Need to lose 5 stone! EEK!

So basically I need to lose 5 stone so I have a comfortable BMI (at the moment it's 32). So i'm looking for friends with similar weight loss goals or anyone there to offer motivation...i.e someone following a similar journey.

Thanks :)


  • mairead287
    mairead287 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I also have 5 stone to lose! I'm 38 5'6" and weigh 230 at the moment, my aim is for 154 but obviously more would be great. What have you set your calorie goal for, this is the first time I've followed a calorie controlled diet and I hope I haven't over estimated my allowance at 1500. I'm also struggling to get myself motivated enough to start exercising, any suggestions welcome!
  • neilvv
    neilvv Posts: 146 Member
    You can do it, it's less than you think. I started in October wanting to lose 5 stone and i'm halfway there. This is a great site well done on starting and good luck!
  • mairead287
    mairead287 Posts: 11 Member
    Well done Neill, great to hear stories like yours, really motivates me into keeping going! I know I have will power when I need it because I quit a 40 a day smoking habit 10 years ago, cold turkey! I just need to break the bad habit of eating too much!
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Good luck!
    You'll do it in no time! I lost 81lbs sadly i've regained from being ill!
  • neilvv
    neilvv Posts: 146 Member
    Same as me i also quit smoking about 15 years ago but gained weight slowly since then. I have been promising myself i will lose weight for 10 years now, quite frustrating really but the key is to stop talking about it give yourself a kick up the backside and just do it no excuses. Good luck with your weight loss and well done for starting!
  • mairead287
    mairead287 Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry to hear you've been ill, hope you're on the mend and back on track now!
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    If I can do it anyone can!! Friend me if you want support!!
  • mairead287
    mairead287 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Neil, that's what I said to my partner, I've done enough talking now it's time for action!
  • flying_inside
    flying_inside Posts: 67 Member
    Well done Neill, great to hear stories like yours, really motivates me into keeping going! I know I have will power when I need it because I quit a 40 a day smoking habit 10 years ago, cold turkey! I just need to break the bad habit of eating too much!

    Whoa! That's super impressive. I've recently had to face my "lose a vice, gain a vice" mentality and working towards overall health, too. I highly recommend walking when you can as a nice start to exercising. I'm still trying to get myself motivated to doing more, but it's definitely been working for me until I gain the strength to do more.
  • plipsurt
    plipsurt Posts: 185 Member
    Hi I started back in August needing to lose 5 stones. Since then I have lost 2 of them :)
    I exercise mainly by walking (I try to do an hour a day) but have done Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (30DS) before too.
    Feel free to add me as a friend. The support here is amazing!
  • JL4987
    JL4987 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey, my original goal was 4 and a half stone (true goal will be more), Im at about one and a half loss which when writing it like this seems humungous haha but only took a few months which was doing it at a leisurely pace so just think you could be there in like 2 months and have taken almost 1/3 off your total goal not next month but the one after!

    I agree, though havent given up smoking, its a case of just telling yourself no and after a couple of weeks youll be so motivated by the great feeling/looser clothes/lower number on the scales that youll be happy denying yourself - giving yourself back the power over your diet and your future.

    Im happy if you want to add me as a friend but full disclosure, after my first milestone holiday I did go to maintaining for too long and Im not a gym bunny (lost access to equipment when I changed jobs in November/December) BUT I absolutely have to lose by April for a once in lifetime deadline (not for original goal just for as much as poss then carrying on after) so I have more determination than ever and I know I can do it.
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I've lost 6. You can do it!
  • emmad2
    emmad2 Posts: 59
    I'm in the same boat hun - currently weigh 232lbs and would ideally like to get down to 154lbs, if not a little more - it's gonna be a long, hard journey and I'm well aware of that but I have done it in the past so I know that with a lot of determination and support, I can get there and you will too - please feel free to add me as a friend if you want to :-) xx
  • ionafisher09
    Thanks for all your responses! Really motivational! I'm 13 stone and according to BMI I should be 9 stone...I'd be happy with 10stone but it seems so far away. The dailymail has been really selling this site though and everyone seems to be doing so well on it, so I have my fingers crossed :)
  • holleeglass
    Hey! I'm doing the same thing. I'm 20 and overweight no fun! I'll be your slimming buddy. Us girls need to stick together. X
  • brierl338
    brierl338 Posts: 2 Member
    I have just over 5 stone to lose, am going to join Rosemary Conley tomorrow. Am 49..........50 in May aarrgghh !! 5 ft 2 and 15st 10lbs (ish). Good luck x
  • joe2626
    joe2626 Posts: 123 Member
    5 stone sounds harder than it really is! I managed to lose 4 stone in just over a year with 2 stone left to go. The 2 biggest tips I can give you are:

    1) You won't achieve great, maintainable results without a combination of exercise and clean, calorie-controlled eating and
    2) Don't feel as if you need to 'buy into' these fad diets. Ultimately, weight-loss is due to a deficit in calories. If calories in > calories out, you'll shift the weight.

    All the best with the weight-loss, and take it from me, you can do it!
  • JadeBatmanMarie
    JadeBatmanMarie Posts: 16 Member
    I need to lose around the same too. I started the second week of January, this year i'm more determined than ever to do something about it!
  • Amunimum
    Amunimum Posts: 9 Member
    so am I, I have to lose 4 stone, lets do it all together. feel free to add me as friend .