I hope to get rid of the C-PAP by the time I get to my weight goal.

    That sounds horrible - do you know if they've tried cognitive behavioural therapy? It's very likely it would help the first two of your co-workers. Sorry if this sounds salesy, but I work for a company selling a CBT-based course so am familiar with how effective CBT is in treating sleep problems. If they can't access face-to-face therapy or they find it too expensive, clinically proven online solutions work just as well (but only if they're clinically proven!). In case you want to get in touch, the one I work for is Sleepio.
  • heatherpg47
    heatherpg47 Posts: 211 Member
    At this point not drinking caffine after noon has helped. I also take an anti anxiety medication right before bed, so sleep has been coming a little easier lately. I just ordered the fitbit with the sleep traking.. well see if my sleep habits improve. Thanks for all the replies.
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    I've had sleep issues my whole life. I've tried every kind of supplement, gone to sleep clinics, seen specialists, naturopaths, therapists, hypnotists, etc... No luck so far.

    My biggest challenge is trying to not let it get in the way of my marriage. I get sooooo tired and tend to feel resentment when I'm awake at night and see my husband sleeping soundly. Trying not to take my frustration out on him.

    I just got a fitbit for Christmas and am obsessed with checking it first thing in the morning to see how well I slept. I love being able to track it.
  • Aitm20
    Aitm20 Posts: 92 Member
    I take ambien. So far its worked well. Haven't sleepwalked or binged yet. I took Tylenol PM for years before, makes me so lazy the whole next day.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Melatonin, GABA, and Magnesium are all supplements that will help you relax and fall asleep. Also, google resetting your circadian rhythym - lots of good tips and tricks.

    I like Magnesium the best, an hour or so before bed. I tend to have very vivid dreams, and melatonin and magnesium can make them super intense and a little weird, but magnesium much less so...